The popularity of e-commerce is an inevitable trend, it is not only a sales channel, a new production management way, and will bring a commercial revolution. Schumpeter, with "the new production function, market and enterprises need to update and new business model to replace the old commercial mode, this process is called him" creative destruction ".Based on the basic composition of traditional enterprise business model based on the analysis of the system, from the business mode, and discussed the three layers of e-commerce enterprises for its intrinsic business model, and the influence of traditional enterprise success of e-business two case analysis, further study of the enterprise electronic commerce business model, how to traditional inherent e-commerce enterprises of the level of its final stages division, how to develop e-business, puts forward some countermeasures and Suggestions. Think with the traditional enterprise develop e-commerce, its influence on enterprise business model is one of the outer - middle - lining the progressive process of traditional enterprise electronic commerce, the process must follow the rules, can receive the good : electronic commerce mode of traditional enterprise organization structure, core competitiveness
摘要 6-7
第1章 绪论 8-14
研究背景及意义 8
研究背景 8
研究意义 8
国内外研究述评 8-11
国外研究现状 9
国内研究现状 9-10
研究述评 10-11
论文的基本框架和研究方法 11-12
论文的研究方法 11
论文的基本框架 11-12
论文的主要创新与不足之处 12-14
论文的创新点 12-13
论文的不足之处 13-14
第2章 电子商务理论基础及 O2O 电子商务模式发展概述 14-22
电子商务相关理论概述 14-19
电子商务及构成要素 14-16
电子商务模式 16-18
电子商务模式体系 18-19
O2O 电子商务模式发展概述 19-22
O2O 发展模式的定义 19-20
影响 O2O 电子商务模式发展的因素 20-22
第3章 我国 O2O 电子商务模式发展现状及存在问题 22-29
我国 O2O 电子商务模式发展现状 22-25
我国 O2O 电子商务模式发展现状和特点 22-23
我国 O2O 电子商务模式发展面临的制约因素 23-24
我国 O2O 电子商务模式发展趋势 24-25
我国 O2O 电子商务模式发展存在的问题 25-29
经营模式过于单一 25-26
诚信问题严重 26
O2O 企业内部体制不健全 26-27
服务链过长责任不明确 27
定位不清晰缺乏良好的商业环境 27-29
第4章 国内外主要 O2O 电子商务模式发展研究 29-37
国外 O2O 电子商务模式发展研究 29-31
短租网站 AirbnbO2O 电子商务模式 29-30
Zaarly 本地化实时交易平台 30
eBay 在线交易平台 30-31
国内 O2O 电子商务模式发展研究 31-34
团购——O2O 模式的初步创新 31-32
O2O 模式的核心一一本地化生活服务消费 32-33
中国移动端购物交易额增长较大 33-34
更加注重消费者的体验 34
国内外 O2O 电子商务模式发展比较分析和启示 34-37
国内外 O2O 电子商务模式发展的共同点 34-35
我国 O2O 电子商务模式发展与国外存在的差异 35-36
启示 36-37
第5章 我国 O2O 电子商务模式成功应用领域分析 37-44
基于 O2O 电子商务模式的家具企业发展分析 37-39
O2O 电子商务模式在家具企业的成功应用 37-38
家具企业的 O2O 电子商务模式发展前景 38-39
基于 O2O 电子商务模式的'医药业发展分析 39-41
O2O 电子商务发展在医药行业的成功应用 39-40
医药业的 O2O 电子商务发展前景 40-41
基于 O2O 电子商务模式的食品餐饮业发展分析 41-44
O2O 电子商务模式在食品餐饮业的成功应用 41-42
食品餐饮业的 O2O 电子商务模式的发展前景 42-44
第6章 我国 O2O 电子商务模式在新领域应用的探究 44-46
中小学培训机构的现状 44
中小学培训机构面临的选择 44-45
O2O 电商平台在中小学培训机构中的应用与发展 45
以 O2O 平台为中心打造中小学培训机构的核心竞争 45-46
注释 46-47
参考文献 47-49
致谢 49-50
1. 绪论
2. 电子商务及市场营销概述
3. MM公司环境分析及营销战略分析
4. MM公司的电子商务营销策略
5. 结论
(1) to promote the process of China's foreign trade commerceThe central government and local government functions with the organization and management, the Government must strive to improve the regulation of foreign trade management of e-commerce , the Government should strive to foster e-commerce market. As e-commerce market require large market, big trade, the flow of the environment, for unity, development, competitive and orderly market and the rule of law, which requires the Government should give full play to the role of macro-control, breaking the regional protection and blocking, fragmentation, real guarantee of a favorable environment for the formation of e-commerce , in promoting e-commerce environment, the Commerce Department proposed the "Electronic Signature Law" draft, made a report to the NPC Standing Committee. Ministry of Commerce initiated the next step "electronic contract law" of the building, last year it has been included in the legislation plan, the operation is still active. There are "Privacy Act", the Ministry of Commerce is also in the pipeline. Ministry of Commerce also legal issues with the United States and other countries had a positive exchange. Third, the Government should also strive to ensure that there are appropriate access to online resources, that is, information related to electronic commerce to ensure the quantity and quality of resources, efforts to foster foreign trade e-commerce market.(2) improve the legalApplication of e-commerce needs of foreign trade to build the necessary laws and regulations, determine the enterprise and between enterprises, governments and enterprises, enterprises and consumers, between the Government and the Government must be clear when e-commerce and compliance with legal obligations and responsibilities, and strict management according to law, to regulate foreign commerce of the market order. Government laws and regulations in the development process of e-commerce should be noted:First, the government should play a coordinating function, organization government, enterprises, industry associations and groups, consumers and other stakeholders in dialogue and consultation, listen to their comments, suggestions, and overall balance interests of all parties to ensure that laws and regulations transparency and fairness, so that all parties benefit, and to maximize the release of e-commerce , the Government enacted laws and regulations note that the basic principle is to solve problems, management problems can be determined by the industry and market to the ideal legal framework for electronic commerce should be government regulation and industry self-discipline , the laws and regulations should take into account the development trend of electronic commerce, not only for the current or future situation within a period of time applicability, but also be flexible and forward-looking, to keep under the new circumstances, new problems and new Measures to be revised and 28, 2004, "Electronic Signature Law of the PRC" in the People's Republic of the Tenth National People's Congress Standing Committee passed the eleventh meeting, which marked China's first "real soil of information law" officially born. The law will be April 1, 2005 began , e-commerce policies with other related policies (such as telecommunications policy and competition policy) in harmony, not conflict with each other. Finally, it should e-commerce policy and international standards, so that China's policies, systems and standardized.(3) actively participate in the formulation of new rules of international tradeChina's accession to WTO, will help China in the World Trade Organization involved in the development of international trade regulations, and access to the world economic and trade information, so as to promote China's foreign trade to further improve the environment. After joining WTO, China has been directly involved in international trade can play an important role in the laws, regulations, discussion and development, publish favorable views of China's trade development, as much as possible so that our country benefit from the WTO's multilateral trading system. Meanwhile, China is a party, other members can get a relatively complete trade policies, trade regulations, trade statistics, trade trends and other relevant documents, to keep abreast of new trends in national trade policies, and to adjust China's foreign trade policy. In addition, information channels, will help us to get more technology, to carry out the invisible trade, accelerate the development of export-oriented economy, and thus have the conditions for the establishment of a unified and fair new rules for international trade efforts.(4) to strengthen the construction of credit systemIn addition to legal support, to establish a credit system in e-commerce process, there are two other important role, the Government and industry self-regulation and intermediary institutions. In China, some industry self-regulatory bodies and government agencies are often affiliated. Shanghai the first Chinese consulting organization credit companies, nominally independent civil organizations, in fact, had a very strong government background. In 2003, Guangdong Province, to provide technical support e-business center of Guangdong Union on the operation of e-commerce website up and integration of various e-commerce site in Guangdong province, and its strict qualification examination and certification, to provide an authoritative and convenient " portal "to ensure orderly conduct e-commerce activities. But the body is by the Guangdong Provincial Information Industry Department, organized e-commerce Association of Guangdong Province and Guangzhou City Park Administrative Committee Huanghuagang information organized. Peking University professor Zhang Weiying, said government agencies should not be a subsidiary. The world's most authoritative certification, rating agencies, such as Moody's, Standard & Poor's, Fitch are private, because they do not belong to the Government's third-party certification bodies in the information disclosure than the authenticity and validity of the government strong, it's life lies in its credibility, if you do not speak the truth, and nobodyLook for it. However, if government support, it is not afraid to close down. In this regard, the Government should strengthen guidance and supervision in order to balance the interests of all parties, they still should encourage non-governmental agencies.(5) the establishment of e-training systemView of the international e-commerce expertise and talents required for plaque lack of a comprehensive problem, it should establish a personnel training system. First of all colleges and universities in China should assume the task of training personnel in this regard, the country's education sector should also be set up from the junior high school students began training in e-commerce knowledge of the system, giving the personnel training programs to long-term, institutional guarantee. Second, we should give full play to our amateur university, distance education, private university education and other social forces, for the market demand for talent in this area, and increase efforts to develop e-commerce personnel
我自认为中国电子商务现在最不成熟的地方表现在: 诚信体系不成熟,支付安全存在缺陷,社会规范和法律制约不完善 最重要的是电子商务的教育还不够系统,尤其是现在许多大
在电子商务大发展的背景下,电子商务安全也成为了一个突出的问题。下面是我为大家整理的电子商务安全论文,希望对大家有帮助。 电子商务安全技术初探 【摘要】一个比较完