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2005年5月3日 星期二 天气 晴 昨天下午,我们坐了约六个小时的汽车,从北京来到了承德——一个园林面积比城市面积大的城市。 大家都知道承德以避暑山庄而闻名,去承德当然要去看看避暑山庄。 今天我起了个早床,匆匆吃完早饭后便同家人们一起来到了避暑山庄。 避暑山庄是一个皇家行宫,是皇帝用来避暑、练兵和打猎的地方,它共分为三大部分:一是山峦区,也就是从前皇帝打猎的地方,我们是坐环山车上去的,那里的视野很好,使我看到了整个承德市区;二是湖区,这个湖区里有着世界上最短的河——热河;三是平原区,这就是皇帝办公的位置了,在平原区我看到了东宫遗址、侧宫等景点,使我满心欢喜! 但令我印象最深地还是要数烟雨楼了!远看,烟雨楼显得非常文静,恬雅,如果把她比喻成少女,一定就要把她归为秀气那一类型;近看,烟雨楼内青莲拥簇,树木成林,红柱绿瓦,如果把它比喻成少年,这时的烟雨楼一定要把他归为成熟、稳重那一类型;登上烟雨楼,俯视楼下,看到的又是一番不同的景象,清澈的湖面上有着烟雨楼的倒影,若隐若现,使人感觉飘飘欲仙。 而且在烟雨楼旁,我还扮演了一次“还珠格格”呢! 爸爸妈妈给我租了一套“还珠格格”的衣服,我穿上它,照了照镜子,还真有点像“还珠格格”呢!从烟雨楼走出来我对着爸爸的摄像机镜头做了一个清代格格行礼的动作,还恭恭敬敬地朝着爸爸喊了一声:“皇上好”呢! 我还听说电视连续剧《还珠格格》曾经在这里拍过!难道与我在这里扮演“还珠格格”是一种暗合?!…… 夕阳西下,我们一家人要回宾馆了,我依依不舍地又回头看了看避暑山庄。 (我在承德还游览了双塔山和普宁寺……)

89 评论


The Mountain Resort in Chengde (Chinese: 避暑山庄; pinyin: Bìshǔ Shānzhuāng; literally: Mountain Resort for Avoiding the Heat; Manchu: Halhūn be jailara gurung) or Ligong (Chinese: 离宫; pinyin: Lígōng, the Qing Dynasty's summer palace) situated in the city of Chengde in Hebei Province, China, is the world's largest existing imperial between 1703 and 1792, the Mountain Resort took 89 years to complete. It covers a total area of km�0�5, almost half of Chengde's urban area. It is a vast complex of palaces and administrative and ceremonial buildings. Temples of various architectural styles and imperial gardens blend harmoniously into a landscape of lakes, pastureland and Kangxi, Qianlong and Jiaqing Emperors often spent several months a year here to escape the summer heat in the capital city of Beijing and the palace zone in the southern part of the resort was therefore designed to resemble the Forbidden City in Beijing. It consists of two parts: a court in front, where the emperor received high officials, nobles of various minority nationalities, and foreign envoys; and bed chambers in the rear, which were the imperial family's living quarters. Emperor Jiaqing and Xianfeng both died while staying at Chengde in 1820 and 1861 spots The Mountain Resort is most famous for the 72 scenic spots which were named by the Kangxi and Qianlong Emperors. Many of the scenic spots around the resort's lake area were copied from famous landscaped gardens in Southern China. For instance, the main building on Green Lotus Island, "Tower of Mist and Rain," (Chinese: 烟雨楼; pinyin: Yānyǔ Lóu) is a copy of a tower in Nanhu Lake at Jiaxing in Zhejiang Province. The resort's plain area also possesses characteristics of the scenery of the Mongolian grasslands. Forested mountains and valleys are dotted with various buildings. This includes a 70 m tall stone Chinese pagoda built in the year 1751 during the reign of the Qianlong Emperor. The pagoda is shaped with an octagonal base, while the pagoda's nine stories are decorated with colorful glazed tiles and the steeple is crowned with a gilded round spire. 希望能帮的到你,祝开心快乐每一天o(~_~)o

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避暑山庄位于承德市的一处山间,那里一年四季风景如画,让人留连忘返,我尤其喜欢那里的烟雨楼。 春意盎然的时候,避暑山庄春雨绵绵,美丽的烟雨楼就似一位婷婷玉立的少女蒙上了一层轻纱,显得那么朦胧、那么神秘、那么优雅,她身边的桃花盛开着,为她更添几分清秀。夏天,烟雨楼下的荷花绽开了娇艳的笑脸。衬得烟雨楼有些害羞了,百合花在她的脚下欣然怒放;茉莉花在她的肩头舒展开自己的花瓣。 金秋时节,满山遍野的红叶犹如一件火红的“披肩”,而且,还缀着几颗小“珠子”呢。这让烟雨楼笑得合不拢嘴。菊花仙子从雨中醒来,它或许还不知道,烟雨楼已经给了它许多颜色呢,有火红的、雪白的、紫红的、淡黄的……五颜六色,烟雨楼在秋天的景象美丽极了! 大雪纷飞的冬天,烟雨楼变成了一位文静的少女,这名少女好似披上了一件雪白的大衣。少女旁盛开的梅花粉红粉红的,任凭雪花、大风洗礼,却仍然那样骄傲地挺立在枝头,真是“宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来”呀!我不得不佩服它那坚强的性格;素静的水仙碧蓝碧蓝的,娇小的花瓣水灵灵的,透着淡雅的香气。这些美丽的花把烟雨楼搭配得更加妩媚,她身旁的暖湖仍然那么可爱,烟雨楼在冬天的景色也更加美丽。 避暑山庄的烟雨楼一年四季都十分袅娜,你要想看到她的全部景色可要下苦功夫的,记住,她是一位婷婷玉立的少女哟。

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The Imperial Summer Villa of Chengde Introduction The Imperial Summer Villa, located in the city of Chengde in northeastern Hebei province, is China’s largest imperial garden. Twice the size of Beijing’s Summer Palace, construction spanned nearly ninety years, beginning under Emperor Kangxi in 1703 and lasting through the greater part of Emperor Qianlong’s reign. The Imperial Summer Villa often saw use as a de facto second capital as Kangxi set a precedent followed by Qianlong and a succession of other Qing emperors of spending much of the year at the garden. In 1994, the Imperial Summer Villa became a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Layout The Imperial Summer Villa covers some 564 hectares featuring well-manicured gardens and over 110 architectural structures surrounded by a 10-km-long outer wall that rises and falls with the surrounding hills. The Imperial Summer Villa can be divided into two sections: a palace section and a garden section. Palace SectionThe palace section is where Qing emperors would dispose of state affairs and live during their stays at the Imperial Summer Villa. A plaque inscribed with four characters by Emperor Kangxi hangs above the vermilion front gate. Bi Shu Shan Zhuang it reads, or “Mountain Villa to Flee the Summer Heat”. Walking through the gateway, Danbomingcheng comes into view, or the “Hall of Simplicity and Reverence”. The name comes from an ancient Chinese saying roughly translated as, “Only a simple lifestyle can help one realize his true life-goal.” Also known as Nanmu Hall, because it was built with nanny, a fragrant, fine-grained hardwood unique to China, the hall was used by the emperor to carry out official state Danbomingcheng, stands Yanbozhishuang Hall, or “Cool on a Misty Lake” Hall, which was used as the emperor’s living quarters. Today, most of the hall has become a museum with Qing relics and artwork on exhibit. Visitors are rewarded with a glimpse into the lifestyle of Qing royalty. Other famous halls in the palace section include Wanhesongfeng, which stands by the lakeside, encircled by pine trees, and was used as an imperial study, and Songhezhai, which housed the emperor’s mother as well as his SectionThe garden section can be further divided into a lake section, plains section, and mountain SectionThe lake section is north of the palace section and covers about 80 hectares. Unlike the Summer Palace’s Kunming Lake, which is an open expanse of water, the lakes here are smaller, more-complicated, interconnected affairs, and come in a variety of shapes and sizes and feature islets, causeways, bridges, pavilions, etc. One of the most beautiful sites in the lake section is the “Moon Color and River Sound” Islet. When night falls, the surrounding waters shimmer with moonlight. It is so peaceful and picturesque. The lakeside buildings were designed in the style of southern Chinese architecture, and look transplanted from Jiangsu or Zhejiang. Flatland SectionThe flatlands north of the lake section are covered with both grassland and forest. There are no buildings here with the exception of a few Mongolian yurts. The southwest corner of this section was devoted to horse riding. Emperor Qianlong often entertained Mongolian princes here, with barbeque dinners, wrestling, horse racing, and archery. He also hosted grand banquets here for such distinguished guests as the sixth Panchen Lama and envoys from foreign countries. Mountain SectionFour-fifths of the Imperial Summer Villa is mountainous, sloping down from the northwest to the southeast. The mountain section is merely the most mountainous area. Sites to visit here include the Qingchui Sunset Glow Pavilion, which offers gorgeous views of Qingchui Peak at sunset, which glows under the golden rays of the setting sun. The most breathtaking pavilion of the entire garden is perhaps the Snow Covered South Mountain Pavilion. Located high on a mountain in the garden, it offers panoramic views that include the entire Imperial Summer Villa, much of the surrounding countryside, and downtown Chengde. ( Text by Han Yueling and Allen Chai)

208 评论


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