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首页 > 学术期刊 > 橙皮果胶的提取毕业论文

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In this paper, the Orange had the advantage of the research, design a more reasonable process line, from the Orange have been extracted pectin. The use of orthogonal, the extraction of pectin and the pectin precipitation test conditions, come to the best of conditions. The results show that immobilized the most appropriate response to the PH value of , the optimum temperature to 60 ℃, while the original enzyme were PH and 55 ℃; The results also showed that the immobilized enzyme on the PH, temperature stability Than the original enzyme increased. This is immobilized to repeat the recovery of the use and storage of more favorable. Gelatin as a vector of fixed-pectinase study compared the amount of the vector, enzymes, produced by PH, the results show that under the conditions of PH Preparation of immobilized pectinase, to repeat the use of recovery after the 5th, activity may also retain more than 80%, immobilized pectinase is a better way.

241 评论



343 评论


1.称取新鲜柑橘皮20 g(干品为8 g) ,用清水洗净后,放入250 mL 烧杯中,加120 mL 水, 加热至90 ℃保温5~10 min,使酶失活。用水冲洗后切成3~5 mm 大小的颗粒,用50 ℃左 右的热水漂洗,直至水为无色,果皮无异味为止。每次漂洗都要把果皮用尼龙布挤干,再进 行下一次漂洗。 2. 将处理过的果皮粒放入烧杯中, 加入 mol/L 的盐酸以浸没果皮为度, 调溶液的 pH ~ 之间。加热至90 ℃,在恒温水浴中保温40 min,保温期间要不断地搅动,趁热用垫有尼龙布(100目)的布氏漏斗抽滤,收集滤液。 3.在滤液中加入~1%的活性炭,加热至80 ℃,脱色20 min,趁热抽滤(如橘皮漂洗干净,滤液清沏,则可不脱色)。 4.滤液冷却后,用6 mol/L 氨水调至 pH 3~4,在不断搅拌下缓缓地加入95%酒精溶液,加入乙醇的量为原滤液体积的倍(使其中酒精的质量分数达50%~60%)。酒精加入过程中 即可看到絮状果胶物质析出,静置20 min 后,用尼龙布(100目)过滤制得湿果胶。 5.将湿果胶转移于100 mL 烧杯中,加入30 mL 无水乙醇洗涤湿果胶,再用尼龙布过滤、 挤压。将脱水的果胶放入表面皿中摊开,在60~70 ℃烘干。将烘干的果胶磨碎过筛,制得 干果胶。

137 评论


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