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问题一:我在中国知网外文文献上找了一篇论文,它是翻译的中文文献的,请问我可以用它来作为毕业论文外文翻译吗? 不可以,只能找没翻译过的 问题二:如何在中国知网搜索外文文献 1.先搜索到“中国知常”主页; 2.如果您是“中国知网”的用户则先在其主页登录,否则不允许下载全文; 3.在“中国知网”的“工具栏”中选择CNKI知识搜索; 4.进入到CNKI知识搜索的主页,在“全文文献”中输入要检索的英文关键字;搜索就可以 找到有关的英文文献。 在给你推荐两个常用的外文文献数据库,ScienceDirect和SpringerLink。 祝你好运哦! 问题三:怎样在中国知网上搜被翻译成中文的外国文献 百度没这么强大 毕竟谷歌能为中国恭意创一个 而百度没那么大实力 应该不可以,你试一下不就知道吗?Goolge依托自己本身的强大的翻译服务,而百度似乎还 问题四:请问中国知网有外文文献吗,中文翻译过来的外文文献 50分 基本没有,很少,外文文献还是到国外数据库下载吧 Jstore,proquest,escbo一类的 还有很多专题数据库 很多都是免费的 下载下来用google翻译一下差不多都能看懂 问题五:外文文献翻译在中国知网上搜不到,可以直接用吗 不推荐这么使用 第一,你不能保证你所找到的文章的严谨性,道客巴巴是分享平台没有版权审查,上面的文章并不能作为参考文献或者论据,因为你无法在参考文献中标注原始出处,二次引用是不合规定的,改动很多不标出处是打擦边球 第二,学术审查的数据标准并非以中国知网收录的为准,我们无法保证这篇文章没有在其他网络可搜到的地方出现过 最稳妥的办法就是你引用外文文献,用自己翻译的,然后加标注外文文献的出处就好了 问题六:论文 把外文文献翻译成中文并使用,会不会被查重? 那得看翻译的和别人翻译的是不是一样了,我的建议是先找一段你要的话,翻译成英文,再把英文翻译成中文,二次翻译,然后自己再改一下语序。实测,8000字的论文,用万方查的,0重复率,自己都吓着了,加上参考文献也才6%。 问题七:毕业论文查重把知网上的英文文章翻译成中文还会查重吗 如果文献是英文或者其他语种的,翻译成中文时,知网系统的数据库并没有类似的内容来进行对比。所以知网系统收录了你抄袭的那篇英文文献的话,对于翻译成中文的内容是并不能有效的检测出。但是要注意了,抄袭的英文文献是否被别人用过,如果别人也跟你一样,翻译过这篇文献,并被知网收录。那么你检测的时候就会被显示抄袭他的文章,这到底能不能检测出来,还得查了才知道, 不代表没有别人翻译过的可能性。 而且如果是投稿发表,并不建议你这么做,到时候被发现抄袭,后果是比较严重的。个人建议理解内容后,按照自己的意思再重新写一遍比较靠谱。 不然有可能被撤销学位或者吊销学位证书等。 像早检测,是有知网VIP,知网PMLC,还有知网期刊,小分解。或许可以看看。 问题八:用CNKI检索期刊文献,怎么查中文文献的英文标题? CNKI收录的期刊论文,其中大半有英文标题。前些年CNKI平台上的文章简介有英文标题、英文作者名、英文摘要等字段,但后来不知道为何没有了。有一个小经验供你参考:在检索时,增加一个题名字段,输入你要的课题中的一个英文词汇,即可排除没有英文题名的文章,检出的文章全部带有英文题名。 问题九:知网上的外文文献怎么下载?能帮我下载三篇文章吗?跪谢! 5分 可以去“ 瀚海外文文献翻译 ” 可以下载,可以翻译文献。 只需告诉客服题目就行,人工服务,周到。 问题十:怎么在知网查外文文献 给你个链接吧 scholarki/

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Critical Thought PaperThe sexual health care services in Shanghai, China, has been shown some progress in sexual health care by offering more service and mainly for free for people living around. This research will integrate some Chinese societal elements, such as traditional Chinese values as well as the changing of values to analyze how Shanghai is take an effort in providing sexual health care. It will also discuss how Shanghai is treating LGBTQ+ publicly. Meanwhile, the department of Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control & Prevention has provided some free services with other sectors of health care in China, such as community health hospitals. This important sector will be analyzed in detail to illustrate the health care services that people can get access in Shanghai can get condoms in multiple ways. Since “Condoms remain the best form of simultaneous protection against sexually transited infections and unintended pregnancies” (Mullinax, et al., 2017, ), the ways of obtaining condoms are important in sexual health care. Any person in China is free to obtain some condoms from community health hospitals, which is not the only way that offers people condoms. In some hotels, they would provide free condoms or condoms at a fair price, such as several dollars for one box. Customers of hotels can get condoms in their rooms. But some hotels do not provide condoms in the room. Besides these special places. Compared with some western countries, there is no condom selling on China’s college campuses. When students need condoms, they can purchase from pharmacies, doctors at a normal hospital, and online shops, or get condoms from community health hospitals at no cost. The developed take-out service in China also enables Chinese customers to buy condoms or other related products online and the products will be delivered within about half an hour by delivers. This service is mainly provided in urban areas where the take-out service is well developed in China. This service can proceed in a kind of secret way where the deliverers would not know what the products are when they are packaged in a sealed box or bag by a pharmacy. The delivers can provide fast delivery service to meet the needs of customers. Since deliverers can normally reach the house from the house without the influences of the pandemic, the customers can receive an effective service especially when they do not want to go out and buy some condoms from a pharmacy at was well-known for its one-child policy, which put pressure on people to learn birth control. As one important normal approach to achieve this goal, community health hospitals have been the main places to provide people with free condoms. The community health hospitals also take the responsibility to provide sexual health care information to the people living around them. Since there are a large number of community health hospitals in China locate in every small community, the doctors in community health hospitals can offer more personalized and more private services for people who demand sexual health care information. The public hospitals provide services of STI/HIV test, which will normally cost like 10 US dollars, which is affordable for almost all the people who demand such a test. China also announced recently to reduce the tariff on HIV medicines, lowering the cost for consumers. The public hospitals in China have the authority to provide STI/HIV tests. Meanwhile, the public hospital is easy to find in urban areas. In rural areas, there is no such institute to provide STI/HIV we have learned in class that HPV ranks the first in STI prevalence as well as incidents in the United States, it is worthy to discuss how Chinese people are coping with HPV. In recent five years, with increasing knowledge of HPV among the public, there is a huge demand for HPV vaccines. With this demand, the country is trying to import more HPV vaccines and some domestic universities have produced domestic HPV vaccines. The supplies of them could not normally meet the large demands in many cities. Even though both men and women can get HPV vaccines, in China, females are the main group to demand HPV vaccines. In many cities, they have to make appointments after months to get one shot. Meanwhile, the price for HPV vaccines is much higher than many common vaccines in China. One shot of four price HPV vaccine would cost about 500 US dollars. A nine-price HPV vaccine shot could cost about 900 US dollars and even more as it is highly demanded with a low supply. This phenomenon illustrates that more Chinese females are aware of the importance of the HPV is studied that “HPV transmission via sex toys may be feasible” (Anderson, et al., 2014, ), showing the importance of mind the sanitation of sexual toys. However, in China, there can be no instruction provided by public health services concerning sex toys. Since traditional Chinese values do not consider sexual activities is a decent thing to talk about, the health information about sexual activities is not educated to the public. Sexual toys, as new products in China in recent years, are likely to be neglected when doctors are trying to educate some patients about sexual health care. Even Chinese doctors could be shy to talk about sexual toys as they are maintained within a certain group of consumers. The public lacks information about sexual toys. Even in Shanghai, a modern city of China, the Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control & Prevention does not provide any information about sexual toys on its website (Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control & Prevention, 2021).LGBTQ+ is not openly accepted in Shanghai. Although many Western countries have allowed LGBTQ+, there is no public authority that shows an acceptance to it which can be seen from the marriage law. The marriage law has not made any modifications to allow LGBTQ+ couples. At the same time, the public does not show public acceptance of it. There are fewer LGBTQ+ movements in Shanghai than in America, which might be one of the reasons why Chinese society does not witness rapid development in LGBTQ+. Privately, there are many people who belong to LGBTQ+. Although they are not publicly accepted, they can normally go on streets like a couple without many biases in Shanghai since Shanghai is keeping to open to new ideas and new phenomenon. Nevertheless, this situation might be different in rural areas of China where elderly people normally hold traditional beliefs by considering LGBTQ+ abnormal. This has become a problem and an obstacle for some families which have children who belong to LGBTQ+. The development of LGBTQ+ is slow proceeding in current a conclusion, sexual health service is provided in many forms in Shanghai. The supply of condoms has multiples approaches where consumers can purchase, such as via the internet, take-out service, public hospitals, hotels. Community health hospitals also provide condoms for free, which are easy to find in communities. The test of STI/HIV is provided in public hospitals at a fair cost, about 10 US dollars. The public also shows an awareness of HPV by presenting a huge demand for imported HPV vaccines. Sexual toys are however hard to be mentioned in Shanghai while people hold a traditional value considering it is kind of unusual. Even doctors would be shy to talk about them. Moreover, LGBTQ+ has not been accepted by the public in Shanghai until , T. A., Schick, V., Herbenick, D., Dodge, B., & Fortenberry, J. D. (2014). A study of human papillomavirus on vaginally inserted sex toys, before and after cleaning, among women who have sex with women and men. Sexually transmitted infections, 90(7), , M., Sanders, S., Dennis, B., Higgins, J., Fortenberry, J. D., & Reece, M. (2017). How condom discontinuation occurs: interviews with emerging adult women. The Journal of Sex Research, 54(4-5), Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control & Prevention. (2021). “Sexual Disease Prevention”. Retrieved from:

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