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我把我写的那篇给你吧 反正我也交了C) Civil Engineering Research Institute of Gansu, opportunities and threat analysis 1. The opportunity to analyze the external environment since 1992, China's construction market has expanded gradually standardized, project bidding system and the construction supervision system and gradually implement and perfect, engineering consulting With the new business development, engineering consulting industry policy and legal environment for continuous improvement. Shiliu Da Party clearly pointed out to encourage and develop the third industry, accelerate the development of services for the China Engineering Consulting provides policy support. Countries are committed to development of related laws and policies to build a fair, just, open and orderly market, so that the legal system and market standardized management processes faster, thus carrying out engineering consulting business to create a good competitive environment. Whole range of services to increase market demand, "one-stop" service demand horizon. The previous range of various types of engineering consulting services to include only projects a certain stage, or even just for a single phase of the part of the project legal often require different stages of project construction to select a different consulting firm, which makes the whole project consulting services a lack of integrity. And now because of investment diversification and engineering service needs of the construction process is the all-round development of the whole process, Gansu Research Institute of Civil Engineering works as a comprehensive scientific consulting firms precisely to meet this "one-stop" service needs . Construction market business opportunities. With the national key project construction and other types of investors to increase investment, engineering consulting industry is faced with unlimited business opportunities. Over the next 10 years, China's housing construction peak, 15 to reach billion during the expansion, by 2005 China's urban per capita housing area will reach 22 o'clock. To promote urbanization. Well-known American economist, Nobel Prize winner Joseph E. Stiglitz at the World Bank conference in terms of: the 21st century the most important influences on human process, there are two things: First, China's urbanization, the second is a new technological revolution. China's urbanization rate in 2020 should reach 50%. 2. Analysis of the external threats to the environment in adverse market conditions. Currently engineering consulting industry peers competition between the increasing pressure, with disorderly competition between the industry, mainly because: the industry access to the policy is relaxed, a large number of new entrants making a relatively large number of engineering consulting firm, and the annual increase rapidly, out of less. Engineering Consulting Company homogenization between the serious, obvious differences between competitors. Various types of engineering consulting fees difficult to implement, keep the prices down to compete very prominent. Market demand for those who choose engineering consulting firm conversion relatively easy. Social identity degree of disadvantage. Engineering consulting industry in the whole community to the status and role of the lack of knowledge and its degree of recognition is also far from enough. In developed countries (such as the United Kingdom, United States, Germany, etc.), engineering consulting services engineering staff are mostly the elite belong to the high intelligence and complex talent and their intelligence services to obtain from the value of knowledge consistent with their high returns. However, the province's engineering consultants have not been duly recognized in society and the government, the most representative is the industry has called for an increase in fees and charges. The relative concentration of customers. In accordance with a small number of key principles, engineering consulting company's main business by a small number of key customers to provide these critical services to customers in the engineering consulting fees have greater bargaining power, can often presses is relatively low. Gansu Research Institute of Civil Engineering and is currently on the frequently encountered such a situation. The threat of potential entrants. China's accession to WTO, with the entry into force of government commitment, China's engineering consulting industry is already beginning to confront the threat of international engineering consulting firm. Many of the world-renowned large-scale engineering consulting organizations, are trying to expand their business in China through a variety of ways. At present, the world's top 200 engineering consulting company, has more than 150 assigned to China, these companies market their operational capability, management level and in such aspects as funding account for a large advantage. With the further liberalization of China's engineering consulting market, the country's various protection measures for the gradual abolition, these companies will inevitably beings, with our engineering consulting firms to snatch the market, and thus by potential entrants to become competitors. The threat of replacement. In accordance with national laws and regulations to allow owners of long-term construction projects, such as a large business or real estate investment company that has a dedicated construction management team, a relatively sound institutional system, the quality of personnel was also higher under the premise of free to complete the construction certain stages of work, rather than entrusted to a professional engineering consulting firm. (D) of Gansu Academy of Marketing Science in Civil Engineering Problems in the Civil Engineering Research Institute of Gansu Province in the development of engineering consulting industry, the market has done a lot of efforts and achieved some good results, but under the conditions of market economy, marketing, engineering consulting inadequate grasp of the activities of law, lack of scientific marketing idea. Currently, Gansu Academy of Marketing Science Civil Engineering There are following problems: 1, senior marketing management in place, lack of marketing mechanism is currently the Civil Engineering Research Institute of Gansu high-level management positions, there is no marketing functions, shown in Figure 1, this senior management of absence has brought a lot of harm. First of all, the lack of marketing mechanisms, the Gansu Research Institute of Civil Engineering, Engineering Consulting Marketing completely spontaneous marketing stage in order to survive, seemingly full of marketing, but in reality various departments like marketing, does not command a battle. Secondly, the marketing advantages of individual secondary sector can not be used for the whole institution, the enterprise's overall marketing functions of the greatly reduced. Affect the efficiency of selling many of the problems can not be resolved at a high level of hospital-wide adverse impact on marketing performance, marketing, lack of direction guidance. 2. Market positioning is unknown, competitive advantage can not play two different business units in different markets to develop a single business consulting market, internal conflicts, marketing resources can not be focused on the use of hospital-wide can not form a competitive advantage. 3. Weak corporate brand awareness, organizational culture is not conducive to the development of enterprises due to the current practice of Gansu Research Institute of Civil Engineering, the project responsibility system, each employee in the market are the equivalent of an independent consulting firm, and sometimes criticize each other for personal gain or strife, organizational culture is not conducive to long-term development of enterprises and brand image of the set. 4. The industry's products less competitive in Gansu Civil Engineering consulting services with scientific research institutes, consulting services for all single-qualification due to the low barriers to entry, the nature of a large number of private companies have joined, leading to homogenization of severe service products, is facing fierce competition in the market . 5. Consulting service quality due to the lack of unified management of organizations in the technical quality of sector work is usually routine in-house office, there is no technical management and quality management functions, and thus the two units of the depth of consulting services, lack of standard width.可以的话采纳我的

296 评论


The urban river embankment discuss the ecological constructionAnonymous XXXXXXXXAbstract: the urban river embankment construction as the object, discuss the current social background, analyses and compares the river embankment design of traditional methods and characteristics of ecological methods, and puts forward three modes of ecological design and their advantages and disadvantages, and expounds the present situation of the ecological construction in domestic bank and future : the bank; Ecology; Design way; Domestic situationText:A, backgroundRiver Banks part is the amphibious interlaced transition belt, has the remarkable edge effect. Here are active substances, nutrient and energy flow, offer a habitat for a variety of creatures. Natural state Banks often species richness, productivity traditional embankment design often single ?一、背景河流的堤岸部分是水陆交错的过渡地带,具有显著的边缘效应。这里有活跃的物质、养分和能量的流动,为多种生物提供了栖息地。自然状态下的堤岸往往物种丰富、生产力高。传统的堤岸设计往往会单纯从防洪角度出发,采用土堤或者土石混合堆砌起来高高的堤岸。它的优点在于高度的可靠性,结构设计后加起防护堤岸抗流水冲刷能力显著增强。对于洪水暴发频繁、侵蚀严重的区段,这样的设计无可厚非,而对于一般河流堤岸的修建,这样的设计则显得缺乏环境的美化和绿化,同时也破坏许多对生态起重要作用的自然因素,如破坏植被与河床间的联系,造成冲刷侵蚀转移等。另外,河流作为城市风貌不可多得的珍惜资源,也是城市风貌的特色要素,它的景观塑造显得十分必要。同时,堤岸景观建设必然使滨河地区土地价值提升,滨水开发的高投资回报的特点更增强了对城市堤岸景观建设的需求。二、需求——堤岸的生态化建设河流堤岸作为城市中最邻近河流的区域,是城市与河流的衔接线,它的景观规划是提高城市生活品质的需要,也是丰富城市景观的需要。生态化建设,它的根本思路是运用自然本身抗干扰和自我修复的能力来处理人与自然的关系。生态设计方法不同于传统用人工的结构和形式来取代自然的方法,而是用自然的结构和形式来顺应自然的进程。将河岸与河道在生态上联系起来,也就实现了物质、养分、能量的交流:对于生物,它提供了合适的栖息地;植物根系可固着土壤,枝叶可截留雨水,过滤地表迳流,抵抗流水冲刷,从而起到保护堤岸、增加堤岸结构的稳定性、净化水质、涵养水源的作用,而且随着时间的推移,这些作用被不断加强。同时,生态化建设以自然的外貌出现,容易与环境取得协调,造价也较低,不需要长期的维护管理。三、河流堤岸生态化设计方式河流堤岸生态化设计,要遵守生态设计的原则,注重地方性、保护与节约自然资本、让自然做功、显露自然,主要体现在对地域气候环境、河流地质地貌、水文变化的适应,对河流生态环境的考虑,对堤岸地形的处理和对筑堤材料的选择和构造方式方面。1) 人工类:传统方法是采用块石或混凝土块砖等堆砌。可在此基础上加以改进以适应河流景观设计的需求。a) 块石或混凝土块砖干砌,不用砂浆。这样在砌块之间就留有空隙,为后期滨河植物的生长提供了空间。随着时间的推移,堤岸会逐渐呈现出自然的风貌。b) 堤岸采用台阶式分级,台阶面上的空间加以利用,种植植物。当然这两种改进方法对于河岸处现有植被仍存在一定的不良影响,人工痕迹也过于明显。2) 自然类:充分利用堤岸植被原型,可直接将适用于滨河地带生长的植被种植于堤岸上,利用植物的根、茎、叶来稳固堤岸,防止侵蚀、控制沉积的同时也为生物提供了栖息地。3) 人工自然相结合综合了以上两种方法的优点,具有人工结构的稳定性和自然的外貌,见效快、生态效益好,以下为常见的两种类型:a) 种植植物的堆石将由大小不同的石块组成的堆石置于与水接触的土壤表面,再把活体切枝插入石堆中使斜坡更加稳定。根系可提高强度,植被可遮盖石块,使堤岸外貌更加自然。b) 与植物结合使用的插孔式混凝土块将预制的混凝土块以连锁的形式置于岸底的浅渠中,再将植物切枝或植株扦插于混凝土块之间和堤岸上部,其上覆土压实,再播种草本植物。堤岸生态化建设也存在一定的局限性。如:选用的材料及建造方法不同,堤岸的防护能力相差很大,需要运用多学科知识认真分析,这就为设计人员提出了更大的挑战;建造初期若受到强烈干扰,则会影响到以后防护作用的发挥等。这也就对河流堤岸的生态化设计提出了更高的要求。四、国内现状1)省会城市在我国省会城市及计划单列市中有近80%进行了堤岸景观规划。(参考文献[3])城 市 项目名称 城 市 项目名称北 京 长河城市水系统综合治理 南 宁 堤岸园工程长 沙 湘江风光带 宁 波 滨江大道沿江景观工程成 都 府南河绿化工程 上 海 外滩、陆家嘴滨江大道福 州 闵江江滨公园 沈 阳 浑河观光旅游带广 州 珠江二沙段堤岸景观、芳村长堤建设 太 原 汾河公园贵 阳 南明河景观绿化工程 天 津 海河堤岸改造工程哈尔滨 松花江南岸沿江风景长廊 武 汉 汉口江滩一二期工程昆 明 盘龙江中段滨水生态景观建设 西 安 灞河大水大绿工程兰 州 黄河风情线 重 庆 南滨路滨江旅游观光大道从规划后建成情况看,这些城市河流堤岸景观项目都得到了当地政府与市民的肯定。在这些项目中,堤岸既可成为当地最具吸引力的城市公园,如太原的汾河公园和福州的江滨公园;堤岸也可成为市民日常休闲活动的热点地段,如南宁的堤路园和武汉的汉口江滩工程;堤岸还可成为城市最具特色的地段,如重庆的南滨路滨江旅游观光大道;堤岸更可成为城市旅游的热点,如上海的外滩和陆家嘴滨江大道。总之,经过景观规划的堤岸已成为当地最具特色的地区。从建设效果看,相对堤岸的原来面貌而言,统计资料中的这些景观工程都是较成功的,都成为当地城市关注的热点,成为当地政府的政绩工程,成为当地的民心工程。城市河流堤岸通过景观规划,有效地改善了滨河地段的环境,并带动滨河地段的开发。但必须清醒地认识到,这些城市堤岸景观项目规划并非尽善尽美,也存在这样或那样的问题,仍有待完善。2)中小城市城市经济实力的强大决定了其城市建设水平的高标准和高水平。中小城市河流堤岸景观与统计资料中的城市存在较大的差距,存在更多的问题。特别是由于资金问题,堤岸景观是,纯人工,状态的钢筋混凝土防洪堤,或保持自然防洪状态的土石堤,没有经过景观规划,易造成城市资源的极大浪费。五、前景目前,河流景观建设,特别是城市河流景观建设,在中国正方兴未艾;在发达国家中也是一个久盛不衰的话题。 回顾发达国家河流景观建设的历史,自20世纪70年代以来,随着人们环境意识的普遍增强,重视河流景观的生态功能已成为一个时代的呼唤,河流景观建设的生态设计方法也已得到了空前的重视和发展。他山之石可以攻玉,借鉴发达国家已经形成的成熟的理念和做法,可以使我们少走弯路,搭上隆隆前进的生态建设之车。

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这是一小段,看看行吧,行我就全传给你Organization of this textCivil engineering,the oldest of the engineering specialties,is the planning,design,construction, and management of the built environment.This environment includes all structures built according to scientific principles,from irrigation and drainage systems to rocket-launching facilities.土木工程,最老的工程专业,是建筑环境的规划、设计、施工和管理。这个环境包括从灌溉和排水系统到火箭发射设施的所有根据科学原理建造的结构物。Civil engineers build roads,bridges,tunnels,dams,harbors,power plants,water and sewage systems,hospitals,schools,mass transit,and other public facilities essential to modern society and large population concentrations.土木工程师修建道路、桥梁、隧道、大坝、港口、发电站、水系统和污水系统,医院、学校、公共交通系统,以及现代化社会和大量人口集中的地方所必需的其他公共设施。Civil engineering and civil engineersThey also build privately owned facilities such as airports, railroads,pipelines, skyscrapers, and other large structures designed for industrial,commercial, or residential use.他们也修建私人拥有的设施,如机场、铁路、水渠、高楼大厦,和为工业、商业、民用设计的其他大型建筑。

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building types and designA building is closely bound up with people,for it provides with the necessary space to work and live in .As classified by their use ,buildings are mainly of two types :industrial buildings and civil buildings .industrial buildings are used by various factories or industrial production while civil buildings are those that are used by people for dwelling ,employment ,education and other social activities .Industrial buildings are factory buildings that are available for processing and manufacturing of various kinds ,in such fields as the mining industry ,the metallurgical industry ,machine building ,the chemical industry and the textile industry . factory buildings can be classified into two types single-story ones and multi-story ones .the construction of industrial buildings is the same as that of civil buildings .however ,industrial and civil buildings differ in the materials used and in the way they are used .Civil buildings are divided into two broad categories: residential buildings and public buildings .residential buildings should suit family life .each flat should consist of at least three necessary rooms : a living room ,a kitchen and a toilet .public buildings can be used in politics ,cultural activities ,administration work and other services ,such as schools, office buildings, parks ,hospitals ,shops ,stations ,theatres ,gymnasiums ,hotels ,exhibition halls ,bath pools ,and so on .all of them have different functions ,which in turn require different design types as well. Housing is the living quarters for human beings .the basic function of housing is to provide shelter from the elements ,but people today require much more that of their housing .a family moving into a new neighborhood will to know if the available housing meets its standards of safety ,health ,and comfort .a family will also ask how near the housing is to grain shops ,food markets ,schools ,stores ,the library ,a movie theater ,and the community center .In the mid-1960’s a most important value in housing was sufficient space both inside and out .a majority of families preferred single-family homes on about half an acre of land ,which would provide space for spare-time activities .in highly industrialized countries ,many families preferred to live as far out as possible from the center of a metropolitan area ,even if the wage earners had to travel some distance to their work .quite a large number of families preferred country housing to suburban housing because their chief aim was to get far away from noise ,crowding ,and confusion .the accessibility of public transportation had ceased to be a decisive factor in housing because most workers drove their cars to work .people we’re chiefly interested in the arrangement and size of rooms and the number of bedrooms .Before any of the building can begin ,plans have to be drawn to show what the building will be like ,the exact place in which it is to go and how everything is to be important point in building design is the layout of rooms ,which should provide the greatest possible convenience in relation to the purposes for which they are intended .in a dwelling house ,the layout may be considered under three categories : “day”, “night” ,and “services” .attention must be paid to the provision of easy communication between these areas .the “day “rooms generally include a dining-room ,sitting-room and kitchen ,but other rooms ,such as a study ,may be added ,and there may be a hall .the living-room ,which is generally the largest ,often serves as a dining-room ,too ,or the kitchen may have a dining alcove .the “night “rooms consist of the bedrooms .the “services “comprise the kitchen ,bathrooms ,larder ,and water-closets .the kitchen and larder connect the services with the day rooms .It is also essential to consider the question of outlook from the various rooms ,and those most in use should preferably face south as possible .it is ,however ,often very difficult to meet the optimum requirements ,both on account of the surroundings and the location of the roads .in resolving these complex problems ,it is also necessary to follow the local town-planning regulations which are concerned with public amenities ,density of population ,height of buildings ,proportion of green space to dwellings ,building lines ,the general appearance of new properties in relation to the neighbourhood ,and so on .There is little standardization in industrial buildings although such buildings still need to comply with local town-planning regulations .the modern trend is towards light ,airy factory buildings .generally of reinforced concrete or metal construction ,a factory can be given a “shed ”type ridge roof ,incorporating windows facing north so as to give evenly distributed natural lighting without sun-glare .翻译:建筑类型和设计建筑物与人们有着紧密的联系,他为人们提供必要的空间,用以工作和生活。根据适用类型不同,建筑物可以分为两类:工业建筑和民用建筑。工业建筑包括各个工厂或工业生产所使用建筑,民用建筑是指那些人们用以居住,就业,教育和其他社会活动的建筑场所。工业建筑的厂房可用于采矿业,冶金工业,机械制造,化学工业和纺织工业等各类领域的加工和制造。厂房可分为两种类型:单层的和多层的。工业建筑也属于建筑的一种。但是,工业建筑与民用建筑所用的材料和建筑方式不同。民用建筑按使用可分为两大类:住宅建筑和公共建筑。住宅建筑要适应家庭生活。每个单位应包括至少三个必要客房:起居室,厨房和厕所。公共建筑可在政治,文化活动,管理工作和其他服务,如学校,写字楼,公园,医院,商店,车站,剧院,体育馆,宾馆,展览馆,洗浴池,等等。他们都有着不同的职能,这反过来又需要不同的设计类型。房屋是用以住人的. 其基本功能是提供住房的内容,但今天人们需要更多的住房内容。一个家庭在进入一个新的社区后将知道,现有住房不仅要符合其安全,健康和舒适等标准。还要考虑其附近是否有相应的配套设施,如食品市场,学校,商店,图书馆,电影院,以及社区中心等。在60年代中期住房最重要的价值是足够大的空间和方便的出入交通。大多数家庭会首选约半英亩面积土地的家庭住宅,这样将提供足够的空间的用以业余活动。在高度工业化的国家,许多家庭的首选是那种尽可能远离市中心商业圈的住房,即使距离上班地点不得不有一段距离。相当多的家庭首选是郊区的住房,因为他们的主要目的是要远离噪音,拥挤和混乱。拥有方便的公共交通使得距离不再是一个决定性因素,因为大多数人都是开着自己的汽车去上班了。人们现在主要感兴趣的是户型,房间的大小和卧室的数目。在工程项目开始之前,要做好建筑设计和施工流程,让人提前知道该建筑建成后是什么样子以及下一步应该做什么。在建筑设计中要特别重视房间的布局,其目的是提供最大的便利与可能的用途。在一个住宅建筑设计中,布局可考虑以下三个方面: “白天” , “夜晚”和“服务”。必须注意这些空间区域之间的连通交流。 “白天”房一般包括餐厅,起居室和厨房,但其他房间可能会增加,如书房,并有可能成为一个大厅。起居室通常是最大的,往往是一个餐厅,也或可能有厨房、凹室等。 “夜间”房间包括卧室、客房。“服务”用房间包括厨房,浴室,储藏室 ,和厕所等。厨房和储藏室需设置在一起,以方便其房间功能的使用。此外,还必须考虑各种客房的朝向问题,当然最好尽可能的将那些经常使用的房间朝南设置。然而,在考虑到周围的环境和地点、道路等多方面因素,往往很难达到最佳要求。在解决这些复杂的问题,还必须按照当地城市规划条例所涉及的对公共设施,人口密度,建筑物高度,绿化面积,建筑红线等的要求,还要考虑到有相邻建筑的情况,等等。尽管工业建筑需要符合当地城市规划条例但很少有标准化的工业楼宇。现代厂房建筑的趋势是轻质、通风。一般的钢筋混凝土结构或钢结构的工厂,可以得到一个“跌”型脊屋顶,把窗户开向北以便使分布均匀的自然采光不会直射进来造成刺眼。

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