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我投过的只有一个没收版面费,是Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology ,收算法类的文章,对英文要求比较高。生物信息学杂志不收版面费的比较少,就是Bioinformatics 也收。生物信息学在03年出来以后才快速发展的,期刊也是更晚才大量出现的,基本都是要先收费维持杂志的收支,然后过几年几十年之后,杂志名声出来了,数据比较多了,可以卖数据库收钱的时候,才可能免费。

242 评论


具体如下。解放军护理杂志(不收版面费审稿费) (官网投稿) 简介 《解放军护理杂志》(月刊)创刊于1984年,是海军军医大学主办的全国性护理专业学术期刊,中国科技论文统计源期刊中国科技核心期刊,卫生部人事司专业技术资格评审认定期刊。就版面费而言,综合医学类期刊平均起来比护理类还要贵很多。护理类统计源中解放军护理不要审稿费及版面费,现代临床护理的版面费也才两千元左右,其它的护理类统计源。

269 评论


大多数的SCI期刊是不收版面费的,但是论文发表之后,别人下载是要收费的!目前也有很期刊采取OPEN ACCESS的方式,这种方式下载文章不需要费用,可以提高论文的引用率,但是需要收取不菲的版面费!不过,期刊还是很仁慈的,可以申请减免版面费的:Dear Dr. or Prof. XXXX (family name of the Editor or Editor-in-Chief who issued the decisionletter), Re: Ms# XXXX (number of the manuscript if any) – XXXX (title of the article) I am very pleased that our paper has been accepted for publication in XXX (name of the journal). We notice that there is a charge for the publication of the manuscript (or for printing the color figures, or whatever you are charged). The publication fees (or costs for printing the color figures, or whatever you are charged) appear too expensive for me at the moment. Although this project was supported by a grant from ****, but the total amount of the grant was RMBXXXX (about $XXXX). With this amount, we could just mange to conduct and complete our experiments, and thus we do not have enough funding to pay for the publication fees (or for printing the color figures, or whatever you are charged). Therefore, I am writing you to explore the possibility that the publication fees (or for printing thecolor figures, or whatever you are charged) could be reduced or even waived. However, if youhave a difficulty to offer us such a concession, we will make our every effort to meet the requirements for the publication including payment of the publication fees (or for printing the colorfigures, or whatever you are charged) since the publication of this paper in your journal is very important for us. Thank very much for your consideration, and look forward to hearing from you soon. With kind regards, Yours sincerely, XXXX (name of the corresponding author) XXX (title of the corresponding author)Corresponding author

95 评论



129 评论


  • 期刊的版面费

    1、核心:国内核心(南大核心、中文核心、科技核心),版面费价格区间8000-1.3W 2、普刊:1000元——1600元/版万方:900元——1400元/版维普

    小喵酱一小只 3人参与回答 2023-12-12
  • sci杂志版面费

    发表一篇SCI论文的费用最低是免费,最高约2万元人民币。 SCI论文发表过程中需要收费的项目主要包括:版面费、SCI论文润色费用、纸质论文印刷费用、图件制作费用

    vicki瑶瑶 2人参与回答 2023-12-09
  • 免版面费sci期刊

    我投过的只有一个没收版面费,是Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology ,收算法类的文章,对英文要

    城阳高升移门 3人参与回答 2023-12-08
  • 免版面费新闻传媒类期刊


    美梦似路长! 6人参与回答 2023-12-09
  • 版面费便宜的期刊


    笨丫头19868 3人参与回答 2023-12-06