中美文化基本差异个人概念中: 集体主义:一般而言,中国和其他亚洲文化反映了社会科学家称为“集体主义”的取向。这些文化比较注重群体合作和个人谦虚。美:个人主义:相反,美国人通常表现出一种个人主义取向。自我实现即使不是一种期望,但至少更容易被人们接受。美国人更重视不受外部制约的“自由”。社会关系中国人的社会关系更正式,等级更分明。中国人似乎非常习惯于等级分明的结构,他们往往根据自己位置和惯例确定自己的行为方式。美国人则更侧重于非正式和平等关系。美国人通常和社会地位相同的人在一起最自在;他们不太重视社会等级。友谊与美国人相比,中国人更可能拥有少数终生至交,他们彼此之间交情深厚,愿意相互提供任何形式的帮助。美国人可能有许多朋友和熟人,这些朋友和熟人随着时间的推移而变换,彼此之间承诺的义务有限。义务在中国人之间,与他人的关系通常意味着彼此之间的义务。与此相反,美国人倾向于回避相互依赖的关系以及可能导致长期义务的局面。取向中国人侧重于关系取向。保持和谐的关系比完成任务更重要。相比之下,美国人侧重于任务取向,完成工作通常比关系更重要。和谐与面子中国人所受的教育通常是避免直接冲突、公开批评和具有争议的话题。他们希望在周围的人中保持和谐,给别人留“面子”。相反,美国人通常愿意直接面对问题、提出批评、讨论具有争议的问题,并坚持自己认为是“事实”的意见。他们对“面子”并不在意。关系与规则在交往方面,中国人通常更信任人际关系,而不太信任书面规则和程序。而美国人一般认为书面规则适用于每一个人,并且能够产生公正、合理的程序和决定。时间观念中国人比较怀旧,也比较注重未来。美国人通常对过去不太感兴趣,他们注重的是眼前的情况。身份地位在中国的传统中,个人在社会中的地位很大程度取决于继承特征,例如年龄、性别和家庭,但这种情形正在发生变化。对于大多数美国人,个人地位主要基于自己的成就,包括受教育程度和事业上的成功。
可以参考下面这个,关于中西方面子文化的差异。如果嫌不够,还可以参考这里 查看更详细的对比。WESTERN FACE VS CHINESE FACE (西方面子VS中国面子)Unlike “Western face”– which is more self-oriented and individualistic — Chinese face is more other-directed and relational. In other words, it’s less about your own personal pride or ego, and more about how one is viewed by others. Unlike Western face, Chinese face can also be given or earned. It can also taken away or a general sociological statement, Western cultures tend to focus on the individual as an independent, self-reliant being. In raising children, the focus is on helping them develop a strong sense of personal integrity and individuality (misbehavior is often blamed on lack of self-esteem).In contrast, for some 4,000 years, Chinese culture has downplayed concept of the individual—instead emphasizing the supremacy of the family and group. It was all about bringing honor to your clan. With the emphasis on the collective, the sense of self blurred so much that it practically didn’t exist. In fact, individualism was seen as point is that Chinese face can be communally created and owned. In her 2008 study in the Intercultural Communication Studies, “Cultural ‘Faces’ of Interpersonal Communication in the . and China, ” Yvonne Chang of the University of Texas explains:“Deeply rooted in the Chinese concept of face are conceptualizations of a competent person in Chinese society: one who defines and puts self in relation to others and who cultivates morality so that his or her conduct will not lose others’ face. This contrasts with the American cultural definition of a person who is expected to be independent, self- reliant, and successful. The end result is that a Chinese person is expected to be relationally or communally conscious whereas an American person is expected to be self-conscious.”GUILT-BASED VS SHAME-BASED CULTURESWithout digging too deep sociologically, suffice it to say that this social phenomenon of face has a lot to do with the teachings of Confucius. He taught that if you lead people “with excellence and put them in their place through roles and ritual practices, in addition to developing a sense of shame, they will order themselves harmoniously.”Here we see that the flip side of gaining honor is avoiding shame. Thousands of years ago, China developed into a shame-based culture. This is in contrast to Western cultures, which are more “guilt” or “conscience-based”.Generally speaking, the Chinese “behave properly” generally to avoid shame and they fear losing face—not necessarily because they might feel badly about their actions. For many, anything goes….as long as you don’t get caught!In China, shame isn’t just personal feelings—again, it’s a relationship-based thing that serves as a form of social control. Any sort of family or clan-kinship shame is covered up. This is also in stark contrast to the US, where airing your dirty laundry and private business on talk shows is seen as socially acceptable (in general, the Chinese aren’t big on updating strangers on their menstrual cycles via Twitter).
由于我国与西方的生活习惯以及民族习俗的不同,中西方 文化 存在许多差异。下面是我为大家整理的中西方文化差异论文,供大家参考。 摘要: 从历史文化的角度来说,
文化差异进行论述: 一、物质文化差异 中西方文化在物质文化上的差异主要是指...由于中国与西方生产生活习性的不同,中国人吃饭用的餐具是"筷子",西方人则用"刀子
浅谈中西方文化差异 语文是社会的产物,是人类历史和文化的结晶。它凝聚着一个民族世代相传的社会意识,历史文化,风俗习惯等各方面人类社会所有的特征。不同的文化背影和
从 文化 的角度看世界,世界史其实就是一部民族与文化的交融史和碰撞史。受影响的西方历史文化和受儒佛道影响的东方历史文化,自古以来体现出很多相融和冲突的地方,