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首页 > 学术期刊 > 空调专业毕业论文的中英文翻译

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和大家一起学中央空调中常用的英语词汇空调、制冷词汇 电源软线Powersupplycord X连接TypeXattachment Y连接TypeYattachment Z连接TypeZattachment I类器具ClassIappliance 正常负载Normalload 气候类别Climatetype 塑料件Plasticpart 无纺布(Adhesive-bonded)fabric(括号内可不写) 毛毡Felt 内部结构Internalstructure 流线型Streamline 特点(性)Features 数据Data 性能参数Specifications 诊断Diagnostic 产品Product 图纸Drawing 技术文件Technicalfile 尺寸Dimension 技术要求Technicalrequirement 长度Length 宽度Width 超薄Ultra-thin 系列Series 保护装置Protectiondevices 纠正Correct(Correction) 更改Modification(Modify) 编制Compile 标准化Standardize 校对Lookthrough 工艺Technology(Workmanship) 审核Check 审定Examineandapprove 批准Approve 签名Signature(Sign) 日期Date 爆炸图Assemblydrawing 组件Components 零件Parts 结构Structure 厂商Manufacturer 认证资料Approvedinformation 附录Attachment 方案Procedure 标题栏Underline 明细栏Specificationlist 高度Height 直径Diameter 公差Tolerance 型号Model 型号标识Modelmark 图样目录Index 文件目录Indexoffiles 汇总表Specificationslist 自制件Self-makingpart 外协件Cooperationpart 外购件Purchasedpart 用户档案Filesofconsumer 项目Item 外形尺寸Outlinesanddimensions 控制系统Controllingsystems 功能Function 液晶显示Liquidcrystalindicate 加工工艺Machineworkmanship 装饰Decoration 装配质量Assemblyquality 抗干扰Immunity 机械制图Mechanicdrawing 标准件Stardandparts 总装Generalassembly 工艺总结Summaryoftechnologicalwork 喇叭口Outletwithflare 检汛Leakagetest 防潮Moistureresistance 工艺性Technologicalefficiency 工艺性审查Reviewoftechnologicalefficiency 可加工性Machinability 生产过程Productionprocess 工艺过程Process 序号Itemno. 代号Codeno. 名称Description 规格Standards 页数Pageno. 备注Remarks 以莱特Electra 幅面Size 工艺文件Technologicaldocumentation 工艺路线Processroute 工艺设计Processdesign 工艺要素Processfactor 工艺规范Processspecification 工艺参数Processparameter 工艺准备Processpreparationofproduction 工艺设备Manufacturingequipment 生产纲领Productionprogram 生产类型Typeofproduction 生产批量Productionbatch 生产周期Productioncycle 原材料Rawmaterial 主要材料Primarymaterial 辅助材料Auxiliarymaterial 工件Workpiece 在制品Work-in-process 半成品Semifinishedproduct 成品Finalproduct 合格品Conformingproduct 不合格品Non-conformingproduct 废品Scrap 焊接Welding 热处理Heattreatment 表面处理Surfacetreatment 机械加工Machining 装配Assembly 工序Operation 安装Install 基准Datum 工艺孔Auxiliaryhole 工艺尺寸Processdimension 尺寸链Dimensionchain 加工精度Machiningaccuracy 表面粗糙度Surfaceroughness 夹具Jigsandfixtures 模具Mould 弯管Pipebending 扩口Flaring 缩口Necking 去毛刺Deburring 除锈Rustremoval 清洗CleaningAnd which companies products r u looking for?I am at school and cannot type Chinese I am sorry. I will try to help when I got homeGood luck

189 评论



223 评论


我给你吧 上维基百科啊 Central air conditioningCentral air conditioning, commonly referred to as central air (.) or air-con (UK), is an air conditioning system which uses ducts to distribute cooled and/or dehumidified air to more than one room, or uses pipes to distribute chilled water to heat exchangers in more than one room, and which is not plugged into a standard electrical a typical split system, the condenser and compressor are located in an outdoor unit; the evaporator is mounted in the air handler unit. With a package system, all components are located in a single outdoor unit that may be located on the ground or air conditioning performs like a regular air conditioner but has several added benefits:When the air handling unit turns on, room air is drawn in from various parts of the building through return-air ducts. This air is pulled through a filter where airborne particles such as dust and lint are removed. Sophisticated filters may remove microscopic pollutants as well. The filtered air is routed to air supply ductwork that carries it back to rooms. Whenever the air conditioner is running, this cycle repeats continually. Because the central air conditioning unit is located outside the home, it offers a lower level of indoor noise than a free-standing air conditioning unit. 网站我发布出来 从来 维基百科的网站在百度知道里都发不出来,太小气了,我消息发给你

283 评论



89 评论


毕业论文的英文翻译是thesis,音标是英 [ˈθi:sɪs]   美 [ˈθisɪs]  。


1、There is no empirical evidence to support his thesis.


2、How well does this thesis stand up to close examination?


3、He has finished his thesis.


4、She's finished writing her thesis.


5、Please write an abstract of this article 〔 thesis 〕.


The article has a clear-cut thesis and arguments, but lacks reasoning.


275 评论


air conditioner

202 评论


air conditioner就是空气调节器

338 评论



307 评论


  • 空调专业毕业论文的中英文翻译

    和大家一起学中央空调中常用的英语词汇空调、制冷词汇 电源软线Powersupplycord X连接TypeXattachment Y连接TypeYa

    Hexe留恋不往 8人参与回答 2023-12-07
  • 英专翻译毕业论文

    你要是找国淘论文写作,就不会出现这种问题了好不好?1.题名规范 题名应简明、具体、确切,能概括论文的特定内容,有助于选定关键词,符合编制题录、索引和检索的有关原

    杂草公主/yl 8人参与回答 2023-12-07
  • 英专翻译毕业论文答辩


    奈奈fighting 6人参与回答 2023-12-07
  • 英语专业毕业论文翻译别人的

    原则上是不行的 。原则上是自己翻译。

    嘟嘟的Daddy 7人参与回答 2023-12-11
  • 英语专业翻译毕业论文

    你要是找国淘论文写作,就不会出现这种问题了好不好?1.题名规范 题名应简明、具体、确切,能概括论文的特定内容,有助于选定关键词,符合编制题录、索引和检索的有关原

    列那的小屋 9人参与回答 2023-12-06