List of journals relatively specific to bioinformatics * Algorithms for Molecular Biology * Applied Bioinformatics * BioData Mining * International Journal of Bioinformatics * Bioinformatics * Bioinformation * BMC Bioinformatics * BMC Research Notes * Briefings in Bioinformatics * Bulletin of Mathematical Biology * Cancer Informatics * Computational Biology and Chemistry * Computers in Biology and Medicine * Genome Informatics * * EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology * IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics * In Silico Biology * International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications * International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design * International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics * International Journal of Functional Informatics and Personalized Medicine * Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology * Journal of Biological Systems * Journal of Biomedical Informatics * Journal of Computational Biology * Journal of Computational Neuroscience * Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics * Journal of Theoretical Biology * Mathematical Biosciences * Online Journal of Bioinformatics * PLoS Computational Biology * Source Code for Biology and Medicine * Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology[edit] List of journals relatively non-specific — biology focus * International Journal of Biotechnology Research * BMC Systems Biology * Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education * Biology Direct * DNA Research * Genetics and Molecular Research * Genome Biology * Genome Research * Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics * Nature Biotechnology * Nature Methods * Nature Structural & Molecular Biology * Nucleic Acids Research * Proteins: Structure, Function & Bioinformatics[edit] List of journals relatively non-specific — mathematics/computer science focus * Artificial Intelligence in Medicine * Biosystems * Journal of Statistical Software * Pattern Recognition以上来自维基百科
BioinformaticsBMC BioinformaticsPlos Computational Biology这三个比较有名,而且是专门bioinformatics的期刊。下面几个也很有名,但是不是专门bioinformatics的,只是不少bioinfo的也往上面发。Nucleic Acids ResearchGenome BiologyGenome ResearchBMC GenomicsBMC Systems BiologyBMC Structural BiologyPROTEINS: Structure, Function, and Systems Biology我能一时想到的也就这几个。还有很多不太有名的(影响因子3以下的)就不列了
《男人装》全球真性情男性杂志 2004年5月创刊,时尚传媒集团旗下刊物,英国EMAP集团以及FHM给了《男人装》最佳的国际版权支持以及内容的共享。《