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Accounting for R&D in the National Accounts Dennis Fixler Bureau of Economic Analysis 24 February 2009 Paper presented at ASSA meetings in San Francisco, January 2009 Accounting information as political currency* Karthik Ramanna Harvard Business School and Sugata Roychowdhury MIT Sloan School of Management This draft: March 31, 2008 Abstract: We test whether accounting can be used as political currency. Our setting is the US congressional election of 2004, where outsourcing of US jobs was a campaign issue. We find that the largest corporate donors to principal candidates in closely watched congressional races manage earnings downwards in the two quarters immediately preceding the 2004 election. We find no evidence of such downwards earnings management among corporate donors to candidates in all other congressional races. Election outcomes for candidates are also systematically associated with the extent of donors' downwards earnings management in closely watched races, but not all other races. The findings are consistent with firms managing accounting information in circumstances where this is likely to benefit allied politicians. 哈佛商学院2008年3月31日

235 评论




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