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提供一些物流管理专业的毕业论文题目,供参考。1. 企业供应链管理策略研究 2. 网络时代供应链管理模式的研究 3. 供应链风险形成机理分析 4. 构建我国企业间供应链的对策初探 5. 供应链管理下企业采购管理的发展趋势 6. 基于供应链管理的库存管理模式比较 7. 企业内部供应链流程中的时间分析 8. 某商品供应链各环节的时间分析 9. 供应链的风险防范对策研究 10. 供应链运作对企业的影响研究 11. 供应链管理中的信息共享问题研究 12. 供应链管理的发展及运行机制探讨 13. 供应链企业间的委托代理问题研究 14. 供应链管理环境下的运输问题研究 15. 供应链管理环境下的物流成本研究 16. 条码技术在物流中的应用研究 17. 物流信息技术应用研究 18. 配送中心仓储管理信息系统设计 19. 采购管理信息系统设计 20. 国内ERP应用状况分析 21. 物流企业物流信息化建设案例分析 22. RFID应用案例研究 23. EPC应用案例研究 24. 某企业ERP实施方案分析 25. 电子产品代码(EPC)在物流中的应用 26. 物流技术的经济性研究 27. 货物运输方案优化研究 28. 物流配送中货物装载问题研究 29. 货物运输系统优化分析 30. 车船配载理论与方法研究 31. 城市建材配送中心选址研究 32. 城市日用品配送中心选址研究 33. 配送中心作业计划优化方法研究 34. 物流设施选址问题研究 35. 随机需求的最优库存策略研究 36. 逆向物流网络中的选址问题研究 37. 试论某地区回收物流网络的形成与发展 38. 试论废弃物物流体系的建立 39. 某企业物流规划案例分析 40. 某地区物流发展规划研究 41. 信息时代物流企业网络化发展模式探讨 42. 物流网络化运营模式的探讨 43. 物流网络化中的风险分析 44. 虚拟库存案例分析 45. 仓储企业向现代物流转型研究 46. 企业生产物料的合理采购及存储 47. 制造企业原料库存量的控制研究 48. 企业仓库管理流程中的时间分析 49. 物流成本核算研究 50. 运用物流成本进行企业物流决策 51. 商业企业物流成本分析 52. 企业物流作业环节费用的比较分析 53. 物流行业客户满意度研究 54. 物流客户服务策略的制定 55. 某企业物流业务流程分析 56. 企业物流作业流程的再造与控制 57. 医药品储备应急物流研究 58. 医药储备问题研究 59. 农业供应物流研究 60. 农产品物流发展现状和对策 61. 我国农产品物流与发达国家的差距分析 62. 农业销售物流研究 63. 建设项目物流管理模式的比较 64.图书物流合理化研究 65.印刷行业物流发展战略 66.汽车企业供应物流研究 67.出版物物流标准化研究 68.企业销售物流研究 69.企业供应物流研究 70.敏捷制造与精益制造中的物流管理比较 71.市场营销渠道组合与物流模式分析 72.企业物流资产经营模式分析 73.我国物流企业上市公司现状分析 74.物流外包决策分析 75.物流企业综合竞争力评价的探讨 76.第四方物流对中国物流产业发展战略的影响研究 77.我国物流企业策略创新研究 78. 某地区物流发展史研究 79.物流产业发展初探 80.第三物流的发展现状及趋势研究 81.城市物流需求分析 82.城市居民消费结构与物流需求研究 83.物流服务的价格问题分析 84.物流设施投资风险管理研究 85. 区域经济与物流产业发展研究 86.循环经济条件下逆向物流体系的建立 87.废弃集装箱的收集、加工与再生 88.绿色包装在物流企业中的应用 89.政府行为在物流业发展中的地位与作用 90.运输路径优化问题研究 91.试论企业降低物流成本的途径 92.物流企业提高物流服务质量的探讨 93.试论提高物流设施(设备)利用率的途径 94.市场经济条件下合理运输的探讨 95.生产企业内部物流合理化探讨 96.试论流通加工对物流合理化的影响 97.试论电子商务环境下的物流对策 98.我国发展第三方物流面临的挑战与对策研究

273 评论


下面的是与海运有关的保险: & Coverage险别(1)free from particular average (.)平安险(2)with particular average (.)水渍险(基本险)(3)all risk 一切险(综合险)(4)total loss only (.) 全损险(5)war risk 战争险(6)cargo(extended cover)clauses货物(扩展)条款(7)additional risk 附加险(8)from warehouse to warehouse clauses仓至仓条款(9)theft,pilferage and nondelivery (.)盗窃提货不着险(10)rain fresh water damage 淡水雨淋险(11)risk of shortage 短量险(12)risk of contamination 沾污险(13)risk of leakage 渗漏险(14)risk of clashing & breakage碰损破碎险(15)risk of odour 串味险(16)damage caused by sweating and/or heating 受潮受热险(17)hook damage 钩损险(18)loss and/or damage caused by breakage of packing包装破裂险(19)risk of rusting 锈损险(20)risk of mould 发霉险(21)strike, riots and civel commotion (.) 罢工、暴动、民变险(22)risk of spontaneous combustion 自燃险(23)deterioration risk 腐烂变质险(24)inherent vice risk 内在缺陷险(25)risk of natural loss or normal loss途耗或自然损耗险(26)special additional risk 特别附加险(27)failure to delivery 交货不到险(28)import duty 进口关税险(29)on deck 仓面险(30)rejection 拒收险(31)aflatoxin 黄曲霉素险(32)fire risk extension clause-for storage of cargo at destination Hongkong, including Kowloon, or Macao 出口货物到香港(包括九龙在内)或澳门存仓火险责任扩展条款(33)survey in customs risk 海关检验险(34)survey at jetty risk 码头检验险这篇文的第三段应该对您有帮助:Ocean Marine InsuranceInsurance is a contract whereby one party, inconsideration of a premium paid, undertakes to indemnify the other party against loss from certain perils or risks to which the subject matter insured may be exposed to. It is an extensive subject and ocean marine insurance is only a small part of private marine insurance covers ships and their cargoes, both on the high seas and on inland . NEED FOR INSURANCEExporters and importers face all the time uncertainties of loss of their goods. Insurance is used to protect their financial interests against such risks and actual losses.Trade and insurance can and do exist independently, but in proper context, insurance is an indispensable adjunct. Without adequate insurance and protection of the interests of those with goods in transit, international trade would be negatively . COVERAGE OF OCEAN MARINE INSURANCEBy purchasing insurance, the assured protects his financial interests against three things: the risk of loss, the actual loss and the expenses incurred to avoid or reduce )RisksTwo types of risks are covered by ocean marine insurance. The first type is the perils of the sea that include both natural calamities and fortuitous accidents. Natural calamities refer to earthquake, heavy weather such as hurricane and thunderstorm, etc. These events should be exceptional to some extent and the ordinary action of the wind and waves are not considered natural calamities. Fortuitous accidents include fire, smoking, stranding, sinking, collision, etc. However, fire caused by inherent vice or nature of the cargo is the perils must occur at sea and must be because of sea, otherwise the insurance will not cover them.A vessel intentionally sunk by its owner, for example, is not an accident because of sea and therefore will not be covered by ocean marine insurance. Similarly, natural deterioration and wear and tear are not perils of sea second type of risks covered is extraneous risks. These risks include ordinary risks such as theft, pilferage, rain damage, shortage, breakage, etc and special risks such as strike, war, failure to deliver, ) LossesOcean marine insurance covers two types of losses, partial loss and total loss means the total loss of part of the insured cargo (eg, the loss of one case out of a shipment of ten) or the damage to all or part of the insured loss can be classified into actual total loss or constructive total loss. Actual total loss means the non-existence of the insured cargo in value. Constructive total loss, however, means the subject matter insured is reasonably abandoned on account of its actual total loss appearing to be unavoidable or because it would not be preserved from actual total loss without tan expenditure greater than its recovered value. In other words, it is unlikely to recover the subject matter or the cost of recovery will exceed the value of the subject ) ExpensesOcean marine insurance also covers some expenses incurred in reducing the loss of the subject matter insured either by the assured himself or a party other than the insurer and/or the assured. This encourages efforts to save the subject matter . MAIN CATEGORIES OF GENERAL CARGO INSURANCE1) Free from Particular Average(FPA) of China Insurance Clauses (CIC, effective January 1, 1981)Before going to FPA, average terms need to be explained. The word average has a special meaning in cargo insurance. It means partial loss or non-total loss to a ship or cargo, and partial loss in turn means 1) total loss of part of the insured cargo or 2) damage to all or part of the insured average means a loss that is borne solely by the owner of the lost property (ship or cargo) and general average means a sacrifice made for the common safety of both the cargo and the ship. Partial damage of cargo by sea water is, for instance, a particular average, while partial damage of cargo by water that has been used to put out a fire is a general average since the damage has been made in order to save both the ship and the cargo on board the ship of all the cargo owners. (Of course, the damage caused by the fire is still a particular average).Particular average is recoverable from the insurance underwriter, if it has been covered; but general average is spread among the interests affected and all including owners whose property does not sustain a loss must make proportionate contributions, which are then recovered from the insurance general average must be a partial, deliberate and reasonable sacrifice of the ship, freight, or goods, undertaken for the common safety of the adventure, in time of peril and/or extraordinary expenditure with the like object such as the charges for towing a stranded from Particular Average then means no partial loss or damage is recoverable. It provides coverage only for total loss of cargo together with ship or aircraft and general is the minimum coverage and offers limited protection. However, there are two exceptions in which partial loss or damage is recoverable. First, if the lost object is a separate package in a shipment such as one case out of a ten-case shipment, partial loss or damage is recoverable. And if the vessel or craft is stranded, Sunk or burnt, partial loss or damage is also recoverable. Therefore FPA actually covers part of partial Insurance Clauses are very similar to Institute Cargo Clauses (ICC, effective January 1, 1982) made by the Institute of London Underwriters and widely used around the world. ICC (C), for example, has the same coverage as CIC FPA except for damage of package during loading and/or ) With Average/With Particular Average (WA/WPA) of CICWA provides cover against all loss or damage due to marine perils or perils of the sea including partial loss or damage throughout the duration of the policy. This coverage provides protection against damage from sea water caused by "heavy weather".ICC (B) has the same coverage plus damage of package during loading and/or (B) and (C) provide cover against specified risks ) All Risks (AR) of CICBesides the risks covered by FPA and WA, All Risks also provides cover against some extraneous risks of loss or damage (eg, theft, pilferage and non-delivery, fresh water rain damage, risk of shortage, risk of intermixture and contamination, leakage risk, clashing and breakage risk, hook damage, loss and/or damage by breakage of packing, rusting risk). However, risks of war, strike and loss or damage or expense proximately caused by delay or inherent vice or nature of the subject matter insured are not (A) provides cover against all risks that are not specifically excluded and is similar to AR of ) Special additional coverageBesides the above categories of coverage, both CIC and ICC have some additional coverage’s. For example, CIC has coverage against failure to deliver risk, import duty risk, on deck risk, war risks, and strikes and so on. These additional coverage’s must be taken out together with FPA, WA or AR. ICC also provides coverage against war risks, strike and other risks, but war risks and strikes can be taken out ) Exclusions of insurance policyInsurance policies have excluded the coverage against some risks. These exclusions are the loss or damage by risks such as inherent vice or deterioration, insufficient or unsuitable packing, delay and loss of market, . CARGO INSURANCE CLAIMS1) ProceduresCargo insurance claim includes a few steps as listed assured should not give clean receipts when goods are in dubious assured should give immediate notice to the nearest branch or agency in the event of damage giving rise to a claim. This notice means that a claim has been filed. A delay in giving the notice, on the other hand, might result in the underwriter's refusal to process the company will appoint a suitable surveyor to inspect the goods and report on the nature and extent of the damage, usually a report or certificate of loss is issued to the assured who pays a fee for assured should send claim paper to the insurance company with the certificate. The inspection fee is refunded if the loss is is of vital importance that the assured must be able to prove a loss by a peril against which he was ) Documents requiredThe following documents are usually required in processing a claim for insurance certificate or policyOriginal B/L, AW (3 or other contract of carriage)Export invoiceSurvey report or other documentary evidence detailing the loss or damageAny exchange of correspondence with carriers and other parties regarding their liability for the loss or damageAny landing account or weight notes at final destination

344 评论


物联网+形势下的物流 物流生态链

360 评论


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