The court establishment localization and the administration is affectsthe judicial authority and the legal sanctity two big malpractices,hindered the market economy rule to have the foreword establishmentand the jurisdiction independence, how overcame the regionalprotectionism, the maintenance jurisdiction independence and is fair,has wide divided opinions, did Russia arbitrate the court theestablishment exactly to be able to solve this problem, how Russiaarbitrates the court in Russian court system status? How itsjurisdiction with examines the level? Has what characteristic, thisarticle draws up to it carries on the analysis, profits from by thetime to our country court establishment.
1、 培养我国社会主义建设事业所需要的,具有马克思主义理论修养,坚持四项基本原则,德、智、体全面发展的人才。2、 培养在本门学科内掌握坚实的理论基础和系统的专门知识,通晓本学科研究方向的前沿理论和最新科研成果,勇于进行理论创新,具有从事高层次理论研究、课堂教学和独立担负专项工作能力,学位论文具有创造性的高级俄语学科人才。3、 通晓2门以上外语。
学位论文的写作规范 学位论文的写作规范 学位论文是申请学位的重要文献资料,是社会的宝贵财富。为了规范学位论文撰写,保证学位论文的质量,特制订本规范。 一、论文要
完整版俄语论文:《地理和全球化问题探讨》География и глобальные проблемы已发至 发件人 encode2008