写影评,归根结底就是把看完电影后的感受用文字记录下来。只要你看片时没有睡着,你对所看影片都会有所感觉:即便是睡着,那也是一种反应,也许能证明这部影片不是一般的闷。影评没有长度的限制(媒体会有),长的洋洋万言,短的可以两三句。有个英文电影论坛举办一句话影评比赛,结果有些获胜者居然将评论浓缩成一个字。我最近编写《西片碟中碟》这本欧美电影指南时深有感触,写短评绝对不比完整的评论轻松。在成千上万茶余饭后发表观后感的观众中,坐下来把想法变成文章的是少数,而媒体能采用的更少些。如果几家有影响的媒体不约而同的用同一种文体,给人的感觉就是影评就该这么写。比如在美国,主流媒体的电影评论一般在一千字左右(译成中文)。大约三分之二篇幅是描述剧情,剩余的属于评价,但评价的方式没有固定程式。我最初写影评时受到这方面的影响,落笔自然留下这种痕迹,我觉得无所谓好坏,只是一种风格而已。可能是因为我们的文艺评论传统长期受压制的缘故,我们对一些概念界定没有西方那么明晰,可是我们又非常喜欢条条框框。就说“影评”,什么叫“影评”?狭义地看就是英文中的Film review”。这类文章是写给看电影的人看的,不是给拍电影或研究电影的人看的,一般发表在主流媒体或影迷刊物。罗杰-是惟一得过普利策奖的影评家,但他的文章非常浅显,直白到像是拉家常。他很高产,每周可以有五篇评论,但都比较短,翻译成中文大概就是700字。他的大众路线使得他成为读者最多的影评家,全美国有两百多家报纸授权转载,而且他每周还有一个电视栏目,每期半小时。跟他相反的如《纽约时报》的艾维斯-切尔,喜欢卖弄辞藻,非把读者搞得云里雾里不罢休,不信大家可以看我翻他的《黑客帝国2》评论。宝琳。凯尔可能是最有影响的美国影评家,她把电影评论提高到艺术的高度,从60年代到80年代未,她的评论是美国文化的一面旗帜。她的文笔有点像子君,有一种女性的优美,但观点非常尖锐,有时很刻薄。我们的影评范畴似乎要更广一些,有些很感性的随笔、借助电影的抒情文字,英文中应属于essay;有一些是理论研究,属于论文性质,英文应该是film criticism或Film theory。习惯于其中某一类的读者,往往会对其他类型看不惯——看惯随笔的会嫌其他的没有个性;看惯论文的自然会觉得没有大量专业术语和脚注就等于没有深度。在我所写的长篇评论中,《人工智能》和《公民凯恩》都超过一万字,但前者其实很感性,而后者本来就是一篇论文,只不过我竭力回避论文的风格。假设我把该用的术语全用上,并附上每句话的出处,估计某些学院派会心悦诚服,而该文则会丧失99%的读者。这是我的局限,媒体多半认为是长处,而大学和研究院则视为“你还嫩点,需要改进”之处。
1.通常建议写一部电影,比较深入,资料相对好查一些,如果你想写两部电影除非是想进行对比,一般是中西对比比较多。5000字不算多,等你写完了,导师再改一下就剩不了多少了。据我所知,以电影题材写论文一般都归类在文化方向里,个人觉得比较好写,有兴趣就好,不然会很痛苦。 2。我是学英文文学的所以推荐你两部电影,喜福会,红字,因为有解读性所以可以随意选个角度写。 3。肖申克的救赎我很喜欢,建议你对照原版小说来写,可以从主题,写作手法,技巧入手。比如,除了大家熟知的信仰和希望以外,你个人还理解到了什么,发掘出了什么内容。可以分析一些社会问题,比如监狱的制度化可以使人恐惧抵抗,但最终却无法摆脱离不开监狱生活,无法融入正常社会。还可以分析人物,社会影响等等。 英语论文有个关键,就是你的thesis statement(主题)你的论文到底要说明一个什么结论。有了这大方向,你只要分开些观点,论据这里还包括引用,解释介绍一些概念,大体论文就出来了。总之,希望你享受这个难得的过程!may you success!
The Impressive Features of Forrest GumpForrest Gump is one of the most charming films of recent times. Though it is a comedy, it isn’t only for fun. Its humour and symbols are quite complicated. From the film audiences can see Gump’s life philosophies, American social problems and national characteristics. The use of symbols and motifs in this film are very excellent. My favourite symbol is the feather, which had drifted for a long time finally it landed beside Gump’s feet, and he picked it up. The motif of the feather represents Gump’s willingness to be blown around by the winds of fate and history. And I think the box of chocolates that Gump intends to give Jenney is known by everybody who loves films. Gump says that his mother always told him, “Life is like a box of chocolates—you never know what you are going to get.” The chocolates just represent life. Since the chocolates remind Gump of his mother and they are a gift for Jenny, they also represent his love of these two women. Maybe because of the meaning of the chocolates many film fans would like to choose the words said by Gump’s mother as their motto. Through the contrast of Gump and Jenny we can see two different kinds of life styles. These are the two kinds of Americans life styles. Like many Americans, Gump is the optimistic side but he gets his fortune without know his harm to others. Like the other Americans, Jenny’s life is a mess she lives with drugs abuse and caught AIDS. Through Gump’s experiences audiences can learn about some social problems in America, such as segregation, Vietnam. Gump always can be the center of many great events of recent American history. Gump has a charming character. Though he affected by mental disability he is a credible person. His innocent made him loved by audiences. When Lieutenant Dan loses his legs and said “I was Lieutenant Dan.” Gump said “You still Lieutenant Dan.” He always has powers and passions to face every new day. To Bubba and Lieutenant Dan, he gives them his real friendship. For Jenny, he pays his deep Groom give us a good story, Robert Zemeckis give us a good film. I love this film, because of its humour and its deep meaning. Forrest Gump is a memorable comedy, it is far more complicated than I have analyzed. Since it is complicated the critics are divided. This film has produced a series of culture about “Gump”, such as “Gumpish” “Gumpnized”. The writer and the editor can be teachers to the audiences to a degree. This film can let people think more about the life styles of themselves. It made me treasure love and the beauties in my life. After all it is a great film for me to appreciate. 你看下感觉怎么样?
1. 研究论文写作这部分讨论的原理可应用于所有的研究课题、报告、论文和学位论文类型,他们的写作过程也是相似的。一般的准备一篇研究论文的步骤是(1)选题,(2
一、性质不同 1、学术论文是某一学术课题在实验性、理论性或预测性上具有的新的科学研究成果或创新见解和知识的科学记录,或是某种已知原理应用于实际上取得新进展的科学
1、题目。应能概括整个论文最重要的内容,言简意赅,引人注目,一般不宜超过20个字。 论文摘要和关键词。 2、论文摘要应阐述学位论文的主要观点。说明本论文的目的、