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[abstract] This is Changsha YuanGe residential area design, 【construction's long, wide】,(不知道是你写的不全还是怎么,有点不通,如果你要加数字,就用the length of construction is...the width of construction is...) a total of 12 layer, total building area is..., building height of principal part is.... Design content mainly includes the architectural design and structural design . The part of architectural design Including the overall layout,the plane and vertical transportation, and the requirements of fire prevention and evacuation. Design mainly includeplanar configuration, elevation and profile design and fire protection and evacuation design, etc., follow the principle of "safty,availability,economy,aesthetics" , satisfy people's demand for residential use function and aesthetic. Design structure using short-leg shear wall system, to adapt to the new housing concept of people. Combining with hand calculation and PKPM computing , including load calculation (gravity load, wind load),shear walls and floor slabs, the design calculation of beam and words: short-leg shear wall; High-rise residential; The structure design本人CET-6水平,纯手工翻译,除查询专业单词外,绝没使用软件,耗时20分钟,还望采纳。希望你论文获得成功。

135 评论


With the modern scientific and technological progress, economic development, advertising culture more and more by the region's popular culture and people's way of life, consumer psychology and other factors. Bobo culture is divided into social classes to describe the form and characteristics of Bobo culture embodied in the current new wave of lifestyle and family values. Bobos in emerging sectors of the society will soon become a mainstream consumer groups. Life as a concept has a unique consumer groups, and their attitude towards life, values have slowly infiltrated into their consumption patterns and consumer behavior, the consumption of this unique concept has gradually become a popular culture affects our lives. Bobo cultural charm of its unique culture of local advertising in particular, demands a change in the way advertising and advertising strategy of innovation performance has had a major impact. In this paper, Bobo Bobos culture and to study the object, through the analysis of the social strata of the social status, lifestyle, spending habits and so on to the ball to reveal the spread of culture in the process of advertising the specific application. Key words: Bobo culture; Bobos; consumer behavior; the way advertising appeals; ad performance strategy

249 评论


Abstract:Since ChinaUniversityEnrollment began inthe latenineteen ninties,college students employment difficult problemarose,in recent years,decreasedinitial employmentrate of university graduates,supply and demand ratiois increased,the employment situation is not optimistic,receivedwidespread attention from all sectors of society,the employment problem ofuniversity studentshas become one ofthe most last outbreak of the financialcrisis sweeping the globe,so that morecollege students employmentdifficult,this paper analyzesthe employment situation of university studentsfrom many aspects,in order tolet the studentsunderstand the currentsocial situation,the employment problemand thus a better solutionKeywords:Reason and Countermeasuresof difficult employment for University StudentsThe characteristics ofthe largestemployment of college students isthe totalincrease ingraduates,high,andemployment situation ofwhole andnot improved the status quois contradictory,the difficult employment of college studentshasbecome an indisputable fact,investigate its reason,mainly is thedislocation oftalent supply andmarket demand,and thegraduates'Comprehensive toimprove the quality of personnel training,is the key tosolvethe difficult problem ofemployment of university students difficult employmentsituationoftalent gapsolution

150 评论


This design is the design of residential district of Changsha, Lai Court building long, wide, a total of 12 layers, the total construction area, the main building height. The design includes architectural design and structural design of two design includes the total layout, plane and vertical transportation, as well as fire and evacuation requirements. The design mainly layout, facade design and section design and fire protection and evacuation design, follow the "safe, practical, economic, aesthetic" principle, to meet the people's use of functional and aesthetic demand for of the short-leg shear wall structure system to adapt to the new residential concept. Structure design is by hand combined with a PKPM computer, including load calculation (gravity load, wind load), the design calculation and reinforcement shear wall slab, : short shear wall high-rise housing; structural design;楼主您好 请问是把你说的那些翻译成英文吗? 如果是的话 我这段翻译希望您满意

112 评论


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