Shegan Tissue Culture Abstract Shegan as a medicinal plant, which has heat-clearing and detoxifying, reducing gas expectorant, such as the role of casual blood swelling. Clinical practice in recent years for the treatment of bronchitis, mumps, mastitis, symptoms such as liver coma well. In conventional breeding, seed multiplication Shegan mainly, which is not conducive to propagation Shegan promotion. Therefore, the application of tissue culture for rapid propagation of means, can be solved Shegan traditional vegetative propagation problems, in order to standardize the production of tree saplings, and large-scale commercialization. In this study, different concentrations of different hormones on the Shegan with sterile shoots and roots, as well as the proliferation of callus induction study on the impact of test results showed that: 1, in the choice of cytokinin in Shegan ,6-BA on the proliferation of best buds ,6-BA induction of multiple shoot clumps and more robust. Bud subculture was well established in several concentrations, the induction of bud proliferation Shegan highest concentration of multiples: MS +6- . Proliferation in multiples of , good growth in vitro. However, the concentration of BA increased to , the bud drop in value-added and reduced growth potential. 2, in Shegan rooting culture, the set of four NAA concentrations (). Results within one month after vaccination was found: NAA concentration of the best rooting and rooting rate of percent, the average number of to take root. Different concentrations of 3,2,4-D on callus induction To MS + glucose 3% as the basic medium, adding different concentrations of 2,4-D (0,). Observed 10 days after inoculation :2,4-D results show that the concentration on the callus induction had a greater impact ,2,4-D concentration for its performance the best, induction rate of Key words: tissue culture Shegan hormone
分类: 医疗健康 >> 中医 问题描述: 论文材料 大家把找到的有关资料贴在上面就行了!20分轻松到手!! 解析: 1 中草药的作用 抗病害。如大黄、黄连、大青叶等能够抑菌;板蓝根、野菊等有抗病毒的能力;苦楝皮、马鞭草、白头翁等能杀虫。增强机体免疫力。水产动物具有相对完善的免疫功能,中草药可以对其起调节作用。 可以完善饲料的营养,提高饲料转化率。中草药本身含有一定的营养物质,如粗蛋白、粗脂肪、维生素等,某些中草药还有诱食、消食健胃的作用。 2 中草药的特点 资源广、成本低。我国地域辽阔,中草药资源丰富,易种易收,且使用简便。 动物体内无药物残留、无公害。中草药是天然物质,保持了各种成分的自然性和生物活性,其成分易被吸收利用,不能被吸收的也能顺利排出体外,在体外被细菌等分解,不会污染水环境。而一般的化学药物成分会积累在动物体内或长期残留于水中。 毒副作用小或无,动物体不产生抗药性。有毒的中草药经过适当的炮制加工后,毒性会降低或消失;通过组方配伍,利用中药之间的相互作用,提高了其防病治病的功效,减弱或减免了毒副作用。至今医学研究从未发现中草药有抗药性的问题。 中草药饲料添加剂既含有营养物质,又具有安神镇静、健胃促消化、理气活血、养精补益、趋虫保健和防病治病等药理作用;中草药免疫活性物质能增强机体免疫机能,提高动物抗应激、抗疾病能力,改善动物生产性能,且具有无残留,不易产生耐药性等优点,是近年来国际动物营养学研究的一大热点。中草药可解决长期困扰畜牧业发展的抗生素残留问题,提高生产率,减少畜牧业对环境的污染,发展绿色畜牧业,满足人民的食品安全需求。 中草药的优势及发展前景 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 关键词:历史 中草药的作用 中草药的贡献 世界市场 摘要:我国幅员辽阔,自然条件多样优越,分布着极为丰富的传统药物资源,是世界上天然药物资源种类最多,栽培历史最悠久的国家。且有许多地道药材驰名中外,并出口到100多个国家和地区。中草药具有取材天然,作用平稳,毒副作用小等西药无法比拟的独特优点,随着社会的进步,生产力的发展,人们越来越追求健康长寿,现代人越来越把注意力从化合成药转向天然药,希望从天然药中开发出更为安全有效的新药以替代前者,从而减少药源疾病的发生。因此,发展中草药不仅传承了中华民族千百年的精华,也具有广大的市场前景及经济效益。 我国中草药生产历史悠久。早在史前时期,我们祖先就开始应用中草药防病治病。汉武帝时,曾在长安建园,引种红花,安石榴,大蒜等要用植物。隋代《种植药法》比较系统地总结了中药栽培经验。唐又专设药园师,管理种药事物,宋代《经史证类备急本草》,共收载1892种药物,促进了中医,中药事业的发展。明代李时珍的《本草纲目》总结了16世纪以前我国人民的药物知识,把中医药学推上了一个新的高度。 中草药资源广、成本低。我国地域辽阔,中草药资源丰富,易种易收,且使用简便。而中草药本身也有许多特点:1、 动物体内无药物残留、无公害。中草药是天然物质,保持了各种成分的自然性和生物活性,其成分易被吸收利用,不能被吸收的也能顺利排出体外,在体外被细菌等分解,不会污染水环境。而一般的化学药物成分会积累在动物体内或长期残留于水中。2 、毒副作用小或无,动物体不产生抗药性。有毒的中草药经过适当的炮制加工后,毒性会降低或消失;通过组方配伍,利用中药之间的相互作用,提高了其防病治病的功效,减弱或减免了毒副作用。至今医学研究从未发现中草药有抗药性的问题。 中草药有着显著的医疗作用,它几千年来的分类,试验,精炼出来的草本配方使人信赖,又由于是天然成分,所以很少,通常是没有副作用。 它针对性的治疗起到治本而不是治标的作用,从根本上恢复人体器官功能,从而消除征状。也不象很多西药,中药没有化学物残渣。 恢复人体自然免疫系统。是一种长效的结果。据世界卫生组织统计,目前在全世界有40亿人使用中草药治病,占世界总人口的80%。据该组织估计,中草药的开发利用在未来的10年内将在世界上全面兴起。 正是因为中草药的长效性调理性,它的美容保健作用也不容忽视。如茶:中草药保健茶是中国传统的特色饮料,也是药茶疗法的主要剂型之一。距今2000年前的《神农本草经》中就已将茶列为一味重要的药物;传说神农氏赏百草,日遇七十二毒,得茶而解之;汉代的张仲景、华佗等大医学家也用茶来治疗各种疾病;唐宋时代更将茶及药茶广泛应用于防治头痛、痰热、宿食、消渴、小便不通、大小便出血等病症,以及补肾壮腰、聪耳明目、坚肌长肉的保健养生之品;到明清时代药茶疗法、用中草药配制的保健茶更有很大的发展,有关药茶和保健茶的方剂、应用范围、制作方法等方面都被不断充实和完善,创制了大量行之有效的药茶、保健茶,它们成为祖国传统医学宝库中一颗璀璨的明珠,具有疗效高、易于制作、使用方便等特点,深受人们喜爱。 至于某些中草药的美容作用更是深受女性的喜爱。当归能扩张皮肤毛细血管,加快血液循环,含丰富的微量元素,能营养皮肤,防止粗糙。可用于粉刺、褐斑、雀斑及脱发。枸杞子 能大补气血,抗衰老,从而护肤美容。山药、莲子、百合、红枣 能健脾养胃,止泄安神,从而维护肌肤润泽健美。槐实、黑小豆 能滋阴清热,补肾明目,使须发变黑。在此基础上,中草药化妆品也大受欢迎。目前,在日本含有中草药成分的化妆品已达200种之多。欧洲各国的化妆品以添加天然药用植物萃取物为时尚。现代型的中草药美容化妆品,指在中医理论指导下,将中草药的根、茎、花、叶、果实和种子中提取的各种有效成分,进行中药组方,其功效性、使用感觉和产品无化学添加成分的健康性更是为广大消费者的欢迎。天然草本美容护肤品,就是典型的具有显著功效性的现代型的中草药化妆品。它采用名贵中草药结合现代先进的科技生物技术,在古代汉方的基础上,通过科学的配比,依据中医"由里及表,重在调理"的原理,采用内服外用的方法,从而达到祛痘、祛斑、美白、平皱等养颜驻容的作用。 甚至,栽培中草药还能起到改善环境的作用。如荒山荒地种草药,因地制宜,有助于恢复生态良性循环,创造优美的自然环境,推动林牧业的发展。城市中种草药既是智力污染的好方法,又是扩大药源的有效措施。而庭院种药可美化居住环境,改善小气候,又便于自采自用,防病治病。 毋庸质疑,中草药的经济效益是惊人的。尤其是它的国际市场。美国的一项调查显示,有49%左右的疾病西医无法治疗,有20%左右的人因服用西药出现毒副作用而停药,有不少美国人改服中药。他们认为通过以天然植物作为原料的中药进行保健是安全的。在这种背景下,世界性的中药热已渐成气候。 世界范围内的中草药市场也在迅速增长。近年来,欧盟植物药时常发展快于化学药。自1987年以来,英国植物药销售上升了70%,法国上升了50%,而美国市场每年以20%的速度增长。据了解,目前全球中药市场每年销售额在160亿美元左右,而且在不断上升。美国大约有1/3的人在服用中药和 *** 针灸治疗,每年用于草药和针灸 *** 的费用高达270亿美元。 欧美国家对中医、中药的谨慎态度正在变得宽松,而在中草药产销量最大的亚洲,中医、中药合法化的国家不断增多。目前,传统制药已被许多国家认为是一个朝阳产业,而国际上的传统药物主要指中草药,其年销售额已超过150亿美元,并仍在以每年10%的速度增长。几年前,中药疗法治愈了在英国发病率较高的皮肤湿疹,震动了英国和欧洲医学界;如今,英国已放松了开设中医诊所的限制,欧洲许多国家也都允许中草药粗提取物的销售。一向对中药态度严谨的美国也慢慢放松了对其限制,越来越多的中药身着“保健食品”的包装走上货架。除日本、韩国、中国外,今年又有泰国加入到中医、中药合法化国家和地区的行列中。 可以说,中草药的优势是独特的,是西药所无法比拟的,而中草药的经济效益及国际市场是巨大的广阔的,中草药的发展前景是光明的。 参考文献 [1]杨全 《我国中草药的概况.中草药栽培技术A》延吉:延边人民出版社 ISBN 7-80648-659-3/ S567 [2]张永清 《药用观赏植物栽培与利用》华夏出版社 ISBN 7-5080-2117-7 [3]杨全 《中草药采种技术B》延吉:延边人民出版社 ISBM 7-80648-659-3/ S567 [4]莱斯利.布雷姆尼斯 英《引言.药用植物》中国友谊出版公司 ISBN 7-5057-1557-7/
Medicinal plant curcuma zedoary establishes the form go into Abstract Curcuma zedoary, is that the Jiang Ke turmeric belongs to a herbaceos perennial , whose medical location is a rhizome and a root tuber , the rhizome does "curcuma zedoary " be used as medicine , the root tuber does "Yu gold " be used as medicine , is "one thing dual purpose " medicinal plant. The main curcuma zedoary activity component is that attar is similar to , curcumin is similar to , the amylose reaches a microelement , traditional Chinese medicine curcuma zedoary history in 1000 already have had , application is very broad on medical science. The amounts carrying out nutrition on cropping with the rhizome breeding consuming a kind are big, At present virus-rization make the curcuma zedoary variety degeneration , output come down gravely,that spirit many years digs although whose wild breed being able to make curcuma zedoary gain several years of high yield, makes wild resource sharp cutting , we think therefore by organizing breeding training approach the curcuma zedoary being in progress's and guaranteeing kind of job. The curcuma zedoary test tube seedling the main body of a book is provided with the laboratory is material, go into , come to reach a conclusion guiding by the fact that the seedling takes root to curcuma zedoary test tube: Take MS as fundamental culture medium, 3%'s append and sugared culture medium formula takes root be suitable to the curcuma zedoary test tube seedling most , Shan takes root averagely counting for ; Adjust go into , come to reach a conclusion that vegetable and their output fitting to be put into use to curcuma zedoary affects by the fact that plant grows to diversity: Take MS as fundamental culture medium , append plain of cell division and candy 12%, Append , additional multiple-effect azole mg/L this three treatment Shans plant all-up weight and fresh Shan Yu gold weight are maximal , all-up weight is gs , gs and gs only respectively , fresh Shan Yu gold weight is gs , gs and gs respectively. Keywords: Curcuma zedoary. Take root. Transplant.
Shegan Tissue Culture Abstract Shegan as a medicinal plants, it has qingrejiedu, fall blood detumescence, gas expectoranting etc. In recent years, clinically used in the treatment of bronchitis, mumps, mastitis, and hepatic coma symptoms such as good effect. In the conventional breeding, shoot dry seeds breeding, mainly in the breeding way against radiation dry. Therefore, the application of tissue culture, the rapid reproduction method can solve shoot dry traditional asexual reproduction problems, in order to make seedling large-scale production of standardized, and commercialization. This experiment with different concentrations of different hormones DuiShe dry sterile buds proliferation and root and callus induction study of impact, the experimental results show that:1 and in the choice of cytokinins, 6 - DuiShe BA dry buds best effect, the proliferation of 6 - BA induce clumps and robust. JiDai training bud, the setting reflects the good shot, induced several concentration ratio of the highest dry buds proliferation concentration of: MS + 6 - mg. L - 1. multiples of proliferation, tube seedlings on nicely. But BA to mg. L - 1, buds drop rate and growth , the dry rooting culture, four olumes concentration ( and , , ). One month after inoculation statistical results found: when the concentration of olumes rooting rate, root best effect, the average number of rooting for , 2,4-d different concentrations of callus inductionMS with + 3% in basic medium sugar, adding different concentrations 2,4-d (0, , 1, 2). Ten days after inoculation observation results show: 2,4-d concentration of callus induction of the affected, 2,4-d concentration 2mg. L - 1 for the best effect, when rateKeywords: shoot dry tissue culture