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Individual situation: Has the very strong color feeling and the esthetic ability, is good atsearching in the life any beautiful thing, likes the drawing, thedesign, the PS imagery processing, collects each kind of picturematerial, matches including the clothing with the thing decoration andso on. Good s intention, the manner kindly has politeness. Has plansarranges the multi- fields literary arts performance, the program toperform the experience. Social practice until now in school JA volunteer Propagandizes as the volunteer to the schoolmate introduced andpromotes JA Participates in volunteer's team training and correlation, theexample: The simulation press conference, the simulation interviewsand so on The JA campus speaking can the scene management, the personnelregistration, the order maintenance shades buildings picture later period processes Makes some art in friend's shade building help to draw aportrait picture PS later period to beautify, the playbillmanufacture 2006. Summer Shanghai science and technology museum volunteer Responsible "the robot Shuangliu water line" the project, theresponsible tourist receives, the computer holds controls the robot,the assembly line manufacture process explanation and the end productintroduction and the sale The success holds the expense core community: The child andthe external tourist, emphatically to them introduced the scenemanufacture end product the characteristic and the commemorativesignificance, urge the purchase Smoothly sells more than 30 end products, is ordinary dayachievement more than three times Obtains the department people in charge "initiative theperformance positive, service attitude good, the work is nimble." Highpraise 2006. Summer Shanghai suppresses drug the education hallvolunteer Participation suppressing drug education propaganda activity,kind of suppressing drug hall tourguide Primary cognizance and the companion leads the visitor tocarry on the suppressing drug knowledge together the study, introducesthe correlation knowledge, the caption, the case narration and theanalysis for the tourist 2005. The summer market investigation, the magazine circularfaction sends In assigns the high income in the customer group to consultthe customer to have the luxury goods the situation, to the luxurygoods localization, has the quantity, the affection brand and so on Award item The faction sends the company the new product advertisement,the publicity material Under 2006 school DIY jeans design competition first award Under 2004 the school art festival meeting symbol design isselected and wins an award In 2003 the waxing 画纸 work the magazine publishes at"Design New tide" Under 2001 world environment date square drawing invitationaltournament second prize Under 2001 the international air drawing competition attains:City first award, area first award, national outstanding works prizethree prizes

308 评论


简介:北京新潮楼顶文化传媒有限公司成立于2022-06-01,法定代表人为徐菲,注册资本为100万元人民币,统一社会信用代码为 91110108MABPW38N1F,企业地址位子北京市海淀区安宁庄东路(原丝绸广附属用房2号楼)1层1618,所属行业为文化艺术业,经营范围包含:一般项目:组织文化艺术交流活动;文艺创作;会议及展览服务;专业设计服务;广告发布;摄影扩印服务;电影摄制服务:°互联网销售(除销售需要许可的商品)珠宝首饰批发;珠宝首饰零售;珠宝首饰回收修理服务。人(除依法须经批准的项目外孙凭营业执照依法自主开展经营活动)许可项目:演出经纪;电影发行;网络文化经营;广播电视节目传送;营业性演出;包装装潢印刷品印刷。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动,具体经营项目以相关部门批准文件或许可证件敏为准)(不得从事国家和本市产业政策禁止和限制类项目的经营活动。)。北京新潮楼顶文化传媒有限公司目前的经营状态为存续(在营、开业、在册)。

103 评论



191 评论



118 评论


1、《装饰》全国艺术类核心期刊(北京)2、《美苑》国家级美术核心期刊(沈阳)3、《包装工程》全国中文核心期刊(重庆)4、《艺术与设计》(北京)5、《中国包装》(北京)6、《包装与设计》(广东)7、《设计艺术》(山东)8、《包装世界》(浙江)9、《设计新潮》(上海)10、《设计》(北京)11、《设计印象》(台湾)12、《实用美术》(上海)13、《展示》(北京)14、《湖南包装》(长沙)15、《中国机械工程》教育部认定重要期刊 全国中文机械仪表核心期刊(武汉)16、《理论月刊》中国人文社会科学核心期刊(武汉)17、《湖北社会科学》全国中文核心期刊(武汉)18、《华中师范大学学报》(全国综合性科学技术类核心期刊)(武汉)19、《武汉水利电力大学学报》(全国中文核心期刊)(武汉)20、《中外教坛》(香港)21、《湖北美术学院学报》(武汉)22、《武汉工学院学报》(武汉)23、《湖北工学院学报》(武汉)24、《国际工业设计研讨会论文集》(英文) 载入国际三大检索《ISTP》(北京)25、《国际设计大会论文集》(英文) 载入国际大三检索《EI》(美国)26、《CAID&CD2005大会论文集》(英文)载入国际三大检索《ISTP》(广东)27、《国际设计研讨会论文集》(英文)载入国际三大检索《EI》(昆明)28、《北京国际工业设计周学术论文集》(英文)(北京)29、《2008CUMULUS国际设计艺术院校联盟会议论文集》(英文)(济南)30、《首届中国国际工业设计研讨会论文集》(武汉)31、《国际工业设计研论会论文集》(重庆)32、《目标与特色——全国高等院校艺术设计教学与实践学术研讨会论文集》(北京)33、《创意中国·设计教育再思考——全国艺术设计教育论坛论文集》(上海)34、《艺术设计教育展望——全国视觉传达设计教育论坛论文集》(重庆)35、《岁月铭记——中国现代设计之路学术研讨会论文集》(深圳)36、《设计创造生活——艺术设计论文集》(上海)37、《感悟设计之道——艺术与设计优秀论文集》(重庆)38、《湖北省包装装潢论文集》(武汉)39、《湖北省美术教育论文集》(武汉)40、《中国科技博览》(北京)41、《设计艺术十五年——论文集》(济南)42、《走向教育创新之路——教学改革论文集》(北京)43、《全国艺术与设计类专业实践教学研讨会——论文集》(山东)44、《北大文化产业评论》(北京)

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