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首页 > 学术期刊 > 清教和超验主义的关联性研究论文

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纳撒尼尔·霍桑被誉为十九世纪美国最杰出的小说家之一。 清教主义是霍桑思想体系中很重要的一部分。在他的代表作《红字》中,霍桑利用清教的基本理念驳斥超验主义,这成为《红字》的一大主题。 首先,关于人与上帝的关系,霍桑坚守清教中“上帝的绝对权威”与“人的内在堕落”等教义。正因为如此,超验主义的某些观点在霍桑看来是完全不能接受的,例如:人性本善,人力无限及人依靠固有本能接近上帝等观念。霍桑认为人只有首先感悟到自己的内在堕落才能产生忏悔之意,通过忏悔、悔改及赎罪人才能接近上帝。 第二,至于人与社会的关系,霍桑从未赞同过超验论者所提倡的个人主义。在霍桑看来,沉浸于自我欣赏与自我利益中的个人主义者疏离了社会,同样犯下了罪。另外,霍桑也不能接受超验论者们关于改革社会的激进论调。 第三,霍桑对人与自然之间关系的理念也反映了他与超验论者很大的不同。超验论者认为自然的面目从来不会丑陋,人能与自然融合并超越到上帝的层面。而霍桑却认为自然是荒野、荒蛮及异端的象征,它是人类文明社会的对立面,并且会诱导人远离上帝的道路和文明社会。 第四,在人与人之间的关系上,霍桑认为超验论者过分强调个人的重要性及其利益,而忽略了人与人之间的联系。霍桑却更强调人与人之间的共同命运并倡导在此基础上产生的人与人之间的同情。在男女之间的关系上,霍桑认为超验论者所倡导的女权、女人的独立与自由背离了女人的自然角色,也无助于改善男人及女人之间的关系。在霍桑看来,上天赋予的那种使女人成为女人的精髓对于女人才是最重要

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Influence of Puritanism on American LiteraturePuritanism is the Puritan thoughts and their doctrines. Puritan is the middle of the sixteenth Century Church of England appeared in the reformist. Its radical advocate Republic, insist on the separation of church and state, because they represent, small bourgeois interest by the government persecution, so have to outward migration, seeking religious freedom. The original settlers in 1620by boat from the European continent, in the new England mixed began to colonial work and success began to make new world settlers believed that personal efforts and successful relationship. They realise soberly, honest and diligent work style is a purposive developed poineering personage essential quality. Moreover, according to the Puritan doctrine, although God has decided his voters, however, voters who are unknown, so everyone want to success through personal struggle, to prove who is likely to be the lamb of god. Thus, the personal attention, prompting American character in individualistic began to sprout, and led to the so-called " American Dream " form, this kind of ideal inspired generations of young people, in the United States of America development process plays a very important influence on American culture is more important in the performance of early American literature on the infiltration. Early colonial American literature has a certain purpose and Puritan religious zeal. The colonists or documented farming, or describe the immigrant life, or on religious thought and discussion, to describe the new continental life and preach puritanism. This kind of the worship of God and absolute trust in the early colonial American literature has a strong religious the religious fanaticism inevitably lead to human nature, freedom of thought suppression of the blind. On the problems reflected outstanding performance in the legendary romantic literature. Deeply influenced by Puritanism influence writers, not only reflects the Protestant view of life, also criticized the suppression of Puritanism on human in fact American Renaissance has begun, namely the United States first literary activities -- transcendentalism. Transcendentalism emphasized intuition, believe people can through perception and intuition to perceive the external world, meet with God and natural harmony; emphasis on individualism, believe that the person is the most important element, the ideal state is one of the independent. Transcendentalism surface abandoned the religious factors, but actually it retains the Puritan marked characteristics: moral integrity; God, people, nature harmony and unity; God is everywhere; thrifty life attitude. Thus, transcendentalism, essentially as a moral guide, tend to the best side of human nature, believe in the dignity and worth of the individual, called on people to abandon the old customs and traditions, to create a new own American in new England's rule has already become history, but its influence still exists. American high individualism, to promote individuality, emphasizing personal struggles and successes, advocating a pragmatic style, this character can be traced back to the original Puritan settlement development success and Puritanism about hard work, efforts to redeem their ideas. Early American literature, both colonial and early literature of religious fanaticism, or legendary romantic literature relating to Puritanism sin and the concept of narrative, or Transcendentalism literature to strengthen the harmony of human and nature and to the moral pure attention are visible to the influence of puritanism. And thereafter, regardless of realism, naturalism, the lost generation, or the United States now, contemporary literature, for the individual concerned about the fate of outliers, lonely hero preference are different from his country's literature. This kind of individuality, to escape from the theme of the stubborn American characteristic remains and Puritanism related -- the first Puritans precisely in order to escape religious persecution to immigrate to america. Thus, for the United States of America, Puritanism is not only a kind of doctrine, is also a kind of cultural atmosphere, the United States and the United States of America literature on personality have ingrained influence. In a sense, is the American people and American Puritan literature has its own characteristics.亲 好难 我是用翻译工具翻译的

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超验主义发展过程中重新思考了对清教主义传统的扬弃。发端于英国的清教主义对美国社会有更大的影响。英格兰有过清教革命,却没有创建清教社会;美国没有经历清教革命,却创建了清教社会,并且这种影响以其持久深厚而铸就了美利坚民族的灵魂。清教传统像一条红线规范了从殖民时代到如今的美国的政治文化与社会文化。作为美国文化一个独特的源头,清教主义在美国经历了由表及里、由明转暗的曲折发展,最终形成有美国特色的清教价值体系,从某种意义上说,文学是这一发展历程的最好见证。19世纪,美国文学开始了真正本土化的进程,浪漫主义、现实主义、自然主义文学思潮先后占据了美国文坛。清教主义作为一种教义对社会生活的影响正逐步减弱,但它对19世纪美国文学的影响仍然是显而易见的。这一影响又主要体现在美国超验主义作家作品上。受欧洲浪漫主义思潮的影响,尤其是随着革命形势的稳固,社会政治经济的发展,人们得以重新审视清教主义的利弊得失,以更为冷静的态度重新思考对清教主义传统的扬弃。以爱默生为首的超验主义者率先打起了批判清教主义的旗帜。这一时期的作家,一方面少了17世纪那些殖民开拓先辈们的宗教狂热,无法写出充满强大精神感召力量的作品,但另一方面他们仍然继承了产生于17世纪清教文学的道德训诫传统。以霍桑为代表的清教作家对清教主义束缚人性的一面进行了大量的批判,但同时也表达了强烈的对清教伦理道德的呼唤。而文艺复兴的主将麦尔维尔则站在新旧思想的分界点上,力图对传统的清教主义进行全面的扬弃。因此19世纪的美国文学从清教主义的角度看可以称之为是/批判与道德时代的文学。从思想潮流的发展来看,/超验主义仍然可以看成是以人性本善的观点为前提而得以修正了的清教主义。主张人类的绝对堕落和相信上帝的绝对权威的加尔文主义虽然使清教徒产生了强烈的归属感和使命感,但到了爱默生的时代,清教主义的弊端开始变得十分明显。上帝的独断专行,不通情理使新新格兰人再也无法忍受,正是在这样的背景之下,超验主义从神学与伦理两个方面对传统清教主义进行了修正与批判。与此相适应,超验主义文学明显具有向内传的倾向。它提倡道德教化,极力宣扬人内心的和谐以及与上帝的直接交流,这就使得他们对大自然有着特殊的偏爱,因为只有在自然中,人才能达到精神和心灵的升华。因此,探讨神、人、自然关系成为超验主义文学的重要主题与显著特征。梭罗的《瓦尔登湖》清晰表达了超验主义者的自然观:人只有在自然中,才能达到精神和心灵的升华。从表面上看梭罗热爱自然,关注自然,热心探求各种事物的根源,事实上也确实如此,但他更关注的是人的精神和内心世界。他在湖边所过的俭朴之极的生活,目的也是为苦苦寻求上帝、人、自然的最高统一,在此精神追求远远超越了物质的享受,这其实就是爱默生所谓超灵的另一种表达方式,本质是精神道德的升华。需要指出的是,随着科学理性时代的到来。清教神学的衰落是一个不可逆转的趋势,超验主义与其说是对清教主义的一种批判,不如说是出于对清教主义的一种挽救。伴随着理性时代的到来,是科学理性精神的步步进逼与宗教神学思想的节节后退与抵抗。这一对抗的直接后果是宗教阵地的逐步缩小与上帝地位的不断下降。面对科学对神学的入侵,正统,的清教徒接受新科学对神学的挑战,并用科学来解释神学上的问题,由此形成的一种新的较为激进的宗教教义。自然神论,,自然神论一方面继续肯定上帝的存在,另一方面对加尔文教的传统教义诸如/人性堕落、人不可拯救等教条加以修正,主张将信仰建立在理性的基础之上 既然科学的力量也不能否认上帝这个总设计帅的存在,万物的运动也需要第一驱动力0的推动,那么,上帝仍然是英明、仁慈的,崇拜上帝还是必要的。这是建立在自然神论哲学基础上的超验主义者们将目光转向自然与人心的最根本的动因。

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Influence of Puritanism on American LiteraturePuritanism is the Puritan thoughts and their doctrines. Puritan is the middle of the sixteenth Century Church of England appeared in the reformist. Its radical advocate Republic, insist on the separation of church and state, because they represent, small bourgeois interest by the government persecution, so have to outward migration, seeking religious freedom. The original settlers in 1620by boat from the European continent, in the new England mixed began to colonial work and success began to make new world settlers believed that personal efforts and successful relationship. They realise soberly, honest and diligent work style is a purposive developed poineering personage essential quality. Moreover, according to the Puritan doctrine, although God has decided his voters, however, voters who are unknown, so everyone want to success through personal struggle, to prove who is likely to be the lamb of god. Thus, the personal attention, prompting American character in individualistic began to sprout, and led to the so-called " American Dream " form, this kind of ideal inspired generations of young people, in the United States of America development process plays a very important influence on American culture is more important in the performance of early American literature on the infiltration. Early colonial American literature has a certain purpose and Puritan religious zeal. The colonists or documented farming, or describe the immigrant life, or on religious thought and discussion, to describe the new continental life and preach puritanism. This kind of the worship of God and absolute trust in the early colonial American literature has a strong religious the religious fanaticism inevitably lead to human nature, freedom of thought suppression of the blind. On the problems reflected outstanding performance in the legendary romantic literature. Deeply influenced by Puritanism influence writers, not only reflects the Protestant view of life, also criticized the suppression of Puritanism on human in fact American Renaissance has begun, namely the United States first literary activities -- transcendentalism. Transcendentalism emphasized intuition, believe people can through perception and intuition to perceive the external world, meet with God and natural harmony; emphasis on individualism, believe that the person is the most important element, the ideal state is one of the independent. Transcendentalism surface abandoned the religious factors, but actually it retains the Puritan marked characteristics: moral integrity; God, people, nature harmony and unity; God is everywhere; thrifty life attitude. Thus, transcendentalism, essentially as a moral guide, tend to the best side of human nature, believe in the dignity and worth of the individual, called on people to abandon the old customs and traditions, to create a new own American in new England's rule has already become history, but its influence still exists. American high individualism, to promote individuality, emphasizing personal struggles and successes, advocating a pragmatic style, this character can be traced back to the original Puritan settlement development success and Puritanism about hard work, efforts to redeem their ideas. Early American literature, both colonial and early literature of religious fanaticism, or legendary romantic literature relating to Puritanism sin and the concept of narrative, or Transcendentalism literature to strengthen the harmony of human and nature and to the moral pure attention are visible to the influence of puritanism. And thereafter, regardless of realism, naturalism, the lost generation, or the United States now, contemporary literature, for the individual concerned about the fate of outliers, lonely hero preference are different from his country's literature. This kind of individuality, to escape from the theme of the stubborn American characteristic remains and Puritanism related -- the first Puritans precisely in order to escape religious persecution to immigrate to america. Thus, for the United States of America, Puritanism is not only a kind of doctrine, is also a kind of cultural atmosphere, the United States and the United States of America literature on personality have ingrained influence. In a sense, is the American people and American Puritan literature has its own characteristics我不是用机器译的 谢谢

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