As the research of characteristics of soil environmental quality of Pinellia ternata master origin, this article reviewed the characteristics of soil environmental qualityPinellia origin, summarizes some results of soil heavy metals, pesticides, from physical properties, chemical properties, biochemical properties; and points out thedifferent fertilization levels, different seasons, different intercropping plants, different sowing period, different planting density, different kinds of stem planting, different altitudes of pinellia tuber yield and related traits and quality influence. For further research on Pinellia habitat environment and the accumulation of production technology of literature.
To grasp characteristics of pinellia origin of soil environmental quality research situation, this paper research on pinellia origin characteristics of soil environmental quality were summarized, concluded that this decoction of soil heavy metals, pesticide residues, some physical properties, chemical properties and biological properties of the results of the study; And points out that different fertilizer levels, different harvest time and different intercropping plants, different sowing time and planting density, different kinds of stem planting on pinellia tuber yield and related properties such as, different altitude and quality. In order to further research on pinellia tuber production environment and production technology of accumulation of literature.
药物组成: 栝蒌实12克,薤白、半夏各9克,白酒70毫升(非现代之白酒,实为黄酒,或用醪糟代之亦可。) 方歌: 栝蒌薤白半夏汤,祛痰宽胸效显彰;三味再加酒同煎,
中医药学毕业论文题目 要想写好论文,就要从定一个好的题目开始。以下是我分享的中医药学毕业论文题目,一起来学习吧! 一、中医药学毕业论文题目 中药方剂治疗宫颈糜烂
研究思路、研究方法、技术路线和实施步骤 1、研究什么?——怎样确定研究课题 一切科学研究始于问题——问题即课题;教学即研究(掌握方法很重要,否则就不