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你好朋友:爱是关怀而不是宠爱 爱是相互交融而不是单相思 爱是百味而不全是甜蜜...包容所有的一切,包容那过往的故事,包容那曾经的快乐回忆与忧伤感受。爱是有人在你不开心或开心的时候为你分享,可以时刻守侯在你身边与你分享每一天的人! 是让彼此卜舍 让彼此伤痛 让彼此幸福 泪总是莫名其妙的落下 爱,是哪怕是在一起,每一秒钟也都在思念思念他。 真正的爱情并不一定是他人眼中的完美匹配 而是相爱的人彼此心灵的相互契合 是为了让对方生活得更好而默默奉献 这份爱不仅温润着他们自己,也同样温润着那些世俗的心 真正的爱情,是在能爱的时候,懂得珍惜 真正的爱情,是在无法爱的时候,懂得放手 因为,放手才是拥有了一切… 请在珍惜的时候,好好去爱 在放手的时候,好好祝福… 真爱是一种从内心发出的关心和照顾,没有华丽的言语,没有哗众取宠的行动, 只有在点点滴滴一言一行中你能感受得到。 那样平实那样坚定。反之发誓、许诺说明了它的不确定,永远不要相信甜蜜的话语。用心去感受吧

113 评论



172 评论


您好:The story happened in the UK verona. Two families Montague and Capulet know each other, because the two have grievances a deep feud, is not altogether carries the potential of the day. In an ornate grand banquet Kaipulaite adult, beautiful amorous daughter Juliet and a Montague adults handsome, handsome son Romeo fall in love at first sight, Romeo could not suppress his love for Juliet, to her courtship, Juliet happy in his arms, two families bear a deep grudge against sb. stop love frenzy, ideal setting for a couple in love, they talk. Strong opposition from two families, but love the fire of the burning more wang. They secretly engaged, and held a wedding ceremony in a kind father Laurence under the auspices of the Juliet, looking around, handsome and passionate Romeo, hearts full of hope for the future. Who knows, in the street Romeo and Capulet's nephew Tybalt meet, Tybalt is deliberately provocative, two people had the wrestle, Romeo killed each other, were expelled from tearful farewell to Romeo, her heart and love have gone along with Romeo, she is driven to distraction to miss Romeo. However, the father was forcing her to forget the family enemy, married count paris. Juliet did not dare to betray the family, also is not willing to betray the love sweetheart, her heart was filled with pain and conflict biting, dilemma. Good chi Torrance priest to help Juliet, so she swallowed the pills, to feign death dodges Paris proposing, delay of the truth of the Capulet family believe, sadly for Juliet funeral. Then Romeo quietly Qianhui Verona, he thought that Juliet was really dead, hurried to the cemetery, looked serene, pale and stopped breathing. Juliet, he at the same time, grief, he is unable to leave his beloved Juliet, he is not lonely, no love alive, he drank the poison in the inverted Juliet side. But after a while, Juliet property of a medicine, she wakes up and discovers surprizingly lover on the side, but Romeo told him he was going to die, Juliet embrace him, don't believe all this, however, he is a little weaker, Juliet can't leave Romeo, even to the nether world, also no longer separated them. Juliet decided to use the dagger to end his young life. They embrace the love to rise into the pair of lovers love to death. Their blood finally awakened the two hostile family together.希望对您的学习有帮助满意请采纳O(∩_∩)O谢谢欢迎追问O(∩_∩)O谢谢

303 评论


一篇二百字左右的对罗密欧与朱丽叶爱情的看法的文章题目是:A comment on the love in the movie Romeo and julietAfter watching the movie Romeo and Juliet, I am quite interested in the story, especially in their love. However, it seems to me that they should not love each other, in terms of family background and their age. For one thing, their families are opponents, which means their love would make the relationship between these two families more intence. They know the rules of their families, and they should have a criterion that do not love people in the opponent family. However, both of them are not self-organised enough, so they fall in love, and eventually, the tragedy occured. For another, they should not fall in love because both of them are too young. Romeo is just a 15-year-old boy, and Juliet is even 13 years old. It is impossible that their love would succeed. In this age, they should focus on studying, because they do not know what is true and reliable love. If their love was allowed by the families, they would also break out finally. In summary, I think they should not fall in love , and their love should not be accepted by people. I think people in their ages should focus on studying, in order to fit this society, a society that needs lots of knowledge.

331 评论


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