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首页 > 学术期刊 > 数字电位器控制电路毕业论文

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程控直流电压源设计论文编号:JD1056 论文字数:15253,页数:40,有开题报告,任务书[摘要] 各种电子电路实验中,电源是一种必不可少的仪器,目前实验所用的电源大多是电流和电压输出,一般采用数字式来显示电流或电压值,搭配电位器调整所要的电压及电流输出值。若要调整精确的电压输出,须搭配精确的显示仪表监测;又因电位器的阻值特性,在调整时,会产生漂移。随着科学技术飞速发展,对电源可靠性、输出精度和稳定性要求越来越高,利用D/A 转换器的高分辨率和单片机可程控实现对电源的监控,如模拟电压跌落、间断或起伏等情况,即可编程电源也可以看作一种功率型的低频信号发生器。 程控电源可以任意设定输出电压或电流,所有功能由面板上的键盘或通过RS - 232C 串口连接的上位微机实现,给电路实验带来极大的方便。 最后,在本次毕业设计过程中还涉及到了功能强大的PROTEUS软件的使用,并利用此软件绘制了系统原理图。[关键词]:单片机 AT89C51 共阳极LED数码显示器 D/A转换器[Abstract] Experiments of various electronic circuits, power is an essential apparatus, the current power used in the experiment are current and voltage output, normally used to display the digital value of current or voltage, with a potentiometer to adjust the voltage and current output value. To adjust precise voltage output to be displayed with precise instrumentation monitoring; because of the resistance characteristics of potentiometers in the adjustment, will produce drift. With the rapid development of science and technology, the reliability of power supply, the output precision and stability requirements are much too high, the use of D / A converters and high-resolution single-chip can be programmed to monitor the realization of the power supply, such as analog voltage dip, intermittent or ups and downs, etc., can be programmed as a power supply can power low-frequency-based signal generator. Power settings can be programmed output voltage or current, all the features of the keyboard by the panel or through the RS - 232C serial port to connect PC to achieve the top, to the circuit the convenience of a great experiment. Finally, in the graduate design process also involves a powerful PROTEUS software and to make use of this software system schematic drawing [Keywords] Single Chip Microcomputer AT89C51 Total cathode LED figures display D / A converter目录中文摘要 Ⅵ英文摘要 Ⅶ前言 11 绪论 选题背景及意义 国内外研究现状 课题研究方法 32 方案论证 方案设计的基本要求 总体设计方案 键盘和LED数字显示方案 按键设计思路 硬件电路的设计方案及框图 53过程论述 硬件电路的设计与选择 单片机的选择 时钟与复位电路的设计与器件选择 LED显示电路设计与器件选择 按键电路设计与器件选择 D/A转换电路(数模转换器)的设计 主电源和辅助电源 电路介绍和数控电压源硬件电路 程控直流电压源软件的设计方案 编程语言选择 主程序的初始化清单 共阳极数码管段码表 显示程序清单 按键扫描程序清单 按键处理子程序清单 主函数清单 延时程序清单 程序流程图 264 系统调试 硬件调试 脱机检查 联机检查 软件调试 脱机运行 系统不正常工作——其原因主要有: 系统指标测试误差分析 系统指标测试 误差分析 295总结 30致谢 32以上回答来自:

113 评论


Drill rod collar position detector set hardware circuit designIn the petroleum drilling process, the ejection controller played the seal well head drill rod collar through ejection controller, the ejection controller must open lets the drill rod collar pass the past time drill rod collar nearness ejection controller, reports to the police the prompt is very important, otherwise can have the blow out article uses magnetism examination the method, to drill rod collar whether arrives conducts the the Hall effect as the foundation, has studied the magnet and the ferromagnetic component is away from and the magnetic field strength relations, discovered in 0-150mm, the distance change all will cause in the air the magnetic induction intensity change, in which 0-80mm changes the quantity quite to be obvious, in 40mm, basically will in particular assume the index relations the corresponding examination probe head according to these change use the Hall integrated circuit to arrive the signal to transform as magnetism signal, again magnetism signal to voltage signal the voltage signal process insults the positive SPCE061A monolithic integrated circuit, the MCP42010 digital potentiometer and the periphery electric circuit analysis, processing and the comparison finally realizes the drill rod collar arriving article uses the localization method simple, Yi Xing, uses the component few, the examination sensitivity to be high, not only is suitable for the petroleum drilling profession, also is suitable for other need pinpointing system.

225 评论


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