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AbstractThe contemporary era, knowledge innovation and high-tech features of the rapid industrialization of obvious competition for talent heats up. Colleges and universities, as the cradle of knowledge innovation and talent, high-quality building of the contingent of teachers is particularly important. However, university teachers in China is still in the performance evaluation stage, has not risen to the true sense of the performance management phase, therefore, a scientific and rational system of university teachers in the establishment of performance management and improvement of optimizing management of university teachers and guide the healthy development of higher education since a key this paper, China's college teachers to problems in performance management as an entry point based on a university teacher performance management-related research background, research and the relevance of research situation analysis, outlines the performance management concepts, processes and methods; based on the domestic colleges and universities, from the implementation of teachers classified assessment, quantitative indicators and establishing the annual assessment and integrating cadre evaluation analyzed the status of performance management of teachers; and were summed up China's college teachers performance evaluation index system and performance management exist in questions such as: index system lacks a sound theoretical basis for goal-oriented assessment is not clear,Appraisal system is not perfect, focusing on performance appraisal, there is no performance management, lack of teacher participation, assessment both inequality. In the detailed characteristics of the teaching profession in colleges and universities, corporate performance management and evaluation of teachers based on the difference, according to objective management thinking from the university teacher performance plans, performance evaluation index system construction, the implementation of performance appraisal, performance feedback and application in constructed College teacher performance management system. Compared to the universal implementation of the domestic colleges and universitiesThe teacher evaluation system, teachers in colleges and universities in this paper to build performance management system has changed from a simple appraisal to performance management, change from passive to active participation in assessing the changes from an emphasis on teaching and research to take into account changes in services and morality of three change. This choice of a provincial college in Guangdong Province as an empirical analysis of the object A University. By a broadly representative survey obtained the following conclusions: Colleges and Universities at this stage the individual organization's goals and teachers are not in close working relationship, a new performance evaluation index system for the majority of teachers agree that teachers expect the teachers to achieve true performance , the article to build university teachers in the process of performance management system, a few inspiration, one should fully believe that all teachers; Second, attention should be paid than the other elements of performance appraisal; 3 should be emphasized that a sustained, comprehensive communication; 4 should be continuously adjusted performance management words: university teachers; performance management; performance evaluation; index system

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广东工业大学学位论文科技硕士(普通硕士)绩效管理的大学教师目录总结余摘要二内容三目录六第一章引言背景研究的意义丰富了绩效管理研究领域优化性能评价方法2高校教师大学教师绩效管理提供了两个参考模型文献回顾国外相关研究国内相关研究主要研究内容和方法主要研究内容主要研究方法7第8章绩效管理综述相关理论绩效管理的概念和过程性能绩效评估绩效管理考绩和绩效之间的关系管理绩效管理过程绩效管理办法 360度评估方法(360Feedbacks)对象管理法(MBO)在关键业绩指标法(KPI)的平衡记分卡法(BSC)的12第三章现状的绩效管理和问题的分析14中国的大学教师现状中国的高校教师绩效管理教师评价分类量化指标普遍建立年度评估和考察干部相结合中国公司在绩效评估指标体系问题的高校教师缺乏一个健全的15个理论基础目标导向不明确评价体系还不完善中国的大学教师的工作表现在16个管理问题绩效评估的重点,没有绩效管理教师的参与,缺乏评估双方的不平等17第四章18高校教师绩效管理体系系统,建立了基于思想和进程系统的18个基点系统的概念系统的进程性能的大学教师计划分析28职位绩效目标设定绩效计划引进绩效评价指标体系的高校教师大厦指标体系的37个原则测定38绩效评估指标评价指标的41个重配置实施高校教师绩效评价测定考绩周期,绩效评估方法,以确定高校教师绩效反馈,有51个应用教师绩效反馈教师绩效的应用52第五章高校教师绩效管理系统评估及其启示现有的教师评价制度和绩效管理制度,53个比较从简单的评价,绩效管理,改变53从被动在评估的积极参与53个变化从教学和研究的重点考虑服务和道德的变动绩效评估的评价和绩效管理制度54个指标体系基本信息问卷统计和分析调查问卷调查结果具有广泛代表性的55个建筑表现在启示录56过程管理系统应充分相信教师应注意考绩比56的其他内容应该强调的是持续的,全面的沟通业绩管理制度应不断调整57结论58参考文献59学位期间发表学术论文60原创性声明61谢谢62

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directoryShall I pickABSTRACT IIDirectory IIICONTENTS VIIntroduction to the first chapter research enriched performance management fieldGiven the college teachers optimize performance assessment provides reference for university teachers' performance management mode 2130 review 3Foreign related research status quo domestic research situationThe main research contents and methods of main research contents research methodsChapter 8 of performance management theory overviewThe concept of performance management and process8 performance performance performance appraisal and performance managementPerformance management process and management method and method for ammeters 360 degrees 360Feedbacks (11) administration (MBO) 11 goalsThe key performance index method ( kpis) BSC (BSC) 12The third chapter of our university teachers, analyzed the current situation and problems of performance managementOur college teachers performance management situationFor teachers' evaluation and classification of index system to establish authorizationsThe annual examination and appraisal end combining 15Our college teachers performance evaluation index system problems existed in 15The lack of a solid theoretical basis goal orientation is not clearIncomplete assessment systemOur university teachers' performance of the existing problems in the management of 16Performance assessment, and no attention performance managementLack of teachers' participation, appraisal both inequality 17The fourth chapter of university teachers' performance management system of system for process, ideas and system for system constructing thought system construction college teachers performance plan, 282 the job performance performance planning university teachers' performance evaluation indicator systemThe principle of this index system constructionThe performance evaluation index determined assessment indexes weights allocation 41Performance evaluation implementing college teachersThe performance evaluation period determined performance evaluation methods of college teachers' performance feedback and application of performance feedback 51The application of 52 performanceThe fifth chapter of university teachers' performance management system of assessment and enlightenmentThe original teacher evaluation system and comparison of performance management systemFrom the simple to the performance evaluation transformation of managementFrom passive to active assessment in from teaching and scientific research to emphasize both service and transformation of virtuePerformance evaluation index system and evaluation of performance management systemThe basic situation of questionnaire analysis and statisticsSurvey results have extensive representative construct performance management system in the process of enlightenmentTeachers should fully believe should attach importance to the outside of the performance evaluation of other should emphasize continued, communication should constantly adjust of performance management systemConclusion 5859 referencesThe degree of academic papers published during 60Original statement 61To thank 62 好了 你看看把!

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