一、自述(用英语完成):1、先问好,再开始自述,自述时间为5-8分钟,要简明扼要,必要时可将自述内容提纲制作成Powerpoint文件。2、主要陈述内容:(1)自己选择这个题目的原因;(2)设计和实施的简单过程(如,商务方向:采用什么方法来搜集信息、资料等);(3)自己论文的主要内容(不要念论文,最好用4、5句话简单介绍论文内容,如,商务方向:做了哪些调查,得出什么结论,计划如何实施项目);(4)仍然存在的问题(如,商务:在实施项目中可能会遇到的风险以及如何解决);3、最好准备相关文字并熟记(答辩时要脱稿陈述,但是可以看PPT文件)。4、语言最好简单清楚,不要直接用论文中内容,应该用解释性的句式二、回答老师问题(老师用英语提问,学生用英语回答):1、大约有4-6个问题,时间将持续10-15分钟。2、首先要听清楚问题,如果没有听清,可以要求老师重复问题(可以说pardon之类的话)。3、回答时首先要态度好,要切题,而且不要保持沉默,不会时可以表示抱歉。4、常见问题: 关于选题:Why do you choose this topic for your thesis? // Why wereyou interested in this topic? 关于选题意义:What’s the importance/significance in doing such aresearch/project?//What do you want the readers get from your thesis? 关于论文:- 理论知识:Explain … (your theory). //Why do you think this theorycan be applied in your project? // Use one example to illustrate 数据分析:How do you analyze your data? //How do you justify thevalidity of your data analysis?- 例证:Can you explain this example?【对于翻译类论文,答辩组可能会针对某些例句让你解释为什么在此种情况下要运用你所提议的翻译方法,或者对于有问题的译文让你给出自己的译文,或者临时给出例子让你运用相关翻译方法进行翻译】- 语言:In the xx paragraph on page xx, what do you mean?论文存在的问题:如 In the last sentence on page … there are somegrammatical/spelling/…Errors.常见问题汇总:: twice as long as your did you choose this topic? /What made you choose this topic? are the major previous findings put forth by other scholars? what perspective did you try to approach the topic? What are your findings/new points? what way/ ways are your findings useful/related to your future life/career or job-seeking? you believe in what …….says? Why or why not? do you feel after you have finished this thesis? (Experience)In what way/ways does this experience help you understand yourself or the subject as a whole?8. What are the limitations of your study/research? In what way or from what perspective can this topic be further studied or explored?9. Have you read all the references listed at the end of the article? Do they turn out to be very helpful? Which one impresses you most? Why? Which scholar do you admire? Why?总之,要通过论文答辩,应注意:1.在平时的学习过程中必须注意提高自己的听说能力。 2.答辩前应做好充分的准备,最重要的是熟悉论文的内容及自己的观点。这一点十分重要,如果不熟悉论文的内容及自己的观点,答辩时很难自圆其说。3.要有自信心。当然,自信心主要来自事先的充分准备。4.带一份定稿(要与老师们持有的论文页码一致)。
A Contrastive Study between English and Chinese Idioms (题目:二号,黑体,加粗,居中,除了英语小词外,其
问题一:为什么一篇中文论文需要一个英文的摘要? 好的 [新手] 从正规的说法看,是为了和轨国际接轨。从实际看,我国学术尚在低潮期,需要与外国比较然后找
问题一:毕业论文查重会查摘要,目录吗 会,因为摘要,只要检测也会重复,所以好多同学,只上传摘要、正文和参考文献,会把目录、致谢词去掉。 知网检测,就是用一定的