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Human nature is the concept that there are a set of characteristics, including ways of thinking, feeling and acting, that all 'normal' human beings have in common.The soul is seen as the substantial form of the body (matter). The soul, as the substantial form, is what is universal, or common, to all humanity, and therefore, is indicative of human nature; that which differentiates one person from another is matter, which Aquinas refers to as the principle of individuation. The human soul is characterized as spiritual, immortal, substantial, and subsistent: it is the spiritual and vital principle of the human being, but is also dependent on the body in a variety of ways in order to possess these characteristics. Thus, no division is made between the "physical" and the "spiritual," though they are in fact distinct. This position differentiates Thomism from both materialism and idealism. Unlike idealism, it holds that the visible universe is not a mere shadow of a transcendent reality, but instead is fully real in and of itself.

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321 评论


Human nature is the concept that there are a set of characteristics, including ways of thinking, feeling and acting, that all 'normal' human beings have in mon. The soul is seen as the substantial form of the body (matter). The soul, as the substantial form, is what is universal, or mon, to all humanity, and therefore, is indicative of human nature; that which differentiates one person from another is matter, which Aquinas refers to as the principle of individuation. The human soul is characterized as spiritual, immortal, substantial, and subsistent: it is the spiritual and vital principle of the human being, but is also dependent on the body in a variety of ways in order to possess these characteristics. Thus, no division is made beeen the "physical" and the "spiritual," though they are in fact distinct. This position differentiates Thomi *** from both materiali *** and ideali *** . Unlike ideali *** , it holds that the visible universe is not a mere shadow of a transcendent reality, but instead is fully real in and of itself.

Human nature is the concept that there are a set of characteristics, including ways of thinking, feeling and acting, that all 'normal' human beings have in mon. The soul is seen as the substantial form of the body (matter). The soul, as the substantial form, is what is universal, or mon, to all humanity, and therefore, is indicative of human nature; that which differentiates one person from another is matter, which Aquinas refers to as the principle of individuation. The human soul is characterized as spiritual, immortal, substantial, and subsistent: it is the spiritual and vital principle of the human being, but is also dependent on the body in a variety of ways in order to possess these characteristics. Thus, no division is made beeen the "physical" and the "spiritual," though they are in fact distinct. This position differentiates Thomi *** from both materiali *** and ideali *** . Unlike ideali *** , it holds that the visible universe is not a mere shadow of a transcendent reality, but instead is fully real in and of itself. 人性的概念,有一组特征,包括思维方式,感觉和行动,共同的所有的“正常”的人。 灵魂是身体的物质形式(物质)。灵魂,为物质形式,是普遍的,或是共同的,所有的人类,因此,象征着人性;,区分一个人从另一事,阿奎那指的是个体化原则。人类的灵魂是不朽的,其精神实质,,和存在的:它是精神的和重要的人的原则,但也依赖于以各种方式为具有这些特征的身体。因此,不分是“物质”和“精神之间进行,尽管他们实际上是不同的。这个位置区分托马斯主义的唯物主义和唯心主义。不同于理想主义,它认为宇宙是不是一个单纯的阴影,一个超越现实,而是完全真实的本身。

What I desire to learn from an English lesson The very question every Chinese student would like to address is what should be taught at an English lesson. Learning a language is unlike science or humanity subjectds and I do hope such lessons can be structured with interactive elements which can be engaging and thought-provoking. Apart from the basics such as grammar and pronunciation, I hope to be given more opportunities to speak more in class, and of course in English. I also hope to be taught more relevant writing skills, for example how to write an effective email or formal English letter.... (你还想在英语课上学到什么啊?我是想不出来了。。。你想到什么可以告诉我我帮你加进去。。。)

My father My father about 37 years old. He is not fat, not thin. He is a driver. He likes car very much. He likes family very much erighter. 行吗?

Travel to Beijing On summer holiday my parents took me to Beijing. We stayed at Huabei Hotel. On the first day, we went to the Great Wall. The Great Wall is very long and old. It has millions of bricks. Each brick is very big and heavy. Lots of people from different countries like climbing the Great Wall. We felt very tired when we climbed to the of the Great Wall. We also went to the Palace Museum. The Palace Museum has 9999 palaces. It has a very long history. I bought a lot of souvenirs of the Palace Museum. What nice palaces these are! I visited the Palace Museum and felt excited. If you want to know more about the Palace Museum, you can go to Beijing and have a look. The following days, we went to the Summer Palace, Tian Tan, North Lake and Xiang Hill. I now know more about the history of China. I also like modern Beijing. The 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing. Later, I went back with my parents by train. I really enjoyed the trip to Beijing. I like this trip!

On Friendship Everyone needs friendship. No one can sail the ocean of life single handed. We need help from, and also give help to, others. In the modern age, people attach more importance to relations and connections. A man of chari *** a has many friends. His power lies in his ability to give. The term, friend, covers a wide range of raeanings. It can be a nodding acquaintance, a rade, a confident, a partner, a playmate, a brother, an intimate etc. As life is full of strife and conflict, we need friends to support and help as out of difficulties. Our frinods give us warnings against danger. True friends share not only joy but, more often than not, they share sorrow. With friendship, life is happy and harmonious. Without friendship, life is hostile and unfortunate. I have friends in the rank and file. Some are rich and in power. Some are low and mon. Some are like myself, working as a teacher, reading and writing and content with the simple life we have. To many of my friends, I know what to treasure, what to tolerate and what to share, I will never fet my old friends and keep making new friends. I will not he cold and indifferent to the poor friends and will show concern for them, even if it is only a forting word.

dear sir,

你温柔的眼神、你和蔼的语气、你永远不变美丽的笑容、你永远不变的一种美丽是叫善良。 您是我永远的骄傲。您每次看见需要帮助的人,哪次没有伸出援助之手,哪次不是微笑着鼓励别人,哪次不是为了别人掏出您自己的腰包。您说,咱么不富有,但是,他们需要帮助,我们应该尽力帮助他们。因为您的善良,我们总是可以得到比别人多的快乐。 最刻骨铭心那次。是那天您和我一起去逛街的事,本来说是给我买衣服带我出去玩儿呢!但在半路上,遇见了几个身有残疾的人在靠自己的表演挣钱。那天,您刚好没有带很多钱,可又怕我不开心,我看见您眼神的暗淡,就是在一瞬间。 我很明白您只是善良的想帮助那些人们,我挂著甜美的笑容对您说:“妈妈,别难受,衣服可以先不买的。” 我能看出来,你的眼神忽的就喜悦了,可是就一下,又立马失望地说:“没事,园园,妈妈带你去买衣服。” “真的不用了,妈妈。”我说著,顺势挤出一个好看的笑容。 妈妈想说些什么,可是有没有说出来,只是也对我一笑,就是那种笑,让我沉迷其中,美的无法诉说。 您说,带我去公园转转,衣服,改天一定买给我。 其实,我不难受,也没想抱怨您。是发自内心的真心话,您的善良,比我买不买衣服更重要,更珍贵。有您的善良就足够了。 因为有您这样的妈妈,我很骄傲。在我小小的世界里,有这样一个善良的、美好的妈妈就足够了。妈妈,妈妈我说我爱您,不只是因为您是我的妈妈,因为您有一种美叫做善良。

说到国庆节,你会想到什么?看电视?去游玩?NO!NO!NO!都不是, 快乐的国庆节作文60 说到国庆节,你会想到什么?看电视?去游玩?NO!NO!NO!都不是, 。在我过的国庆节中,最快乐的要属“拔葱活动”了。 国庆节上午,我做完了作业,闲著没事干,便自己一个人去北河套玩。忽然,我的眼睛里闪过了一个熟悉的身影——那不是姥姥吗?只见姥姥顶着炎炎烈日,在菜地里用铁锹松土,又弯下腰,一个一个的把葱苗从土壤里 *** ,堆成一堆,清晰可见的汗珠从脸上流下来。难道这是新一代的“拔苗助长”应该不是吧,就算是,也不用把整个葱苗从土壤里 *** 吧。我一脸茫然的问姥姥:“姥姥家里不是还有许多葱吗?为什么还要把好端端的葱从土里 *** 哦,原来是这样,拔葱真好玩,我也要拔。姥姥爽快的答应了。说完又弯下腰拔了起来。哼,我就不信我还比不过姥姥,我心里暗想,也不甘示弱的拔了起来。 看来劳动并非我想像中那么简单,拔葱看似容易,其实也很难,总是弯腰、直腰。刚干一会就累的腰酸背痛手抽筋。好容易才把葱都 *** 了,还要把葱放在车旁边。这还不算完,我又和姥姥把葱的老皮和枯叶拔掉,这样的葱才算“合格”了。 时间在一分一秒中过去了。把葱拔完时,已经是中午了,而且还要把葱装上车,再拉回家。拉车也是一件“苦差事”。连车带葱大约有我体重的四倍,若不是有两个轮子,就算我会分身也难以抬回来。 这个国庆节真的很快乐,虽然很累,但我懂得了一个道理,那就是——劳动最光荣!劳动最快乐!

My Dream It is seven danys to hold the olympic games!Last night,I dreamed to take part in the olympic games ,to be an anthlete,I tried my best to get 100-metera race,aithough I didn't get the first,but I tried.I will do my best to train more hard to prepare for the next olympic games,Ihope to get a gold medal then. This morning,when I gent up ,Ie to the real world,to be a student,Ishould study hard to get more knowlege ,to be the first in my study,that's my best support to the olympic games!

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