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简历 如同是产品的 广告 和 说明书 ,是求职者给招聘单位发的第一份简要介绍。以下是我整理的英文 求职简历 范文 3篇,以供大家参考。 英文求职简历范文一: Name: Small Nationality: China Current residence: Guangzhou Nationality: Han Household domicile: Shaoguan Body material: 160 cm Marital status: Single Age: 23 Job search intention and work experience Position: acupuncture / massage / physiotherapy / health division, advisory / consultancy, Customer Service Specialist / Assistant / Network Service / Complaint Commissioner: Work Experience: 3 Job type: Full-time Date Available: Anytime Salary requirements :2000 - 3500 I hope Working Area: Guangzhou Work Experience Company Name: Guangzhou Jian Orthopaedic Hospital Beginning and ending date :2011-09 ~ 2013-03 Company Type: Private Enterprises Industry: Medical / nursing / health / health Positions: rehabilitation medicine Job Description: Responsible for the daily rehabilitation hospital patients, treatment planning arrangements and patient-to-day patient satisfaction surveys, maintaining a harmonious relationship between doctors and patients, so that patients have a good therapeutic environment. Self-evaluation I personality and external integration, adaptable, good at using rational logic to deal with the problems faced; good at learning, thinking, others with sincerity, focus on teamwork, there are certain practical ability, to work with serious and responsible attitude, there spirit of continuous learning, in the course of my future work will continue to improve their own social value and improve the value of life. Educational Background Graduated: Shaoguan University Highest Level of Education: College Graduation date :2012 -07-01 By Science: Medicine Ability to work and other expertise Serious and responsible work, good communication with patients in admissions has some skills to communicate with patients to obtain trust and familiarity rehabilitation process of diagnosis and treatment of common diseases, for rehabilitation of common disease, able to make a correct diagnosis and treatment programs. 英文求职简历范文二: Name: Mr. Nationality: China Current residence: Guangzhou Nationality: Han Family membership: Guangzhou Body material: 170 cm 63 kg Marital Status: Married Age: 26 Educational Background Graduated from: Henan University Highest Level of Education: Bachelor Earn a degree: Bachelor of Engineering Graduation date :2010 -07-01 By Science: Food Engineering Language skills Foreign Language: English Excel lent Mandarin level: Excellent Job search intention and work experience Personnel types: ordinary job Position: Sales Director / Manager, Buyer / Assistant, chemical: Work Experience: 3 Job Title: Junior Job type: Full-time Arrived to date: one week Salary requirements :8000 - 12000 I hope Working Area: Guangzhou, Dongguan Ability to work and other expertise - Understand the flour and baking equipment and production technology, strong hands, will make bread cake bread cookies and other foods. - On enzymes, emulsifiers and a profound understanding of all kinds of bakery raw materials, customers can do a comprehensive detail. - Familiar coconut, canned fruit jelly in small and so the application of the beverage industry and sales model. Work Experience Company Name: Ningbo Co., Ltd. Beginning and ending date :2010-02 ~ 2013-4 Company: Foreign Company Industry: Medical / nursing / health / health Positions: Sales Manager Job Description: - According to the company market strategy and objectives, develop bee / plant extract / health tea material / food additives and other products sales program, and lead a sales team to perform and carry out the work, the completion of the company's sales, cash with various performance indicators; - In accordance with the Company's operating processes, receiving customer orders, tracking production, planning, inventory and delivery execution, customer credit investigation and the back section; - The daily management of operational staff, including staff recruitment, training, performance appraisal; business summarizing inspection and supervision work; - Through customer visits, exchanges, and promoting customer comments / suggestions and complaints handling, improve customer satisfaction, build a solid good customer relations; Self-summary I am not afraid of hard work, not afraid of tired, lay down management aloof attitude, hard work from the project in order to enrich their school, make their own on-site integrated processing capacity to get exercise and improve. As a company, have the opportunity to be able to Under these conditions learning and exercise, I feel very proud of this environment and external conditions gave me a sense of confidence and glory, but more for my future work encouragement, asked me to work on time To the corporate image to restrain myself, all my words and actions to meet the grade corporate standards, and gradually develop their personal qualities and accomplishments in order to be worthy of the trust and leadership training. In short, in future work and learning, I will continue the summary and reflection, constantly remind ourselves and enrich energy, and strive to improve their own quality and service levels to adapt to the times and the development of enterprises, and the company common progress and common development. I follow the leadership to determine the work of thinking, with a smile service mission, customer satisfaction for the purpose, based on their own dedication, a solid job in the work. 英文求职简历范文三: Name: Xiao Nationality: China The current residence: Baiyun District: Han nationality Household registration: Baiyun District body material: 168 cm 50 kg Marital status: single age: 25 Job search intention and work experience The type of talent: ordinary job Job: administrative / logistic, Work experience: 1 job: no title Job type: full-time date available: at any time Salary: Negotiable hope work area: Guangzhou Work experience Company name: Guangdong Photoelectric Technology Co., Ltd. Start-stop date: 2012-09 ~ 2013-04 Company nature: a wholly foreign owned industry: Electronics / semiconductor / integrated circuit Position: Assistant General Manager Job description: 1, the preparatory work, including the license office decoration, the management of a company, VI design follow-up, the management system of the company in writing, recruitment etc.; The 2 meeting of the company organization, write meeting minutes, according to the conference agreed matters to follow up the implementation situation; 3 the project follow-up work, the relationship between the coordination of various departments and the board of directors and each department, master the operation conditions of the company and the project schedule, timely report to the board of directors; The 4 schedule of the general manager management, such as travel arrangements, the reimbursement of costs, important matters to remind. Education background University one is graduated from: Guangdong Medical College Degree: Bachelor Graduation date: 2013-07-01 Major: Public Administration Ability to work and other specialty 1, passed the university English four levels, six levels of tests, has good listening, say, read, write the ability. 2, fluent in Mandarin and cantonese. 3, through the national computer grade two examination, can skillfully use Office office software. Self assessment

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英语口语已经成为英语学习和测试中最重要的标准之一。然而,中国学生英语口语学习的情况不容乐观,在使用英语口语中屡屡出现错误。我精心收集了英语对话范文带翻译,供大家欣赏学习! 英语对话范文带翻译篇1 Mike: OMG, you won’t believe it. The biggest lottery ever in the history hasn't been claimed. 天哪,简直不敢相信!史上最大的彩票奖金居然还没有被认领. Cathy: That can’t be true. Is he losing his mind? Or maybe he is too scared. 不可能!他肯定是疯了.亦或是他太后怕了? Mike: You got me. Seriously, what would you do if you woke up one day with 100 million dollars in your bank account? 谁知道啊! 说真的,若有一天你一睁眼发现自己户头里有1亿美金,你会做什么? Cathy: I would be essentially debt free. I would pay off the mortgage loan. Afterwards, I would buy a castle and twenty maids. I would be the queen of my Cathy castle and the pesting boss would be my guard man. 我肯定是无债一身轻了.我会还清房贷.然后再买一个城堡和二十个女仆.那我就是我城堡的女皇,我那个烦人的老板将会是我的门卫. Mike: Chicks! Is this it? You gals are hopeless. 女人!就这点儿追求?你们真是不可救药了. Cathy: Shut up! What would you do, Saint Mike? What? The cat's got your tongue? 闭嘴! 麦克圣人. 怎么了不说话了? Mike: Your Highness, I was just thinking. Clearing his throat I would buy 100 million stars and sell them at the price of 2 $ each. 陛下,我刚刚在思考.清嗓音 我会买一亿颗星星,然后以每颗两美金的价格销售出去. Cathy: And that would make me the owner of the other 100 million bucks. 那我就会成为另外一亿美金的主人了. Mike: Nice try! I don’t want to hurt you, but when I had that much money, I would make you my maid. 想法不错.我不想伤害你,但是我如果有那么多钱,我会让你做我的女仆. Cathy: Ouch! That does hurt. Take that back, otherwise, you will be sorry for that. 啊哟,你伤到我了.收回你刚刚说的.否则你会后悔的. 英语对话范文带翻译篇2 Cathy: Isn’t that cute? I would not like to have even a little bite. 好可爱啊.我都舍不得咬哪怕一小口. Mike: Trust me! You will if you dumped a terrible man. It’s a divorce cake for God's sake. 相信我. 如果你甩了一个很差劲的男人,你会的.这可是离婚蛋糕啊. Cathy: Really? I only heard about wedding cakes. 真的? 我只听说过结婚蛋糕. Mike: So there should be divorce cakes. People tend to celebrate weddings. I think it’s time for giving best wishes for divorcing. 所以就应该有离婚蛋糕啊.人们倾向于庆祝婚礼.我觉得是时候祝福离婚了. Cathy: You just stole my words. People can mark it in a big and tasty way. 你说的太对了.人们可以以一种盛大的可口的方式来纪念离婚. Mike: Why not? Being single again means I am available for another better relationship. 为什么不呢? 恢复单身意味着我又可以来一段更好的恋情了. Cathy: Are you still disturbing yourself about Jake? 你是不是还在为杰克的事情耿耿于怀啊? Mike: No. I am over him. He doesn’t even deserve a divorce cake. I would make a dumping hu *** and cake by myself. I can’t kill him in life. But I can make him the ugliest on the cake. 不.我们已经结束了.他根本不配离婚蛋糕.我会自己做一个 “甩夫” 蛋糕.我不能在现实生活中杀了他,但是我可以把蛋糕上的他做的很丑. Cathy: You are evil! You know what? You do have a talent. We should start a special bakery for heartborken people. 你真的很坏! 知道不?你真的很有天赋啊.我们应该为那些心碎的人开一个特别的烘焙店. Mike: Good idea. I prefer greenback to men now. 好主意. 我现在更喜欢绿色的东西:美金 英语对话范文带翻译篇3 Cathy: What would you like to eat tonight? Aren’t you supposed to pay for my dinner this time? 晚上想吃什么? 该是你请我吃了吧. Mike: What about pig brain soup? 猪脑汤怎么样? Cathy: Gross! Why people like eating that kind of disgusting food? I am not a brave eater. 真恶心!为什么有人会喜欢吃那种恶心的东西呢?我可不是一个敢吃的人. Mike: It’s nothing pared with ants and scorpions. 跟蚂蚁,蝎子比起来,它根本不值得一提. Cathy: Stop it. You are making me want to puke. Where did you get these nasty, awful foods? 别再说了.你让我想吐.你是从哪里知道这些恶心恐怖的东西啊? Mike: They are not. They are very nutritious actually. And they are getting overwhelmingly popular in Singapore. 他们才不呢.实际上,他们很有营养.而且在新加坡这些个美味越来越流行. Cathy: Don’t ever try to talk me into that kind of food. 别,永远也不要想让我尝试这种东西. Mike: Never jump to a conclusion. People say you need to be brave to eat brains of sheep and pigs, but I’d say you need to be sick to eat balut? 别这么早就下结论嘛! 有人说吃猪脑,羊脑需要勇气.我说你要足够变态,才可以吃活珠子. Cathy: I have no clue about it and I don’t want to know. You are ruining my appetite. I get to go to the lady’s room. 我不知道那个是什么东西.我也不想知道.你已经坏了我的胃口,我要去趟洗手间. Mike: Just a second. It’s technically an embryo with an egg shell. It is hairy and … Where is the man’s room, please? 等下.那个其实就是带着蛋壳的胚胎. 它还有毛,而且.. 请问男洗手间在哪里?

148 评论


With the reputation of Gourmet Paradise, Hong Kong offers the exotic fusion of Eastern and Western flavours along with a wide variety of culinary delights. But it does not mean that buying a meal would cost us an arm and a leg; instead most street snacks are sold at reasonable snacks are available at every corner of the streets- fish ball, stinky tofu, eggette, pineapple bun, you name it. As the mouthwatering smell and delicious tastes, egg tart is always my favourite. The egg tart bakery from Tai Cheong Bakery is well-known, for our ex governor, Chris Patten, loves it so much. Just $6 each for a fresh baked one, you can enjoy the governor’s delicacy.

197 评论


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