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首页 > 学术期刊 > 关于服务营销的毕业论文英文翻译

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毕业论文的英文翻译是thesis,音标是英[ˈθi:sɪs] 美[ˈθisɪs] 。thesisn.论文,毕业论文;论点,论题;命题扩展例句1、There is no empirical evidence to support his thesis. 他的论文缺乏实验证据的支持。2、How well does this thesis stand up to close examination? 这个命题经得起推敲吗?3、He has finished his thesis. 他的论文完成了。4、She's finished writing her thesis. 她那篇论文写出来了。5、Please write an abstract of this article 〔 thesis 〕. 请写一份这本书〔这篇论文〕的摘要。The article has a clear-cut thesis and arguments, but lacks reasoning.文章论点、论据鲜明,但缺乏论证。

86 评论


营销与推销区别1、营销是一个整体活动 产前:市场调研、市场细分、目标市场选择、 市场定位、营销战略规划; 产中:抓质量、管理;产后:包装、品牌的构建、定价、分销渠道和体系的建立、广告、推销、公共关系、营业推广等。2、 推销仅仅是产品生产出来后的一项活动 营销在于激发需求,推销在于促成订单 营销包含推销和促销发展趋势1、向“上”发展——战略规划;2、往“深”发展——营销终端、解决实际3、向“心”发展——消费者行为;4、向“量”发展——定量方法;5、向“网”发展——网络营销;产品观念认为:消费者喜欢质量高,功能多,有特色的产品。核心:抓质量。企业应不断改进产品的质量。 缺点:导致“营销近视症”,不适当地把注意力放在产品上,而不是放在需求上。 代表:酒好不怕巷子深推销观念认为:消费者通常不会足量购买某一企业的产品。 企业必须积极推销其产,大量促销。核心:抓推销 背景:产品过剩。营销观念认为: 企业必须正确确定目标市场的需要和欲望,比竞争者更有效地供给目标市场希望的物品。营销观念四大支柱1)目标市场为中心(2)顾客需求为导向(3)协调的营销4)盈利性市场分类1、按地域 国际市场 国内市场 农村市场 城市市场2、按流通环节 批发市场 零售市场3、按竞争程度 完全竞争市场 完全垄断市场 不完全竞争市场4、按合约订立与执行情况 现货市场 期货市场5按产品形态 有形产品市场 无形产品市场6、按购买者身份 消费者市场 生产者市场 中间商市场 政府市场消费品的分类1、便利品2、选购品3、特殊品4、非渴求品消费者的购买特点1、购买品种的多样性2、购买数量的小型性3、购买频率的重复性4、购买地点的随意性5、购买原因的复杂性6、购买决策的“非专家性消费者市场的需求特征1、需求的多样性2、需求的层次性3、需求的发展性生产者市场的特点①需求的派生性 ②需求的波动性 ③需求的弹性小 ④专家购买中间商市场的特点1.需求的引发性 2.需求弹性大 3.批量购买 定期进货影响中间商购买行为的因素1、消费者接受度2、广告/推广计划3、优惠条件与折让政府市场的特点1.需求受政策和国际国内形势影响较大2.购买有较强的计划性3.采购方式多样非营利组织的类型和购买特点类型: 1.履行国家职能的非营利组织。 2.促进群体交流的非营利组织。 3.提供社会服务的非营利组织。购买特点:1.限定总额2.价格低廉;3.保证质量;4.受到控制;5.程序复杂服务的特点与营销要求l.无形性 又称不可触知性,即服务在被购买之前是看不见,品味不到,感觉不出的。要求: “管理展示”与“化无形为有形” 2.不可分割性 即生产与消费过程的同时性。要求:提高生产效率3.可变性 服务质量具有高度的可变性。要求:提高服务质量4易消失性 服务不能储存。要求:解决供需之间的矛盾。消费者行为的过程 认识需要 - 收集信息--评估被选产品—购买决策—购后评价影响消费者行为的因素一、外在因素(一)文化因素(二)社会因素二、内在因素(一)心理因素(二)经济因素(三)生理因素(四)生活方式目标营销的三个步骤1、市场细分●确认细分依据●剖析各细分市场2、目标市场选择:● 衡量各细分市场吸引力 ● 选择目标市场3、市场定位● 市场定位 ● 拟定营销组合策略市场细分的作用1.有利于发现市场机会;2.有助于掌握目标市场的特点;3.有利于制定和调整市场营销组合策略;4.有利于提高企业的竞争能力。市场细分的理论依据1. 同质偏好2. 分散偏好3. 集群偏好消费者市场细分的标志地理因素 人口因素 心理因素 行为因素产业市场细分的标志1)最终用户(行业):军方用户、工业用户,商业用户等2)产品用途:建筑材料、半成品材料、移动铝屋(3)客户规模:大客户、中客户、小客户(4)购买方式:程序购买者、关系购买者、交易购买者、讨价还价的猎手。市场细分的原则1.可衡量性2.可接近性3.可盈利性4.稳定性选择目标市场1市场集中化2有选择专业化3产品专业化4市场专业化5市场全面化目标市场策略 无差异性营销策略 差异性营销策略 集中性营销策略品牌定位的方法档次定位法 主要利益定位法 使用者定位法 产品类别定位法使用场合(情景)定位法 比附定位法 文化定位法市场定位的策略1.避强定位2.迎头定位3.重新定位市场营销宏观环境 特征: 1、客观性 2、动态性3、多样性 4、相关性战略规划的内容和步骤 界定公司使命-设定公司目标-设计业务组合-选择增长策略制定职能性计划战略经营单位的特征1有自己的业务。2有共同的性质和要求。3拥有一定的资源,能够相对独立或有区别地开展业务活动4有竞争对手。5有相应的管理班子从事经营战略管理工作。市场营销计划的实施1. 制定行动方案2. 调整组织结构3. 形成规章制度4. 协调各种关系。市场营销计划执行中的问题1. 计划脱离实际;2. 长期目标和短期目标相矛盾;3. 因循守旧的惰性;4. 缺乏具体、明确的行动方案。市场营销组合的特点(1)可控性;(2)动态性;3)复合性;4)整体性市场营销组合的作用(1)市场营销组合是制定和实施企业战略规划和部门战略规划的基础(2)市场营销组合是企业参与和应付市场竞争的有利武器;(3)市场营销组合是协调企业内部各职能部门工作的纽带。 整体产品概念对营销管理的意义1. 整体产品概念体现了以顾客为中心的现代营销观念。 2. 整体产品概念为企业开发适合消费者需要的有形与无形产品、挖掘新的市场机会提供了新的思路3. 整体产品概念给企业产品开发设计提供了新的方向4. 整体产品概念为企业的产品差异化提供了新的线索。5. 整体产品概念要求企业重视各种售后服务介绍期的营销策略 主要特点:消费者对产品不太了解;销量低、利润少;产品的质量不太稳定;没有建立稳定的分销渠道,分销和促销费用高;一般没有竞争者。 成长期的营销策略 主要特点:消费者已了解该产品,销售量迅速增;生产规模扩大,生产成本下降;大批竞争者加入,市场上同类产品增多,竞争开始加剧;已建立稳定的分销渠道,单位促销费用大幅下降。成熟期的营销策略主要特点: 销售量增长缓慢,逐步达到最高峰,然后开始缓慢下降;市场竞争十分激烈,各种品牌的同类产品和仿制品不断出现;企业利润开始下降;绝大多数属于顾客的重复购买,只有少数迟缓购买者进入市场。衰退期的营销策略 主要特点: 产品销量急剧下降,利润也迅速下降甚至出现亏损;消费者的消费习惯发生改变或持币待购;市场竞争转入激烈的价格竞争,很多的竞争者退出市场产品组合调整策略 (一)扩大产品的组合 1、平行式扩展 2、系列式扩展 3、综合利用式扩展 (二)缩减产品组合策略 1、削减产品系列2、减少产品项目 3、增加产品产量 (三)产品线延伸策略 1、向下延伸2、向上延伸 3、双向延伸 品牌的功能与作用1、 功能:(1)识别功能 (2)保护功能 (3)促销的功能2、 作用: 对用户: A、提高选购效率B、保证达到正常的满意度C、可靠评估产品质量D、满足身份方面的需要。对品牌拥有者: A、方便重复购买B、节省促销费用 C、培养忠诚的用户D、建立公司的形象 E、获得高额利润F、简化新产品引入G、品牌的无形资产品牌设计要求1、构思新颖,独具特色2、要使人联想到产品的质量和特点3、简洁醒目 易读易记4符合行销地区文化和消费者心理5、符合国家法规6、为产品扩展、延伸留下空间 包装的作用 1.保护产品2.促进销售 3.创造价值 4. 提供便利 包装策略 1.类似包装策略 2.差异包装策略 3.配套包装策略4.再使用包装策略5.附赠品包装策略6.分等级包装策略7.改变包装策略包装设计的原则1新颖且符合用户习惯2 与商品价值匹配3 显示商品的特点4 运输储藏使用安全方便5 增加信任感6 适当的成本新产品开发过程1 构思产生2 构思筛选3 概念的发展和测试4 营销发展战略5.商业分析6.产品开发7.市场试销8.商品化产品效用分析法产品实质上的效用 产品感觉上的效用,尤其是外观上的效用 心理上的效用,侧重于产品的附加价值, 即获得产品时可能获得的社会地位价值 和心理上的满足影响定价的因素一、定价目标二、产品成本三、市场需求四、竞争状况五、法律政策定价的程序:选择定价目标-测定需求价格弹性-估算成本-分析竞争对手-选择定价方法-确定最终价格定价的方法(一)成本导向定价法(二)需求导向定价法(三)竞争导向定价法影响分销渠道设计的因素顾客特性 产品特性 中间商特性 竞争特性 企业特性 环境特性产生窜货的原因主要有:某些地区市场供应饱和;广告拉力过大而渠道建设没有跟上;企业在资金、人力等方面的不足,造成不同区域之间渠道发展的不平衡;企业给予渠道的优惠政策各不相同;运输成本不同而引起窜货。 物流的职能就是将产品由其生产地转移到消费地,从而创造地点效用。包括产品的运输、保管、装卸、包装、信息传播及规划生产水平和存货水平。促销的作用1 、唤起需求2 、促进销售3 、树立形象影响促销组合的因素1、促销目标 2、产品因素(1) 产品的性质。(2) 产品寿命周期。3、市场状况(容量、分布、竞争)4、推动与拉引策略5、促销预算人员推销的特点1人员推销的优点:信息传递双向性 推销目的双重性 推销过程灵活性长期协作性 2人员推销的缺点:支出较大,成本较高对推销人员的要求较高推销人员的素质态度热忱,勇于进取。求知欲强,知识广博。企业知识 产品知识 市场知识 心理学知识 财务知识 文明礼貌,善于表达。富于应变,技巧娴熟人员推销的形式上门推销 柜台推销 会议推销影响广告媒体选择的因素:产品的性质 消费者接触媒体的习惯 媒体的传播范围 媒体的影响力 媒体的费用广告的设计原则真实性;社会性;针对性;感召性;简明性;艺术性。公共关系的特征1. 公共关系是组织与相关公众之间的相互关系。2. 公共关系的目标是为企业广结良缘,创造良好的企业形象和社会声誉。3. 公共关系活动以真诚合作、平等互利、共同发展为基本原则。4. 公共关系是一种信息沟通,是创造“人和”的艺术。5. 公共关系是一种长期活动。公共关系的作用本质是“内求团结,外求发展”。搜集信息,监测环境 ; 咨询建议,决策参考;舆论宣传,创造气氛 ; 交往沟通,协调关系 ; 教育引导,服务社会销售促进的特点:1促销效果显著2是特定时期的短期性促销工具3是一种辅助性促销方式4可能会贬低产品的价值促销向消费者推广的方式:赠送样品 赠送代价券 包装兑现 提供赠品 商品展销 有奖销售 降价销售促销向中间商推广的方式:折扣 资助 经销奖励销售促进的控制选择适当的方式2 确定合理的期限;3.禁忌弄虚作假;4.注重中后期宣传营销部门的组织形式 职能型组织 地区型组织 产品管理组织 市场管理管理组织 产品/市场管理式组织 公司-事业部组织职能型组织的特点:优点 易于管理 缺点没有人对产品或市场负完全责任,会导致某些特定市场工作不完善。各职能部门相互竞争,不利于部门间的协调。 地区型组织的特点:优点1发展特色市场,建立适合本地区消费者文化及需求的产品或服务,提高销量。2当地的经理有更多的战略自由度和刺激,利于提高经理们的工作积极性。缺点:1各地区组织的经理容易以地区利益为重,各自为政2当母公司总部与地区分部之间出现冲突时,需要谨慎权衡各方利益,地区型组织的特点:优点1发展特色市场,建立适合本地区消费者文化及需求的产品或服务,提高销量。2当地的经理有更多的战略自由度和刺激,利于提高经理们的工作积极性。缺点:1各地区组织的经理容易以地区利益为重,各自为政2当母公司总部与地区分部之间出现冲突时,需要谨慎权衡各方利益,市场营销组织的设置原则1.集权和分权相结合的原则。2.精干、节约、高效的原则。3.沟通和协调的原则。4.责权利相结合原则。5.专业化分工与协作原则。市场营销审计的特性 全面性 系统性 独立性 定期性关系市场营销与交易市场营销的区别 1交易市场营销是追求每一笔交易利润的最大化。2 关系市场营销是追求同各方利益关系的最佳化。农副产品市场的特点 1. 交易的产品具有生产资料和生活资料的双重性质2. 具有供给的季节性和周期性3. 市场风险比较大4. 现代化市场与传统小型分散市场并存

170 评论


Marketing is an integrated communications-based process through which individuals and communities discover that existing and newly-identified needs and wants may be satisfied by the products and services of is defined by the American Marketing Association as the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. [1] The term developed from the original meaning which referred literally to going to market, as in shopping, or going to a market to buy or sell goods or practice tends to be seen as a creative industry, which includes advertising, distribution and selling. It is also concerned with anticipating the customers' future needs and wants, which are often discovered through market research. Seen from a systems point of view, sales process engineering views marketing as a set of processes that are interconnected and interdependent with other functions[2], whose methods can be improved using a variety of relatively new is influenced by many of the social sciences, particularly psychology, sociology, and economics. Anthropology and neuroscience are also small but growing influences. Market research underpins these activities. Through advertising, it is also related to many of the creative arts. The marketing literature is also infamous for re-inventing itself and its vocabulary according to the times and the the early 1960s, Professor Neil Borden at Harvard Business School identified a number of company performance actions that can influence the consumer decision to purchase goods or services. Borden suggested that all those actions of the company represented a “Marketing Mix”. Professor E. Jerome McCarthy, also at the Harvard Business School in the early 1960s, suggested that the Marketing Mix contained 4 elements: product, price, place and : The product aspects of marketing deal with the specifications of the actual goods or services, and how it relates to the end-user's needs and wants. The scope of a product generally includes supporting elements such as warranties, guarantees, and support. Pricing: This refers to the process of setting a price for a product, including discounts. The price need not be monetary; it can simply be what is exchanged for the product or services, . time, energy, or attention. Methods of setting prices optimally are in the domain of pricing science.

277 评论


有多长? 我是营销专业的

130 评论


The supermarket inventory management system design and implementation With small supermarket the scale of development expands unceasingly, the quantity of a commodity increase sharply, the relevant goods and all kinds of information have multiplied. The supermarket was obsessed for goods to all kinds of information in statistical analysis. And the large supermarket management system function caused by too much red tape reduces the operation of small supermarket work efficiency. The supermarket management system on the market is the most popular supermarket used one of the system, it mainly includes the following several modules: landing system, commodity warehousing, goods, goods change and delete query. Thus, realize the purchase, sales and employee information and the all-round, dynamic, timely management. The system of making reference analyzing the market background and process. Front desk program development mainly Visual c #.net environment for development, develop fast, convenient and simple and clear login screen. Front desk development mainly include: login screen, the interface, system maintenance interface, etc. The background is mainly the building and maintaining database, the use of the tools is SQL Sever 2005 database, and it provides a good system for safety, support multi-user operating. Available to store data with the front desk and C# console connection, make the data connection between each other and can dynamically. Key words work efficiency/inventory management/SQL Sever 2005 database.放心吧,我的英语水平很好的

335 评论



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Services marketing is marketing based on relationship and value. It may be used to market a service or a a service-base business is different from marketing a product-base are several major differences, including:The buyer purchases are intangible The service may be based on the reputation of a single person It's more difficult to compare the quality of similar services The buyer cannot return the service Service Marketing mix adds 3 more p's, . people, physical environment, process[1]service and follow-through are keys to a successful venture. The major difference in the education of services marketing versus regular marketing is that instead of the traditional "4 P's," Product, Price, Place, Promotion, there are three additional "P's" consisting of People, Physical evidence, and Process. Service marketing also includes the servicescape referring to but not limited to the aesthetic appearance of the business from the outside, the inside, and the general appearance of the employees themselves. Service Marketing has been relatively gaining ground in the overall spectrum of educational marketing as developed economies move farther away from industrial importance to service oriented economies. What is marketing? Marketing is the flow of goods and services from the producer to consumer. It is based on relationship and value. In common parlance it is the distribution and sale of goods and services. Marketing can be differentiated as:Marketing of products Marketing of services. Marketing includes the services of all those indulged may it be then the wholesaler retailer, Warehouse keeper, transport etc. In this modern age of competition marketing of a product or service plays a key role. It is estimated that almost 50% of the price paid for a commodity goes to the marketing of the product in US. Marketing is now said to be a term which has no particular definition as the definitions change everyday."Managing the evidence" refers to the act of informing customers that the service encounter has been performed successfully. It is best done in subtle ways like providing examples or descriptions of good and poor service that can be used as a basis of comparison. The underlying rationale is that a customer might not appreciate the full worth of the service if they do not have a good benchmark for , it is worth remembering that many of the concepts, as well as many of the specific techniques, will work equally well whether they are directed at products or services. In particular, developing a marketing strategy is much the same for products and services, in that it involves selecting target markets and formulating a marketing mix. Thus, Theodore Levitt suggested that "instead of talking of 'goods' and of 'services', it is better to talk of 'tangibles' and 'intangibles'"[2]. Levitt also went on to suggest that marketing a physical product is often more concerned with intangible aspects (frequently the `product service' elements of the total package) than with its physical properties. Charles Revson made a famous comment regarding the business of Revlon Inc.: `In the factory we make cosmetics. In the store we sell hope.' Arguably, service industry marketing merely approaches the problems from the opposite end of the same spectrum[3].Referencespeter, S. and Rada, J. (1988) "Servicitization of business: Adding value by adding services", European Management Journalof, vol. 6, no. 4, Malik ^ Bitner, J. en Booms, B. "Marketing strategies and organizational structures for service firms", in Donnelly, J. en George, W. (1981) "Marketing of services", American Marketing Association, Chicago ^ Levitt, T. (1981) "Managing intangible products and product intangibles", Harvard Business Review, May-June, 1981, ^ Marketing by David Mercer Ng. Irene (2007) "Service Marketing"

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