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Abstract "Little Prince" is a literature work which has a special status in the European literary palace in 20th expressed the writer's rational thinking about the reality and human's inner world by telling a wise and humanity fairy rich warmth and innocent writting style deeply infuented is not an ordinary fairy tale, but rather a philosophical fairy tale which contains the author's thinking of love,responsibility and has deep philosophical meaning and aesthetic significance. Based on the author's analysis of the historical background, I will explore to depth in aspriations and interpretations for love which the auther tried to express,analyze the persuing spirit for innocent humanity represented with "love" in "Little Prince". Key words:Little Prince,love,responsibility,innocence----------------------------------------------------------------------手工的,希望你满意

330 评论


Abstract "Little Prince" is the palace of 20th century European literature has a special status in a work, full of wisdom, light and humanity expressed in this fairy tale is really the outside world and the people of the inner world of rational thinking, rich warmth and innocence profound influence on later styles. It is not an ordinary fairy tale, but rather an integration of love and responsibility of the author and philosophizing philosophy of life fairy tale has a deeper philosophical meaning and aesthetic significance. In this paper, the author's analysis of the historical background, in-depth to explore the expression of the author's aspirations for love and the interpretation of "The Little Prince," a book of "love" word innocence embodied in the spirit of human pursuit. Keywords The Little Prince; love; responsibility; childhood

214 评论


妈妈曾给我出过这样一个谜语:“南阳诸葛亮,稳坐中军帐。排下八卦阵,单捉飞来将。”这则迷语告诉我们:蜘蛛专吃活的东西,难道它不吃死的东西吗?这引起了我的兴趣,我做了实验。 我从墙角处捉来一只小蜘蛛,把它放进一个盒子里(四周扎有小洞,上面盖有玻璃,便于观察)。没等蜘蛛织网,我又捡来一只死的小虫、一只死苍蝇,放在蜘蛛的前面,蜘蛛置之不理,随即用手碰撞盒子,蜘蛛就向其他方向爬去了。 为了彻底弄懂蜘蛛吃不吃死苍蝇,第二天,我又来到盒子前观察,看到死昆虫、死苍蝇还在原来的地方,可盒子角处多了一个网,蜘蛛在网上安静地趴着。这时,我想:昨天死苍蝇、死昆虫没被吃掉是不是因为没有网呢?于是,我又将死苍蝇拿起来轻轻地放在网上,可蜘蛛还是一动不动,紧接着,我又用笔轻轻地触动了一下网的边缘,咦,蜘蛛好像有了反应,开始向颤动的方向爬去,我把笔收回,网停止了颤动,信号断了,它就停了下来,不一会儿,蜘蛛又向网中心爬去。我又用笔尖触动网上死苍蝇的身体,网开始颤动,蜘蛛就开始向这边爬来,我又把笔尖收回,蜘蛛就停了,像上次那样,过了一会儿,蜘蛛又向网中心爬去。噢!我终于明白了:原来蜘蛛是靠网的颤动来产生感觉的,靠织网而捕食的。于是,我把实验结果记录下来。 为了证实蜘蛛靠网的颤动产生感觉,我又做了实验。将笔尖放在网上死苍蝇的身上,长时间的颤动,网的震动越来越大,蜘蛛产生的感觉好像也越来越强烈,蜘蛛便匆匆地赶过来,等蜘蛛碰到苍蝇,我将笔尖收回,只见蜘蛛尾部很快喷出黏乎乎的丝将苍蝇捆住,接着又看着蜘蛛的背一动一动的,好像在吸食苍蝇,不一会儿,网上就剩下一个完整的空壳了。这个实验证明蜘蛛吃动的昆虫。 我们探密小组又到图书馆、书店查阅了大量有关蜘蛛的书籍。其中《普通动物学》一书中写道:蜘蛛为食肉性动物,其食物大多数为昆虫或其他节肢动物。但口无上颚,不直接吞食固体食物,而是慢慢地吸食。当昆虫等动物触网时,会用力在网上挣扎,使网丝颤动而使蜘蛛很快发觉,蜘蛛便顺着纵向丝向猎物爬去,用蛛丝包裹猎物,固定于网上,先用螯肢内的毒腺分泌毒液注入捕获猎物体内,将其杀死,再由中肠分泌的消化酶灌注在被螯肢撕碎的捕获物的组织中,很快将其分解为液汁,然后吸进消化道内,最后吃剩下的体壳,就被完整的弃留在蛛网上了。这些充分证明:飞来的昆虫使蜘蛛网颤动,网颤动会使产生感觉,蜘蛛产生感觉就会将猎物捕获,因此,证实了蜘蛛只吃活动物,而不吃死的昆虫

258 评论


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