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339 评论



256 评论


Management of agricultural industrialization, the nature of the market economy the main form of agricultural interests of diverse communities, and to contract as the link for "benefit-sharing, risk sharing," the interests of the joint mechanism, developed from the production, processing and selling Agricultural Integration. Leading enterprises and farmers is the most direct community of interest. Leading enterprises to grow, is to adjust agricultural and rural economic structure, promote agricultural industrialization operation, build modern agriculture, the only way to increase peasant incomes has the benefit of farmers producing standardized, high-quality agricultural products, high yield, high efficiency; are conducive to rural Sheng Yu labor force to achieve specialization, the degree of organization of farmers, against market risk, increase revenue. In the agricultural industrialization process, the interests of the joint mechanism is to determine the success of industrial management of the key factors. Development of agricultural industrialization fundamental purpose is to raise the level of modern agriculture, by industrial processing of agricultural products in value-added, farmers engaged in agricultural production greater gains. In practice, establish interest has been the linking mechanism for governments, enterprises, markets, farmers, such as multi game Jiaodian: How Bao Zhang multi-interests, so that enterprises and other economic organizations and farmers Jianli become closer sound of interests, enjoy the industry of the common operating results. Interests of the association mechanism is the theme of the economy in the interests of mutual respect between the contact relationship between the interaction constraints and regulatory functions, it can be divided into interests of both the creation and distribution of benefits, the composition includes four aspects: the distribution of benefits system , safeguards the interests, the interests and the interests of the restraint mechanism regulating mechanism. From the theory of agricultural industrialization, agricultural industrialization and the actual cause of industrialization throughout the course of business in connection with the interests of the way, combined with Zhengzhou status of industrial management of agriculture, benefits linked with the main form of Zhengzhou City in promoting agriculture industrialization process, enterprises and other economic organizations and farmers association problems, to study the establishment and perfection of the agricultural industrialization in the interests of the association's strategy and give advice. Links of interest to further improve the mechanism to support growth strategies, including agricultural leading enterprises, vigorously develop rural cooperative economic organizations, establish and perfect the mechanism of regulatory constraints, the system so as to strengthen the measures. Link the interests of industrial management of agriculture can be attributed to the connotation of mechanisms: organizational system in industrial management arrangements, to various types of organizations relying on carrier, through industrial system "non-market arrangements" and combine market forces outside the system, enable the participants to the main body of the system inputs (labor, capital, products, knowledge, technology) and property rights in which they are admitted, to get acceptable returns and benefits of one kind of economic interests of the relationship. Promote agricultural industrialization from the practice of, establish and improve mechanisms for the interests of industrialized operation of agriculture, can not do without administrative intervention and macro-control. Therefore, farmers should focus safeguard the interests of the core to create a level playing field, from reality, flexible options, and study a range of participation, guidance and support policies and measures, coordination between different stakeholders. Interests through the innovative link mechanism, updating the interests of agriculture-related enterprises and the concept of farmers, government support to implement sound policies to promote industrialization of agriculture means more closely link the interests, to promote agricultural industrialization, Zhengzhou City, the healthy development of a significant increase in farmers income

300 评论












1. 怎样写英文摘要?


概述(30词左右):用最简洁的语言概括论文内容。例如:This paper is… 或 This study focuses on…

目的'(30词左右):用To…就可以了,没有必要使用 in order to 或者 for the purpose of 等较长的表述。

方法(50词左右):尽可能具体地说明操作的步骤,其中注意时态的使用。常用的词汇有:test, study, investigate, examine, analyze, measure, application 等。

结果(50词左右):直入主题地摆出结果,如 This paper shows… 或 The results are…

结论(60词左右):删去类似于“The result of the study showed that…” 的赘语,逐条罗列出结论。

展望(20词左右):指出研究对未来的意义,如 This paper is of great significance in… 或指出不足。

2. 英文摘要有多长?


3. 英文摘要用什么语态和人称?


4. 英文摘要用什么人称?

最好不要出现I,we等第一人称代词,而是使用第三人称,如the author等。

5. 英文摘要用什么时态?


注意:用paper 做主语来描述论文概况时后面常用一般现在时:This paper aims to focus on… 而采用study 来描述相同的内容时则常用一般过去时:This study investigated…






(1)将His courage; in battle might withoutexaggeration be called lion-like压缩为:

He Was very brave in battle.

(2)将They acted in a manner that rendered them liable toprosecution .压缩为:

They acted illegally.

(3)将John fell into the river and,beforehelp could reach him,he sank.压缩为:

John was drowned in the river.

(4)习惯用but,then,thus,yet,for等最简短的过渡词语,禁止用at,the,Same,time,on the other hand等。




281 评论


Class Meeting is important form of class activities, main channel and effective means of class education and the main front of moral education in the coming of internet time, people's values, world view, moral philosophy, attitudes to life and way of life are changed enormously. Educators must self-adjusting with the times and actively adapt to the network environment, the pace of new developments and requirements. At present, There are some not compatible with the network environment issues in primary and secondary class meetings. So schools must stands on the high degree of development to overall coordinate and remodel the function of class meeting and organize special training, improve class teacher professionalism, carry out research on class meeting, come up with improvement policy to increase relevance and timeliness of education and educate adolescent with modern ideological and moral article uses literature, case studies, questionnaire surveys and comparative analysis to research. At first, it analyzes the effect of internet environment on class meeting and makes overall grasp of main features, the main function of the type commonly used, theoretical basis and principles of organization in class meeting under the effect of internet environment. Then this article makes research on the current situation of class meeting and makes an conclusion that class meeting has problems of vague educational goals, subject content is removed from students practice, less creative on design, low student participation, Emotional interaction not in place, etc. At last, this article comes up with four policies of improving class meeting, that is, specific class meeting goals to improve ideological and moral system of students under the network environment; comply with characteristics of the network environment to break through the bottleneck of class meeting; carry out specific school-based training to improve the quality of class meeting; create a good atmosphere to improve the status of class meeting.看看能不能帮上你 呵呵 我自己翻译的 见笑了

297 评论


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