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首页 > 学术期刊 > 中美篮球文化比较研究论文

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87 评论


我谈一谈运动员的差异吧1运动员能力差异,这个就不多说了,大家都明白。2篮球运动员的素质差异,中国篮球运动员普遍没有接受过系统的教育,或者就是大学体育生,实际文化水平也就是比初中水准好。美国篮球运动员普遍进过大学,其中不乏像洛佩斯兄弟 林书豪 这样的名校毕业生,这种学校不是打球就能进的。还有像威斯布鲁克这样高中读的非常好,为了篮球放弃斯坦福的球员。

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差异太大了,包括在场上的思考方式 处理球方式都不同。。。。。

87 评论


我建议你从三个方向讨论,分别是基层篮球(国、高中)的休闲运动习惯、大学篮球、社会(含NBA)篮球目的等三方面;以我所知道的美国基层篮球文化(国、高中)来说,它是民众从事休闲活动的主要一个项目运动,它和棒球、美式足球、冰上曲棍球等,可以说是美国特殊的主要四大运动之一。它们(四大类运动)由于可以培养青少年的团队合作与努力奋发向上精神等,也可以让青少年结识更多朋友,当然还包括锻炼强健体魄,所以,很多家长无不鼓励子弟多多从事运动;这和传统中国人所谓「士大夫」观念有很大的差异。以中国人来说,重文轻武以及书中自有黄金屋、书中自有颜如玉等,鼓励青少年多读书这是中美第一个极端差异。最好的例子你可以看看很多美国或欧洲许多篮球比赛,她们都以「寄居家庭」方式,让参加比赛的青少年学习与人相处,那是俱乐部、家庭的。大学篮球或社会(含NBA)篮球在美国来说,它是一种结合地方文化的传递,那种特殊的地域文化,这部分目前中国境内的CBA有些许雷同,但是,中国的大学篮球就和美国迥然不同了;很多时候,不论是中国或台湾,大学篮球只是「教育主管」机关不得不要办理的一项竞赛,它(指中国与台湾的大学篮球)有很多地方,其实是为了比赛而来比赛,它的宗旨也写的「冠冕堂皇」,只是,目前为止,可能是我才疏学浅,所以,我真的看不出有那些特殊的文化意义。以台湾的大学甲一级篮球赛来说,有很多球赛你根本看不到所谓「年轻人的拼劲」,我看到的是3/5以上喔;要看年轻人如美国大学篮球赛的热忱,你反而需要到大学二级或三级球赛里才看的到。可是,你会发现,在台湾的大学二级与三级球赛,除了比赛胜负之外,你可能看不到任何一丝文化气息;它(指台湾的大学篮球)基本上就是比赛,和美国的大学比赛,什么结合拉拉队、学校主场、校友会、地方特殊文化活动等等,完全是迥然不同。而,中国境内是否如此,我就不得而知了!I suggest that you were discussed from three directions, basic basketball (high school), the recreational exercise habits, university basketball, society (including the NBA basketball goal from three aspects, I know of American primary and high school basketball culture (for), it is mainly engaged in the activities of public recreational exercise, it is a project and baseball, football, hockey, etc, it is the main . special one four. They (four categories of movement) due to cultivate teenagers teamwork spirit and upwards to wait, also can let teenagers to make more friends here, of course, also including theexercise strong body, so many parents, many people engaged in sports is encouraged, The traditional Chinese scholars and the so-called "" there is a big difference. In Chinese, valuing literature while ignoring and in the book the gold room, in the book YanRuYu etc, encouraging adolescents reading this is the first extreme differences. The best example, you can see many American or European basketball game, they are in many ways to "family" stranger, participate in the competition of teenagers learn get along with people, that is, the family of the basketball or society (including the NBA basketball in the United States, it is a combination of local culture, the special region culture, and the part of the current Chinese territory, but some CBA, Chinese university basketball and American different, Many times, either China or Taiwan university basketball education competent "authority" shall not handle a competition, it is China and Taiwan university basketball) has many places, actually is to match the tenet to match, it is written, "just" impressive-looking, so far, I CaiShuXueJian, so, I really don't see those special cultural university in Taiwan, a level of basketball game, you can't see many of the so-called "young man," I see hussle playes is 3/5 above oh, Young people like to watch American university basketball, but you need to 2 or 3 university in the game to see. However, you will find that, in the second tier university in Taiwan, except the win-loss, you may see a culture breath; any It refers to the college basketball (Taiwan) is basically university in the United States, and, what with rooters' home, school, alumni, local special cultural activity, etc, and is completely different. And if so, China, and I will not!

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