文章提纲已经够详细了,但是从你的标题来看有不少重复的章节,特别是文献综述部分与第四五章,建议文献综述 油价上涨现状 次贷危机对石油贸易的影响 中国石油安全现状分析 中国与美国石油贸易之比较 中国石油应对次贷危机的战略建议 文献综述部分你就写一点前人的相关研究结论的介绍就可以了,多引用一些已经成型的模型和结论,不必要再细分了,这样与后面也可以避免重复。第二个建议把第四五章调换一下次序,这样与第六章衔接更为合理流畅。仅此两点,希望对你有帮助。
关于中国与越南石油贸易合作问题的思考(国际经济与贸易)[摘 要] 1993年我国就成为石油的净进口国,随着经济的快速发展,我国的石油产量远不能满足自身的需求,导致石油缺口逐年加大,石油贸易合作是解决这一问题的重要方式之一。中越两国关系恢复正常以来,两国的贸易量逐年增加。为了进一步促进中越两国石油贸易合作的健康发展,保证我国石油供应的稳定,本文从中越两国的石油资源现状和石油贸易现状入手,对中越两国石油贸易合作的优势和前景进行初步的分析探讨,提出了一些自己的思考与对策。[关键词] 石油 贸易合作 互补性 对策[Abstract] Since 1993, China became a net import country of petroleum. With the rapid economic development, the output of petroleum in China cannot meet the domestic demands. This resulted in the increasing shortage of petroleum year by year. The cooperation of trade in petroleum is one of the important ways to solve the problem. Since China and Vietnam resumed the bilateral relationship, the trade volume between the two countries has been increased year after year. In order to further promote the healthy development of the cooperation of trade in petroleum between China and Vietnam and to guarantee the stable supply of petroleum in China, this article starts with the current situation of petroleum resources in the two countries and the trade between them. And then, the advantages and the future of the cooperation of trade in petroleum between China and Vietnam are analyzed. Finally, some countermeasures are provided.[Keyword] Petroleum Cooperation of trade Countermeasure
提供一些电子商务毕业论文的题目,供写作参考。1. B2B电子商务对交易成本的影响的实证分析.2. B2B电子商务框架结构.3. BtoB电子商务的主要技术.4.
文章提纲已经够详细了,但是从你的标题来看有不少重复的章节,特别是文献综述部分与第四五章,建议1.3文献综述 1.3.1油价上涨现状 1.3.2次贷危机对石油贸易
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本文是国际贸易论文题目,笔者为大家收集了国际贸易专业最新论文题目50例,希望为大家的国际贸易论文选题提供参考。国际贸易论文优秀范文50篇:1 企业生产力与对外直