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MLA是现代语言协会的缩写。它是美国现代语言协会制定的论文指导格式,也是北美大学英语论文写作最常用的参考格式。目前,它已在第8版中发布。与APA,CMS和其他格式相比,MLA纸张格式更加严格且更常用。MLA格式通常用于文学论文中。 MLA引用与哈佛文献和APA文献完全不同,MLA格式使用的是“作者姓+页码”的组合,举例来说: Wordsworth said that romantic poetry is characterized by"spontaneous spillover of strong emotions".”(263). 或者 Romantic poetry is characterized by"the natural manifestation of strong emotions”(Wordsworth 263) (一)如果引用的材料有多个作者(超过三个),MLA格式需要使用“et al.”的缩略写法: (1)引用作者人数超过三人: According to Eric et al,“Current agricultural policies in the contributing to the poor health of Americans”(327). 或者 The authors claim that one cause of obesity in the United States is government-funded farm subsidies(Franck et ). (2)引用作者人数未超过三人:The authors claim that surface reading looks at what is“evident,perceptible,apprehensible in texts”(Best and Marcus 9). 或者 Best and Marcus argue that one should read a text for what it says on its surface,rather than looking for some hidden meaning(9). MLA Cition格式 (二)如果引用同一个作者的不同文献,则在文内引用中需要加上文献的名称。 (1)同一作者的两篇文章: Lightinor believes that computers are not a useful tool for young children("too early"38),although he also acknowledges elsewhere that early exposure to computer games does give children little motor skills in their second and third years Better development(“Hand-Eye Development”17). (2)同一作者的两本书: Murray said that writing is a"process that changes with our way of thinking"(writing is to learn 6).In addition,Murray believes that the purpose of writing is"to bring thoughts and information from one person's head to another's head."(A Writer Teaches Writing 3). 在MLA参考格式中,主要有两种类型的文档:印刷(书籍和期刊)和Web(网页参考),必须在本文结尾引用的作品中进行标记。此外,每个参考条目都需要缩进两次。 (三)书籍引用 Last Name,First of Date. 姓,名.书名:出版城市.出版者,出版日期. 范例: Gleick, a New . Wysocki,Anne Frances,et New Media:Theory and Applications for Expanding the Teaching of State UP,2004. 注意:MLA版本8在引用书籍时省略了发布城市。仅当在不同国家/地区发行的版本不同时,才应在报价单中注明发行城市。 MLA 8th引用书籍 Jacobs, Pleasures of Reading in an Age of UP,2011. MLA 7th引用书籍 Jacobs, Pleasures of Reading in an Age of UP, writing service on repor et (四)期刊引用 引用期刊时,需要加上vol.和no.来表示期刊的期刊数和卷号。 Author(s).“Title of Article.”Title of Journal,Volume,Issue,Year,pages. MLA 8th引用期刊 Kincaid,Jamaica.“In History.”Callaloo, 2001,. MLA 7th引用期刊 Kinkaid,Jamaica.“In History.”Callaloo (Spring 2001):. 范例: Bagchi,Alaknanda.“Conflicting Nationalisms:The Voice of the Subaltern in Mahasweta Devi’s Bashai Tudu.”Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature,. (五)网页引用 Editor,author,or compiler name(if available).Name of number,Name of institution/organization affiliated with the site(sponsor or publisher),date of resource creation(if available),URL,DOI or of access(if applicable). 编辑者,作者或编译器名称(如果有)。网站名称。版本号,与站点关联的机构/组织的名称(赞助者或发布者),资源创建日期(如果有),URL,DOI或永久链接。访问日期(如果适用)。 范例: Felluga, to Literary and Critical U,28 , 10 May 2006. Lundman,Susan.“How to Make Vegetarian Chili.”eHow, 6 July 2015. 最后我再提出两点注意事项哦: 1.现在MLA不再在书名下用下划线,而是用斜体字; 2.现在MLA要求用print标记公开出版的纸质刊物的出版特征,包括书,杂志,报纸。

242 评论





一、 引文的格式


1 文中夹注(Parenthetical Citation)


Hosenfeld found that unsuccessful readers could be taught the lexical strategies of successful readers, confirming Wenden’s observation that“ineffective learners are inactive learners. Their apparent inability to learn is, in fact, due to their not having an appropriate repertoire of learning strategies.”(1985:7)


Results supported the notion that learners can be taught to use more effective learning strategies:

Strategies training was successfully demonstrated in a natural teaching environment with second language listening and speaking tasks. This indicates that classroom instructions on learning strategies with integrative language skills can facilitate learning(O’Malley et al 1985a: 577).

3)多个作者在第二次被提到时可用第一个作者的姓加et al.

Finally, information type is based on contrasts such as concrete-abstract, static-dynamic, contextualized-decontextualized(Brown et ).


This is not a recent discovery. More than a hundred years ago, the neo-grammarians Hermann Osthoff and Karl Brugman described such a situation very well:

When serious attempts at upset are directed against a procedure that one is used to and with which one feels comfortable, one is always more readily stimulated to ward off the disturbance than to undertake a thorough revision and possible alteration of the accustomed procedure.

(Osthoff and Brugman 1878(1967):204)

2 脚注(Footnotes)


1. The materials used in the class consisted of two texts-a vocabulary building text and an advanced reading text-and the SRA Kit2

2. SRA Reading Laboratory is a set of materials for students in grades 9 to 12. The kit contains multilevel individualized learning materials focusing on reading and study skills.

3. 尾注(Endnotes)



1. Emily Bronte(Ellis Bell, pseud.), Wuthering Heights(London, 1850).

2. E. Nwezeh, “The Comparative Approach To Modern African Literature,”Yearbook of General and Comparative Literature, no. 28(1979):22.

二、 参考文献(Bibliography)

APA格式建议使用references一词。当使用references时,列出的作者和作品一定是在文中提到过的。Bibliography可包括文中提到的作者或作品,也包括相关的阅读的材料。MLA形式要求用List of Works Cited。




Krashen, S. 1982. Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition. Oxford: Pergamon.

Lenneberg, E. 1967. Biological Foundations of Language Teaching. New York: John Wiley and Sons.


Cisneros, Sandra. Woman Hollering Creek. New York: Random, 1991.

Barlett, Donald L., and James B. Steele. Forevermore: Nuclear Waste in America. New York: Norton, 1985


Gregg, K. R. 1984. ’Krashen’s monitor and Occam’s razor.’ TESOL Quarterly 20:116-22

Jacobson, W. 1987.’ An assessment of the communication needs of non-native speakers of English in an undergraduate physics lab.’ ESP Journal 5:173-88.

Johnson, K. 1983.’ Syllabus design: possible future trends’ in K. Johnson and D. Porter(eds.): Perspectives in Communicative Language Teaching. New York: Academic Press. (论文集中的一篇)



Greene, Bob.“What’s Bad For General Motors?”. Chicago Tribune 24 December, 1991:(MLA格式)


(1)期刊文章(文献类型标识:j)[序号] 主要责任者。题名[j]。刊名,年,卷(期):起止页码(任选)。

(2)专著(文献类型标识:m)[序号] 主要责任者。题名[m]。出版地:出版者,出版年,起止页码。

(3)论文集(文献类型标识:c)中析出的文献(文献类型标识:a)[序号] 析出文献主要责任者。析出文献题名[a]。论文集主要责任者(任选)。论文集题名[c]。出版地:出版者,出版年,析出文献起止页码。

(4)学位论文(文献类型标识:d)[序号] 主要责任者。题名[d]。出版地:出版者,出版年。

(5)国际、国家标准(文献类型标识:s)[序号] 标准编号,标准名称[s]。发布年。

(6)专利(文献类型标识:p)[序号] 专利所有者。专利名称[p]。专利国别:专利号,出版日期。

(7)电子文献[序号] 主要责任者。电子文献题名。电子文献出处(或可获得地址),发表(或更新)日期/引用日期。专著(m);论文集(c);报纸文章(n);期刊文章(j)学位论文(d);报告(r);标准(s)专利(p)

(8)未定义类型的文献(文献类型标识:z)[序号] 主要责任者。文献题名[z]。出版地:出版者,出版年。

331 评论


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