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楼主的内容专业单词多了些,呵呵。Communication通讯Total Synthesis of (−)-Penifulvin A, an Insecticide with a Dioxafenestrane SkeletonPenifulvin A,一种采用二氧四环壬烷(Dioxafenestran)骨架的杀虫剂的全合成Abstract摘要Herein we report the first total synthesis of Penifulvin A, a sesquiterpenoid with a novel dioxa-fenestrane structure. 以下我们报道Penifulvin A的首次全合成,这是一种具有全新二氧四环壬烷结构的倍半萜化合物。Penifulvin A is a potent insecticide against the fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda which causes enormous damage in the US by consuming foliage of a variety of field crops. Penifulvin A是一种针对草地贪夜娥(Spodoptera frugiperda)的专利杀虫剂,这种昆虫由于消耗多种野外庄稼的叶子而在美国造成巨大的损害。A five-step racemic and an eight-step enantioselective route to the natural product and the determination of its absolute configuration are described. 描述了对于天然产物的一个五步的外消旋和一个八步的对映选择路线,以及对其绝对构型的确定。The key step involves a meta-photocycloaddition, giving rapid access to the carbon skeleton of penifulvin A in a stereoselective fashion. 关键的步骤涉及到间位-光环加成反应,从而以立体有择反应的方式迅速接入到Penifulvin A的碳骨架。Finally an oxidation cascade leads to the natural product. The synthetic route is free from protecting groups, scalable, and flexible so that a variety of analogues, among them penifulvins B−E, should be available for performing SAR tests in the insecticidal role.最后,氧化级联导致了这种天然的产物。该合成路线没有保护基团,可扩展,而且灵活,因此好多模拟产品(其中如PenifulvinB-E)应该可以获得而用于杀虫作用的SAR试验。Communication通讯Synthesis of Uniform Ferrimagnetic Magnetite Nanocubes均匀铁磁磁铁矿纳米单晶的合成Abstract摘要We synthesized uniform ferrimagnetic magnetite nanocubes in the size range from 20 to 160 nm. The magnetic property of the nanocubes was characterized, and magnetic separation of the histidine-tagged protein was demonstrated.我们合成了尺寸范围从20到160nm的均匀的铁磁磁铁矿纳米单晶。对这种纳米单晶的磁性质进行了表证,并实验演示了多聚组氨酸融合蛋白的磁分离。Communication通讯A Single Antibody Catalyzes Multiple Chemical Transformations upon Replacement of the Functionalized Small Nonprotein Components一种单一抗体在替代官能化小非蛋白成分中催化多种化学转化Abstract摘要A single antibody catalyzes multiple chemical transformations upon replacement of the funcctionalized small nonportein components.一种单一抗体在替代官能化小非蛋白成分中催化多种化学转化Communication通讯Supercritical Processing as a Route to High Internal Surface Areas and Permanent Microporosity in Metal−Organic Framework Materials作为在有机金属骨架材料中达到高内部表面积和永久性微孔率路线的超临界工艺AbstractCareful processing of four representative metal−organic framework (MOF) materials with liquid and supercritical carbon dioxide (ScD) leads to substantial, or in some cases spectacular (up to 1200%), increases in gas-accessible surface area. Maximization of surface area is key to the optimization of MOFs for many potential applications. Preliminary evidence points to inhibition of mesopore collapse, and therefore micropore accessibility, as the basis for the extraordinarily efficacious outcome of ScD-based activation摘要用液体和超临界二氧化碳(ScD)仔细加工四种代表性的金属-有机骨架(MOF)材料导致了气体进入表面积方面重大的(在某些情况下是惊人的(最高达1200%))增加。表面积的最大化是MOF材料在很多潜在应用中最优化的关键。初步证据指向抑制中孔的塌陷,因此也指向了微孔的可进入性,而这是ScD基活化异常有效结果的基础。

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题目:合成和溶液性质高分子两性离子铵betains 摘要:季铵盐, N , N -二烯丙基氮carboethoxymethyl氮methylammonium氯化物( 8 ) ,已合成了良好的收益。单体8对聚合反应在水溶液中以过硫酸铵为引发给予聚电解质10 。该聚电解质10对酸性水解了两性聚电解质11日在良好的收益。该解决方案这些性能的聚合物了详细的讨论。该两性聚电解质11显示, “ antipolyelectrolyte ”的行为。 ; 共聚物12季铵盐, N , N -二烯丙基氮carboethoxymethyl氮methylammonium chlolide ( 8 )和二氧化硫已合成了良好的收益。该聚电解质12对酸性水解了两性聚电解质13容易在良好的收益。该解决方案性能的这些聚合物中详细讨论。该两性聚电解质13日被裁定为不溶于水,但容易溶解在在场的低分子量的共同盐。该两性聚电解质显示“ antipolyelectrolyte ”的行为;粘度的两性聚电解质增加,增加离子强度,其水溶液的解决办法。

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CommunicationTotal Synthesis of (−)-Penifulvin A, an Insecticide with a Dioxafenestrane SkeletonAbstractHerein we report the first total synthesis of Penifulvin A, a sesquiterpenoid with a novel dioxa-fenestrane structure. Penifulvin A is a potent insecticide against the fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda which causes enormous damage in the US by consuming foliage of a variety of field crops. A five-step racemic and an eight-step enantioselective route to the natural product and the determination of its absolute configuration are described. The key step involves a meta-photocycloaddition, giving rapid access to the carbon skeleton of penifulvin A in a stereoselective fashion. Finally an oxidation cascade leads to the natural product. The synthetic route is free from protecting groups, scalable, and flexible so that a variety of analogues, among them penifulvins B−E, should be available for performing SAR tests in the insecticidal of Uniform Ferrimagnetic Magnetite NanocubesAbstractWe synthesized uniform ferrimagnetic magnetite nanocubes in the size range from 20 to 160 nm. The magnetic property of the nanocubes was characterized, and magnetic separation of the histidine-tagged protein was Single Antibody Catalyzes Multiple Chemical Transformations upon Replacement of the Functionalized Small Nonprotein ComponentsAbstractA single antibody catalyzes multiple chemical transformations upon replacement of the funcctionalized small nonportein Processing as a Route to High Internal Surface Areas and Permanent Microporosity in Metal−Organic Framework MaterialsAbstractCareful processing of four representative metal−organic framework (MOF) materials with liquid and supercritical carbon dioxide (ScD) leads to substantial, or in some cases spectacular (up to 1200%), increases in gas-accessible surface area. Maximization of surface area is key to the optimization of MOFs for many potential applications. Preliminary evidence points to inhibition of mesopore collapse, and therefore micropore accessibility, as the basis for the extraordinarily efficacious outcome of ScD-based activation. 通信 在( - )- Penifulvin甲,一个具有Dioxafenestrane骨架全合成杀虫剂 摘要 我们在此报告的Penifulvin甲,一个新的二氧杂窗烷结构的倍半萜的首次全合成。 Penifulvin A是针对秋季夜蛾夜蛾造成了消费领域的各种作物的枝叶在美国的巨大破坏烈性杀虫剂。五步消旋和8步不对称路由到天然产品,其绝对构型确定描述。关键步骤是元光环,让快速访问一个立体的方式对penifulvin碳骨架。最后一氧化级联导致的必然产物。该合成路线是从保护团体的自由,可扩展,灵活,不同的类似物,其中penifulvins乙娥,应履行的杀虫作用特区测试可用。 通信 统一亚铁合成磁铁矿Nanocubes 摘要 我们合成的尺寸范围从20到160纳米的统一亚铁磁铁矿nanocubes。该nanocubes磁性的特点,以及磁选组氨酸标签的蛋白质证明。 通信 阿单抗体催化多种化学物质变换的功能化后,小非蛋白成分替换 摘要 单一催化抗体后,小nonportein的funcctionalized更换元件多种化学物质转变。 通信 超临界加工作为干线至偏高内部表面积和常驻微孔在金属有机骨架材料 摘要 四个代表金属有机骨架(MOF)的液体和超临界二氧化碳(SCD)的材料,仔细处理导致重大,或在某些情况下壮观(高达1200%),气体的增加,表面积。表面积最大化的关键在于优化的MOFs许多潜在的应用。初步证据表明,孔崩溃的抑制,因此微孔无障碍作为ScD内非常有效的成果为基础的基础,激活。

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通信在( - )- Penifulvin甲,一个具有Dioxafenestrane骨架全合成杀虫剂摘要我们在此报告的Penifulvin甲,一个新的二氧杂窗烷结构的倍半萜的首次全合成。 Penifulvin A是针对秋季夜蛾夜蛾造成了消费领域的各种作物的枝叶在美国的巨大破坏烈性杀虫剂。五步消旋和8步不对称路由到天然产品,其绝对构型确定描述。关键步骤是元光环,让快速访问一个立体的方式对penifulvin碳骨架。最后一氧化级联导致的必然产物。该合成路线是从保护团体的自由,可扩展,灵活,不同的类似物,其中penifulvins乙娥,应履行的杀虫作用特区测试可用。 通信统一亚铁合成磁铁矿Nanocubes 摘要我们合成的尺寸范围从20到160纳米的统一亚铁磁铁矿nanocubes。该nanocubes磁性的特点,以及磁选组氨酸标签的蛋白质证明。 通信阿单抗体催化多种化学物质变换的功能化后,小非蛋白成分替换摘要单一催化抗体后,小nonportein的funcctionalized更换元件多种化学物质转变。 通信超临界加工作为干线至偏高内部表面积和常驻微孔在金属有机骨架材料摘要四个代表金属有机骨架(MOF)的液体和超临界二氧化碳(SCD)的材料,仔细处理导致重大,或在某些情况下壮观(高达1200%),气体的增加,表面积。表面积最大化的关键在于优化的MOFs许多潜在的应用。

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