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给外国作者写一般要写英语:Dear so and so, I am your fan. I like your works very much. Now I am a college student. I think your works have a great impact on me. Would you like to extract some of your works into my thesis? Thank you sincerely.



103 评论


Dear Professor XXX,I am a student from (XXX course/school). I have heard about your name and your great work from my school teacher. I really appreciate what you have done for the academic field. Since I am doing a project/assignment related to XXX, I need lots of information about XXX to support my work. Could you please do me a favor? Actually, your academic essay/thesis ''XXXXX'' is a great reference for my project. Could you please send it to me since I could not find it on the internet? Your work would be highly appreciated since this project will be introduce to different high schools in my look forward to receiving your you so much!Best regards,XXXXX***留意,XXX的地方请根据自己的情况填写,内容也可修改~因为我不清楚你的状况和要论文来做什麼......(发电邮只要有礼,用词符合身份就OK)

262 评论


Dear Mr./Mrs.: ________(作者名) I am a graduate student of xxxx University in China. I major in "________"(您 的专业). Recently, I found one of your articles, titled "__________" (文章名 )in Materials. I found it may help me achieve my goals in this research field . This would make a really positive contribution to my work. I would like to b e able to read the full text of this article. The abstract makes the article s ound very interesting. I wonder if you would consider sending me the full text by Email. Perhaps you would consider this as an act of friendship between our two countries. Thank you for your kind consideration of this request. Sincerely: ___________(你的名字) My Email address is: ____________________ (你的email地址)

136 评论


  • ei检索论文模板


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  • 投国外会议摘要论文模板

    会议摘要范例格式包括题目用三号黑体居中,作者用小四仿宋居中等。 扩展资料 会议摘

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  • 教育探索论文模板

    【摘要】 小学低年级阶段的德育管理是一项内容复杂且不容易完成的教育工作,为了能够将小学低年级班级管理与德育工作较好的结合到一起,笔者总结出了几点可行性较高的德育

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  • 本科论文外文摘要模板

    一、标题 一篇较长的英语论文(如英语毕业论文)一般都需要标题页,其书写格式如下:第一行标题与打印纸顶端的距离约为打印纸全长的三分之一,与下行(通常为by,居中)

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  • 论文检索模板

    1、封面:(由文印中心统一制作)。 2、中文摘要:中文摘要,约300字以内。 内容应包括工作目的、研究方法、成果和结论,要突出本论文的创造性成果,语言力求精炼。

    向娟宅女 5人参与回答 2023-12-07