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非盈利性组织的特点Characteristics of Non-profit organization 1 service is intangible and hard to measure . this difficulty is often compounded by the existence of multiple service objectives. 1.服务是无形的且难以量化.这个难题常常跟多重的服务目标的存在混杂在一起。2 customers influence may be weak . often . the enterprise has a local monopoly ,and payments by customers may be a secondary source of funds 2.客户的影响是微弱的,通常,企业拥有当地的垄断权/专利权,而客户支付的费用是资金的第二来源。3 strong employee commitment to professions or a cause may undermine their allegiance to the enterprise. 3.员工对职业或是某个目标的过高许诺往往会破坏其对企业的忠诚。 4 resource contributors may intrude into internal management--notably fund contributors and government. 4. 财政支持者可能会对内部管理进行干预,特别是基金捐助者和政府。 5 restraints on the use of rewards and punishments result from 1,3 and 4 above. 5对由上述1、3、4条导致的奖惩情况的限制。6 charismatic leaders and the "mystique" of the enterprise maybe important means of resolving conflict in objectives and overcoming restraints. 6 有个性的领导者以及企业的“奥秘”可能是克服约束和解决目标冲突的重要手段。 管理的层次hierarchy of management1 top management is usually appointed ,elected or designated by the organization's stakeholders. 管理高层通常由该组织的股东来任命、选举或指派产生的。 2 middle management deals with the actual administration and operation of organization's activities. 管理中层处理组织活动中实际的管理和操作。 3 supervisory management includes the managers who have ongoing, direct contact with subordinates 下层管理者包括跟下属有连续直接联系的管理者。 什么是系统 what’s a systema system may be defined as an organized group of parts, components of sub--systems linked together according to a plan to achieve specific objectives 系统是各部分的有组织的集合,是为了达到某些特定目标,根据某一计划联系在一起的各个子系统的整合。 开放系统的特征characteristics of open systems1 first, every organization is involved in cycle of events 1.首先,每个组织都处在事件的循环之中。 2 a second characteristic of open systems is called negative entropy. entropy is the tendency for systens to run down ,become disorganized or even disintegrate 2. 开放系统得第二点特征是消极/负面平均信息量。平均信息量是系统恶化、紊乱化甚至分裂的趋势。 3 feedback mechanisms are a third characteristic of open systems 3.反馈体制是开放系统的第三个特点。 4 a fourth characteristic is dynamic homeostasis 4.动态平衡是第四个特点。 5 a fifth characteristic of open systems is differentiation 5.开放系统的第五个特点是分化。 制定目标的好处advantages of objectives establishment1 objectives provide direction clearly define objectives specify an end goal for the organization. objectives direct the efforts of managers into certain channels in the pursuit of these objectives 1.目标提供方向 明确的定义的目标将机构/组织的最终目标具体化。在追求达到目标的过程中,目标将经理人的努力导向到特定的渠道。2 objectives serve as standards accomplishments can be measured against these standards and performances can be evaluated. without clearly defined objectives to serve as standards ,managers possess on tools for evaluating performance no means of deciding whether work is satisfactory or unacceptable. 2 目标起到标准的作用 成就/成果可以依据标准来量化,并以此来评估绩效。如果没有目标作为标准,绩效评估的管理过程就没有方法来判定工作是满意的,还是不能接受的。3 objectives serve as motivators objectives perform a role in encouraging worker to put forth their best efforts to achieve the end goals 3 目标起到激励作用 目标还起到激励作用,鼓励员工做出最大的努力以期达到最终目标 划分部门化的标准the standard of departmentalizationfive primary bases for departmentalization exist :function ,geography, product, customers, and process . Function refers to the various responsibility areas of an organizational component. the human resources department typically handles recruitment, management development and training ,composition, employee benefits, health and safety , and industrial relations geographic departmentalization is an organizational division based upon location. such major firms as ford motor co.H.J.Heinz and IBM have both domestic and international divisions 部门划分有以下五个主要依据:功能,地理,产品,客户,和过程。功能指的是机构/组织组成部分的各个责任范围。以人力资源部最为典型例子,它主要处理的是招募、管理发展和培训、整合、职员福利、健康安全和工业关系等方面的工作。部门的地理划分是一个组织基于位置的划分,像福特,H.J.海因茨以及IBM这样的大公司在国内国外都有分公司。

181 评论


工商管理专业的英文:business administration major

major 读法 英 ['meɪdʒə]  美 ['medʒɚ]

1、adj. 主要的;重要的;主修的;较多的

2、n. [人类] 成年人;主修科目;陆军少校

3、vi. 主修


1、major in 主修

2、major part 主要部分;重要部件

3、english major 英语专业

4、major component 主要部件;主要元件

5、major equipment 主要设备

major 的近义词:profession

profession 读法 英 [prə'feʃ(ə)n]  美 [prə'fɛʃən]

n. 职业,专业;声明,宣布,表白


1、legal profession 法律界;法律专业

2、medical profession 医疗职业

3、accounting profession 会计职业

4、teaching profession 教学工作;教学专业

5、by profession 在职业上;就职业来说


Harper was a teacher by profession.


196 评论


工商管理 : 1. business administration2. business-managementBA in Business Administration.工商管理学士。a master's degree in business.工商管理专业授予的硕士学位。a graduate school offering study leading to a Masters of Business Administration.一个提供获得工商管理硕士学位学习的研究生学院。administrative system of industrial and commercial tax工商税收管理体制Since 1988, administrative organs for industry and commerce at various levels in Guangdong Province have investigated and dealt with 301 cases concerning the violation of US-owned trademarks. 广东省各级工商行政管理机关,1988年以来共查处涉美侵权案301件。If the act of infringement on the right to exclusive use of a registered trademark does not constitute a crime, the administrative department for industry and commerce may still impose a fine on the infringe. 对于侵犯商标专用权,未构成犯罪的,工商行政管理部门可以处以罚款。The relevant administrative department for industry and commerce has the right to order the infringe to immediately cease infringement and to compensate the party whose right has been infringed for its losses.有关工商行政管理部门有权责令侵权人立即停止侵权行为,赔偿被侵权人的损失。Trademark administration calls for unified registration of trademarks by the central government and level-by-level administration by the various local governments. Trademark administrative departments under the administrative bureaus for industry and commerce have been established at the central, provincial, city, prefectural and county levels.商标管理实行中央统一注册,地方分级管理的原则,从中央到盛市、地、县级的工商行政管理局,都内设商标管理机构。In addition, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce has issued a series of regulations including the Regulations on the Administration of the Printing of Trademarks and the Procedures for Filing License Contracts for the Use of Trademarks. 此外国家工商行政管理局还发布《商标印制管理规定》、《商标使用许可合同备案管理办法》等一系列规章。

200 评论


MBA-Major of Business Administration

321 评论



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非盈利性组织的特点1 服务是无形的,难以量化。这一困难通常还伴有多种服务目标的存在。2 客户的影响是微弱的。通常,企业拥有当地的垄断权/专利权,而客户支付的费用是资金的第二来源。3 职员对职业或事业的强烈责任感/忠诚度可能会损害其对企业的忠诚度。4 财政支持者可能会对内部管理进行干预,特别是基金捐助者和政府。5 对由上述1、3、4条导致的奖惩情况的限制。6 领导的“超凡能力”和企业的“秘法”是解决目标矛盾和克服限制的重要途径。管理的层次 1 高层管理人员通常是由机构/组织的基金保管者任命、选举或指派产生的。2 中层管理者是机构/组织各项活动的实际管理和操作人。3 suoervisory 管理人员包括与下级有直接接触的经理。什么是系统系统是各部分的有组织的集合,是为了达到某些特定目标,根据某一计划联系在一起的各个子系统的整合。开放系统的特征1 第一,任何机构/组织都涉及到事件的循环。2 开放系统得第二点特征是消极/负面平均信息量。平均信息量是系统恶化、紊乱化甚至分裂的趋势。3 开放系统得第三点特征是反馈机制。4 第四点特征是动态平衡。5 开放系统得第五点特征是区别。制定目标的好处1 目标提供方向明确的定义的目标将机构/组织的最终目标具体化。在追求达到目标的过程中,目标将经理人的努力导向到特定的渠道。2 目标起到标准的作用成就/成果可以依据标准来量化,并以此来评估绩效。如果没有目标作为标准,绩效评估的管理过程就没有方法来判定工作是满意的,还是不能接受的。3 目标起到激励作用目标还起到激励作用,鼓励员工做出最大的努力以期达到最终目标划分部门化的标准部门划分有以下五个主要依据:功能,地理,产品,客户,和过程。功能指的是机构/组织组成部分的各个责任范围。以人力资源部最为典型例子,它主要处理的是招募、管理发展和培训、整合、职员福利、健康安全和工业关系等方面的工作。地理部门化是一种依据地理位置对组织机构进行划分的方法。福特、亨氏、宝马等大公司都有国内和国际公司。

242 评论


Business Administration specialty

320 评论



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    非盈利性组织的特点Characteristics of Non-profit organization 1 service is intangible and

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