问题一:通过论文答辩用英语怎么说 通过论文答辩 Through the thesis reply 通过论文答辩 Through the thesis reply 问题二:国内毕业答辩的“答辩”,英文怎么表达 动词用 defend,名词用 defence。 问题三:“如顺利通过论文答辩”用英文怎么说? 如顺利通过论文答辩 If the oral defense goes *** ooth, If I can pass the oral defense successfully, 问题四:博士学位答辩或论文答辩英语怎么说? plea to Doctor's degree 或者 oral defense of Doctor's degree oral defense of thesis 问题五:“论文答辩”,“答辩论文”英语怎么说? the oral defense for a thes贰s the defensed thesis 问题六:论文答辩用英文怎么说啊 (Ph D) oral defence viva (voce) (口语) 问题七:副教授答辩 用英文怎么说 Associate Professor Associate professor of Defense Associate professor of the respondent 问题八:“论文答辩”英语怎么说? 5分 oral defense 或者说thesis defense 问题九:答辩的英文表示请问“答辩”的英文是什么 答辩= Reply. 1) Reply in court = 在法庭答辩...
论文答辩用英语怎么说 五月到来,不少大四毕业生都面临着毕业前最后一道关卡——论文答辩。前期辛辛苦苦写了又改改了又写的论文,终于要到最后“判决”的阶段了。来看看毕
论文答辩[词典] (thesis) oral defense;[例句]我明天论文答辩。I'm going to defend my thesis tomorro
论文答辩Oral defense