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参考文献是指作者在音乐 教育 论文中引用、参考过的文献资料,包括观点出处和引文出处,是音乐教育论文中不可或缺的组成部分。下文是我给大家带来的关于音乐教育论文参考文献的内容,欢迎大家阅读参考!

[1] 王婷. 郑州市小学校外古筝教学现状调查研究[D]. 河南师范大学 2014

[2] 刘育锋. 东莞农民工子女小学音乐教育现状的调查研究[D]. 四川师范大学 2012

[3] 陈志圣. 洋蛮河镇古河小学音乐教育现状[D]. 南京师范大学 2004

[4] 张云鹏. 浅析乌海市小学音乐教育问题及改善 措施 [D]. 内蒙古师范大学 2013

[5] 王莹. 上世纪末河南省洛阳市小学音乐教育状况研究[D]. 陕西师范大学 2013

[6] 綦琳娜. 大城市小学音乐教育改进策略[D]. 黑龙江大学 2013

[7] 徐晓妹. 小学音乐教育应把握 儿童 心理发展[D]. 辽宁师范大学 2010

[8] 张丽. 天津西部小学音乐教育课堂教学问题与现状研究[D]. 天津师范大学 2012

[9] 罗杰. 丹巴县小学音乐教育现状研究[D]. 四川师范大学 2012

[10] 何芳. 小学音乐教育与儿童良好性格培养的研究[D]. 东北师范大学 2005

[11] 蒙桂生. 从了解价值入手,让学生爱上音乐课[J]. 基础教育研究. 2011(14)

[12] 马婧. 浅谈音乐课实施创新教学的思考[J]. 法制与经济(中旬刊). 2011(06)

[13] 范子泉. 河南温县司马懿得胜鼓调查与研究[D]. 河南师范大学 2014

[14] 何宇鹏. 河南新乡“中州大鼓”的调查与研究[D]. 河南师范大学 2014

[15] 韩晓娜. 唐宋曲子词的音乐学研究[D]. 河南师范大学 2014

[1] 薛建男. 幼儿园教育质量评价指标体系研究[D]. 上海师范大学 2012

[2] 夏晨伶. 幼儿园保育质量评价指标研究[D]. 四川师范大学 2012

[3] 冷雪姣. 幼儿园组织创新气氛现状的调查研究[D]. 东北师范大学 2012

[4] 冯宝安. 幼儿园突发事件管理机制构建研究[D]. 西南大学 2013

[5] 张向葵,王元,刘佳,郭彦文. 教育执行力:家长对落实幼儿《纲要》满意度研究[J]. 东北师大学报(哲学社会科学版). 2009(05)

[6] 李雪晗. “幼儿园选择”问题的深层含义及其社会学思考[J]. 当代学前教育. 2009(03)

[7] 胡彩云,__宇. 城乡家长对幼儿园期望的比较[J]. 学前教育研究. 2009(06)

[8] 连玥,马玉俊. 浅析父母对托幼机构的教育需求[J]. 科教文汇(下旬刊). 2008(11)

[9] 李江帆,主编.教育服务产品理论研究[M]. 中山大学出版社, 2009

[10] 徐晓东,邵文其,洪仙瑜等着.社会转型与办学体制创新[M]. 浙江大学出版社, 2004

[11] 朱家雄着.幼儿园课程[M]. 华东师范大学出版社, 2003

[1] 王聚伍. 流行音乐事象中的刘欢演唱风格研究[D]. 河南大学 2011

[2] 辛颖. “女子十二乐坊”的发展及存在方式研究[D]. 河南大学 2010

[3] 金亚文主编.初中音乐新课程教学法[M]. 高等教育出版社, 2003

[4] 喻先贵. 音乐教学既要“面向全体”又要注重“个性发展”[J]. 考试周刊. 2010(39)

[5] 贾涛. 农村特岗教师计划的实施:问题与对策[J]. 教育理论与实践. 2010(23)

[6] 甘民. 中学新教师的成长研究[D]. 江西师范大学 2011

[7] 王永平. 鄂尔多斯市东胜区中学教师专业素质发展状况与建议[D]. 内蒙古师范大学 2013

[8] 张敬敏. 第四代评价理论视角下的教师专业素质提高策略研究[D]. 河南师范大学 2014

[9] 王敬环. 农村中小学音乐教育的现状与对策[J]. 考试周刊. 2009(06)

[10] 马莹. 农村中小学教师专业发展的问题与对策[J]. 陕西教育(教学版). 2007(Z2)

[11] 唐松林着.中国农村教师发展研究[M]. 浙江大学出版社, 2005

[12] 周世斌着.音乐教育与心理研究 方法 [M]. 上海音乐出版社, 2005

[13] 高慧娟. 新课程背景下流行音乐与中学音乐课堂教学衔接初探[D]. 河南大学 2011

[14] 王安国. 我国学校音乐教育改革与发展对策研究[J]. 中央音乐学院学报. 2004(04)

[15] 钱建良. 音乐教学中的审美[J]. 小学教学研究. 2003(02)

[16] 张向秋. 新课程背景下语文教师的专业成长研究[D]. 南京师范大学 2007

[17] 刘洪良. 中小学健康教育教师专业素质研究[D]. 南京师范大学 2014


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4. 音乐论文的参考文献

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在写作音乐论文过程中,正确地标注以及合理地引用参考文献不仅关系到音乐论文的质量 ,也在一定程度上反映了作者的学术态度。下文是我给大家带来的关于音乐论文的参考文献的内容,欢迎大家阅读参考!

[1] 付娜. 儿童 二胡启蒙教材的比较研究[D]. 河南大学 2014

[2] 王扬扬. 唐代教坊考述[D]. 河南师范大学 2013

[3] 王珣. 邓州罗卷戏的历史与现状[D]. 河南师范大学 2011

[4] 汪怡帆. 小学音乐教材中的歌曲分析及歌曲钢琴伴奏的特点[D]. 中央音乐学院 2014

[5] 张倩. 两汉魏晋太常音乐机构考辨[D]. 河南师范大学 2011

[6] 杜化丽. 《全唐诗》中琵琶史料的研究[D]. 河南师范大学 2011

[7] 刘欢. 义务 教育 音乐课程标准实施及教学现状探析[D]. 贵州师范大学 2014

[8] 李建荣. 姜夔自度曲的音乐创作风格研究[D]. 河南师范大学 2012

[9] 桑玉婷. 少年儿童手风琴启蒙教材研究[D]. 上海师范大学 2014

[10] 王婷. 郑州市小学校外古筝教学现状调查研究[D]. 河南师范大学 2014

[11] 王越. 论发展我国小学音乐教育中的个性化音乐修养[D]. 中央音乐学院 2014

[12] 陈兆君. 钢琴即兴演奏在小学音乐课中的运用[D]. 中央音乐学院 2014

[13] 柴森. 新课标下小学音乐课堂教学的思考与探索[D]. 河北大学 2014

[14] 孙近钧. 新乡市小学生管乐课外实践活动的形式与途径研究[D]. 河南师范大学 2014

[15] 陈晓静. 谈明清时期以“真”为美的音乐审美观[D]. 河南师范大学 2012

[16] 王哲. 临清时调研究[D]. 河南师范大学 2011

[17] 徐忠奎. 宋代说唱音乐的商业性特征研究[D]. 河南师范大学 2011

[18] 栗晓洋. 民间音乐-西平大铜器的调查与研究[D]. 河南师范大学 2012

[19] 于琼芳. 河南浚县庙会中“踩高跷”的调查与研究[D]. 河南师范大学 2013

[1]郝红英。九十年代中国 文化 中的怀旧倾向[D].华南师范大学 2002.









[10]魏蕾。唐宋诗词在现代流行歌曲中的潜行与显现[D]中南民族大学 2012



















[13]周志芬,赵一萍。 音乐与戏曲[M].北京:科学普及出版社,1998




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268 评论


World Popular Music Print this section | Edit this section World popular music is a broad category that includes many different urban-centered, mass-reproduced, and stylistically heterogeneous styles and types. A small sampling of these genres include bhangara, a form of dance club music pioneered by Pakistani musicians in London, England; African guitar-band music, performed in Africa, New York City, and Paris, France; the theme songs of romantic and martial arts films produced in Asia; and the recordings of contemporary musicians from Bulgaria, which blend American jazz and rock with traditional wedding music. The relatively recent discovery of non-Western styles by popular Western musicians such as David Byrne, Peter Gabriel, and Paul Simon might leave the impression that urban-centered, mass-reproduced popular music outside of Western culture is a new phenomenon. In fact, the recording industry was active in Asia and Latin America before the 20th century, and local popular styles were commercially recorded in Africa by the 1920s. Although the influence of American popular music, supported by the multibillion-dollar transnational music industry, has in some cases contributed to the decline of traditional musics, there is also a rich history of cross-fertilization between popular styles. In the late 19th century the Cuban habanera influenced the development of American ragtime; the Argentine tango gained worldwide popularity during the 1910s, initiating a craze for Latin ballroom dancing in Paris, London, and New York City; recordings of Hawaiian guitar music, country-and-western music, and ballroom dance orchestras arrived in the port towns of Africa by the 1920s; and the Cuban rumba became popular around the world in the 1930s. In many cases the inclusion of imported elements in American popular music has been linked with stereotypes of the exotic. For example, many ballroom dance orchestras in the 1920s performed “Oriental foxtrots,” arrangements that owed more to Latin American music than to Asian music. Today the global music industry is dominated by a small number of transnational entertainment corporations, with offices and agents in major cities around the world. One of the most popular forms of music internationally is Indian film music, which is produced in studios in New Delhi and Mumbai (formerly Bombay) and is popular in the Middle East and Africa as well as in Asia. The late Egyptian singer Umm Kulthum, whose recording career began in the 1920s, is still popular throughout the Arabic-speaking world. African popular music includes a number of distinctive regional styles, including the juju music of Nigerian bandleader King Sunny Ade; central African soukous, a blend of indigenous songs and dance rhythms with Afro-Cuban music; and South African isicathamiya, the Zulu choral singing style performed by Ladysmith Black Mambazo. The rich variety of popular music found throughout the world continually provides the global music industry with new music trends. 就这些了

193 评论


Pop music, in popular and contemporary parlance, is a subgenre of popular music. Since the term spans many rock, hip hop, rhythm and blues (R&B), country, dance and operatic pop acts, it is reasonable to say that "pop music" is a loosely defined category. The term is also used in a derogatory manner by those who feel that pop acts lack any musically artistic meaning, or in lack of better terminology, represent a "betrayal" away from the traditional sound of either the act themselves or the specific genre to which the act music is generally described as very commercial friendly, marketable and memorable, with either vocals, lyrics, instruments, or a combination of all three creating catchy choruses or verses. Pop music is also known for its ability to attract listeners through its versatile sound since it pulls from a plethora of musical influences. It can be also fair to say that pop music is predominantly image driven, especially through the subject matter of the lyrics, live performances, music videos, and other forms of exposure which makes it favourable and unfavourable to whoever is the listener. In modern times (increasingly over the last half-century; most notably since the start of the 2000's), this genre's immense success as a commercial product has, ironically, led to even more commercialization within the music itself, with "artists" being drawn in by companies for their appearance, dancing ability and vocal competence; and being provided with an image, choreography, and most importantly complete songs by veterans working for the record company. Some notable examples include Swedish songwriter Max Martin's having crafted most hit songs by pop acts such as Britney Spears and The Backstreet Boys, and the pop boy band O-Town having been created as an MTV show. This technique for creating music is massively effective commercially for several apparent reasons. It is adept at targeting specific demographics among young people, since songs are written with that purpose in mind by talented professionals, and images crafted similarly. Also, by sticking to a straight-forward formula and format, it is able to produce a consistent, predictable, and marketable product. That ability is only aided, naturally, by the vastly reduced output of the artists preventing companies' dependency on their eccentricities and whims. On the other hand, that reduced role for the artist, especially in the creative area, has always drawn harsh criticism from music fans who are painfully aware of its lack of substance. A music production method completely opposite to that of pop music is that of indie music, where record labels are small, vastly dependent on their few artists, and run by young entrepreneurs rather than corporate veterans. Indie artists, in turn, are in no way image driven, not widely marketed (often because of the label's financial constraints), and are almost universally of organic origins rather than having been assembled by their label. Many new artists turn to small indie labels since their reduced marketability makes them an unpopular choice with major labels

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