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种子的萌发过程 一、 做实验 1.材料工具 (1)常见的种子(如:绿豆 黄豆)40粒。 (2)有盖的罐头4个,小勺1个,餐巾纸8张,4张分别标有1、2、3、4的标签,胶水,清水。 2.方法步骤 (1)在第一个罐头里,放入两张餐巾纸,然后用小勺放入10粒绿豆,拧紧瓶盖。置于室温环境。 (2)在第二个罐头里,放入两张餐巾纸,然后用小勺放入10粒绿豆,洒上少量水,使餐巾纸湿润,拧紧瓶盖。置于室温环境。 (3)在第三个罐头里,放入两张餐巾纸,用小勺放入10粒绿豆,倒入较多的清水,使种子淹没在水中,然后拧紧瓶盖。置于室温环境。 (4)在第四个罐头里,放入两张餐巾纸,用小勺放入10粒绿豆,洒入少量清水,使餐巾纸润湿,拧紧瓶盖。置于低温环境里。 通过观察,我发现1、3、4号罐中种子未发芽,而2号罐中种子发芽了。 二、研究 1.为什么同样优质,同样品种的种子有的发芽,有的没有呢? 当一粒种子萌发时,首先要吸收水分。子叶或胚乳中的营养物质转运给胚根、胚芽、胚轴。随后,胚根发育,突破种皮,形成根。胚轴伸长,胚芽发育成茎和叶。 然而,种子的萌发需要适宜的温度,充足的空气和水分。 1号种子未发芽是因为它虽有充足的空气和适宜的温度,但无水分,所以它不可能发芽。 2号种子既拥有适宜的温度和充足的水分,还有水分,所以它发芽了。 3号种子未发芽是因为它被完全浸泡在水中,而水中没有氧气,所以它也不可能发芽。 4号种子也因缺适宜的温度未发芽。 三、讨论结果 通过此次实验,我发现了种子的萌芽需要充足的空气、水分和适宜的温度。仔细地观察,我还看到发芽后的植物上有一些细细的,白白的根毛,其实他们能提高吸水率。 实验给我带来了许多乐趣,也让我从中学到了许多知识。生物学实在是太奇妙了

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1、写人的, When I sat at the desk, trying to write the essay, I found it hard to set pen to paper. Staring at the topic I deliberately chose for myself "my mother", I felt the memory of 20 years with my mother suddenly turned into a haze, blurring my eyes to discern the past, with nothing towering, nothing flaring, nothing impressive or special enough as a landmark. The haze gradually cleared away, revealing the image of an amicable woman. I recalled a line from the famous movie "Sleepless in Seattle". The radio column hostess asked Sam, "What's so special about your wife?" He answered, "That's millions of small things." Right,trivial and commonplace, like obscure beans, yet woven into the most spectacular necklace by the power of love. My mother is ordinary, but in my eyes she is special. My mother gave birth to me with exceptionally difficult labor. Father received an emergency notice and was faced with a choice between the adult and the infant. Of course,the adult. So my coming into this world was an unexpected fortune at the price of Mother's painful insistence. Thus my 20 years began like this my mother exerted every effort to give me love, but I returned her with a deep scar that was to stay with her all through my growth. My mother is a senior high school English teacher. Under standably, she wanted her daughter to pick up English early to give her an edge to later study, which I did not understand at the age of eight. I was so obsessed with fun and games that I hated to stay peacefully with all those strange phonetic symbols and odd words. I wondered what pleasure Mother seemed to have found in teaching me A,B, C. Wasn't teaching at school tire some enough for her? I went on strike, refusing to spell a single word no matter how tender or severe Mother tried to be with me. For the first time in my life, Mother beat me, imprinting on my mind. The physical pain was gone long, long ago. But I have finally come to understand how it pained my mother to beat me for my obstinacy and disobedience, and I ache at her pain. Mother never gave up evoking in me an interest in knowledge. She placed the most emphasis on my education and took the most pleasure in my gradual formation of self-discipline in preparing myself for future development. Thanks to her effort and influence, I have been doing well, not only in English, but also in my positive attitudes and conviction towards life. 啤酒主义者 回答采纳率: 2008-10-14 22:32 A DreamMary: I’m now in the sea. I can’t believe it! It’s so beautiful! What a colorful fish! It’s so lovely! Little fish, don’t go away! Oh, here comes a blue whale. Wow, it’s so big! It’s bigger than my classroom. Oh no! There is a shark! Help! Help!Helen: What’s the matter, Mary?Mary: I saw a shark. Its teeth are so big!Helen: Oh, it must be a : …Yes, it’s a dream. 赫锢蔽寡霓 回答采纳率: 2008-10-18 03:21

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吗你呢女孩非常飞过海金华家门口看金华不能个 一天骨化风成就回复的人更好的道德的要大得多的长途费用飞天关系的人通常官方的人痛风vsrtfgby 让他想到

234 评论


小学生科技小论文-《生石灰煮鸡蛋》今天,我在电视里看见一个科学实验,是生石灰加水可以煮鸡蛋,我想试一试,可家里没有生石灰,我只好出去买生石灰,出了家门,我去了商店,商店里没有生石灰,我问:“有没有与生石灰差不多的东西啊?”他说:“有,这个就是。”我瞧了瞧,原来是石膏粉,我想:石膏粉与生石灰差不多,我就把它买回去吧!拿回家后,我放了一杯水,把石膏粉放进水里,等了一个小时我把鸡蛋拿出来,鸡蛋一点温度都没有,我把手放进水里,水和鸡蛋的温度一样,没有温度。我问爸爸,爸爸说:“生石灰与石膏粉的差别就大了,乖乖!只有生石灰才能煮鸡蛋!我好不容易买到了生石灰我迫不及待的把生石灰倒进水里,迅速放一个鸡蛋进生石灰水里,杯子里出现了一些气泡,我用手摸了摸杯子,杯子发烫了。等了半个小时,我将鸡蛋拿出来,用清水洗干净,再往桌子上一滚,鸡蛋滚的很稳,我断定鸡蛋熟了。为什么呢?因为生鸡蛋往桌子上一滚,因为生鸡蛋里的蛋青和蛋黄都是液体,液体撞击鸡蛋壳儿使鸡蛋的滚动非常不稳定,而熟鸡蛋的蛋黄和蛋青全部是固体,固体不会撞击鸡蛋壳儿,因而使鸡蛋的滚动很稳定。所以我断定鸡蛋熟了。科学世界真是无奇不有啊!我爱科学!加油^_^o~ 努力!

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