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首页 > 学术期刊 > 毕业论文外文翻译关于大学生消费

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英文的给我发信息吧 给我邮箱也行 这个里面字数太多放不下大学生消费观研究(转)[摘要] 消费作为社会生活的重要部分,是社会经济生活、文化生活与社会生活的连结点,是经济领域与日常生活领域进行交换和沟通的渠道,大学生作为社会消费的群体,也受到社会消费的影响,消费观是否正确影响大学生的价值观的形成。 [关键词] 大学生 消费 理性消费 消费作为社会生产方式的重要环节,是社会关系的重要载体,是社会经济生活、文化生活与社会生活的连结点,是经济领域与日常生活领域进行交换和沟通的渠道。消费的过程既是商品价值实现的过程,也是商品的社会文化形成和转换的过程,是在社会文化意义上塑造消费主体的过程。 当代大学生作为社会消费中的一个特殊群体,有自身消费群体不同的消费意识和消费方式,并在参与消费文化的过程中产生一定的社会影响。大学生的消费现状反映了大学生的现实消费倾向和未来的消费走向,对于研究消费经济和市场需求有重要意义。大学生消费观反映出了大学生的生活现状,以及价值取向,研究大学生的消费观可以把握当代大学生的思想和行为特点,对于高校的思想道德建设和教学管理都将产生直接影响。本文通过查阅大量的文献资料,分析总结了当前大学生消费的一些基本现状、消费特点和消费过程中存在的问题,并针对性的提出了解决问题的途径。 一、大学生的消费现状 1.当代大学生的消费构成 随着我国由传统的计划经济向市场经济的全面过度,整个社会各方面都在发生深刻的变化,教育制度随之也发生了一系列改革。高等教育由以前国家全部负担逐渐部分走向市场,高等教育费用也在市场经济的大潮下不断上涨,个人所负担的教育费用已经成为变通家庭支出的一个重要组成部分,甚至有的经济较困难的家庭无法承担基本的教育费用。因此当前研究在校大学生的消费状况,是一件对社会和对高校都非常有意义的事情。通过阅读大量文献和仔细的思考,我认为在校大学生的消费内容主要包括以下几个部分: (1)学习费用。学习费用是大学顺利完成学业的保障,在大学生中消费占很大部分,占到大学生日常总消费的近30%。学习费用主要包括两个部分:上交学校的学费和平时自己的学习投入。 (2)基本生活费用。大学生的基本生活费用包括吃、穿、住、行、用几个方面。随着生活水平的提高,从20世纪90年代开始,我国消费水平逐渐由生存型向享受型发展,其标志是硬性消费比值下降,软性消费比值上升,恩格尔系数降至41.9%。 (3)娱乐消费。大学生消费结构正在发生巨大变化,基本生活费用在大学生消费中所占的比例在逐年下降,另一方面大学生用于精神享受方面的消费正在逐年上升。 (4)人际交往消费。大学校园作为大学生走向社会的一个平台,已不简简单单是一个学习文化知识的地方,同时也是一个了解社会适应社会的地方。现代大学生都把学习科学文化知识和培养人际交往技能作为大学生活的必不可少两大部分。 2.大学生消费的特点 当代大学生由于所处时代的特殊性,决定了消费存在不同以往的新特点。概括起来讲,当代大学生消费主要存在以下几个特点: (1)消费来源单一。为保证教学质量和对校园进行有计划、有秩序管理,现阶段我国高等教育体制还采用比较封闭的管理模式。这种体制决定了大学生缺少更多的个人空间和时间,他们没有条件也没有更多的精力来从事较为复杂的社会工作,靠自己赚钱来完成学业几乎是不可能的,这种情况下就只能做依靠家庭资助、贷款或勤工俭学等其它的方式的经济来源。 (2)务实与经验相结合。新学子调查课题组在对大学价值取向的调查中列出了11种在大学生生活中最主要的内容:知识、地位、友谊、爱情、名誉、金钱、权力、健康、家庭、事业和理想。这些在一定程度上说明了大学价值取向的实用性。大学生的消费还带有明显的经验性。这些经验有的来自与父母,有的来自与集体生活或是自己已往的消费经验。 (3)大学生消费水平的差异性。大学生群体的消费差异性主要表现在两个方面,第一方面是由生源地地区经济发展水平的不平衡导致消费水平的差异,第二方面是由于年龄和心态的变化导致的消费差异。 二、大学生消费存在的问题及原因分析 1.大学生消费中存在的问题 大学生群体的消费总体来说是比较理性的,但由于个性发展不够成熟,缺乏社会经验,加上消费来源单一等各方面的原因,在消费的过程中容易受到来自各方面因素的影响,因此其消费中还存在很多问题。消费观主要包括两方面的内容,消费心理和消费行为,本文主要从消费心理的角度来分析当前大学生消费过程中存在的一些问题。 (1)从众消费和盲目消费。从众性和盲目性是大学生消费过程中经常出现的问题。受集体影响大学生在消费过程中很容易产生从众的心理,很容易产生从众消费。盲目消费是指大学生在消费的过程中缺乏计划性,容易受到外界偶然因素的影响而盲目的买许多自己实际并不需要的东西,总得来说从众消费和盲目消费都属于冲动型的消费。 (2)攀比消费和情绪化消费。由于大学生消费存在从众的心理,虚荣心作祟在追求享乐的过程中往往容易形成相互攀比的心理,长期发展下去就会形成不良的生活习惯。攀比消费在大学生中间主要体现在穿着打扮上。情绪化消费就是把消费品的占有、享乐作为弥补精神空虚的手段。 (3)享受消费和高消费。近些年来受西方消费主义浪潮的影响,大学生中享乐主义思想非常严重,享受生活成为指导消费的新观念。除此之外,在青年的大学生中存在高消费的现象,在消费的过程中往往喜欢别出心裁的东西,追求前卫新潮,加上相互之间攀比心理严重,往往会出现消费负担过重,消费水平超出了实际需求或家庭的支付能力。 (4)超前消费和负债消费。近年来社会上流行负债消费和超前消费,今天花明天的钱。受这种思想的引导,负债消费在大学中也悄然兴起,节约成为了难以启齿的话题。 2.大学生消费中存在问题的原因分析 通过对当前大学生消费结构的消费特点的分析,我们了解到当前大学生消费的主导方向是健康的,但其中还存在不少问题,我认为导致大学生消费出现诸多问题的原因主要有以下几个方面: (1)社会原因。把大学生放到校园里,他的角色就是一名学生,同样把他放到社会中去,他又是社会的一分子,其消费观不可避免的受整个社会大环境影响。①当前社会对高等教育的认识存在一定的偏差。当前有些学校为了扩大办学规模,不断降低入学门槛,许多家长也抱着混文凭的态度将孩子送入了学校,不管孩子是否能够顺利的完成学业。结果是一部分同学虽然挂上了大学生的头衔,而实际中由于自身不具备完成学业能力,思想和学习负担过重,由于缺乏坚强意志,随着时间的流失变得越来越坠落,变得成天无所事事,大量的空闲时间用在了享受消费上。②西方消费主义思潮的蔓延。在改革开放市场经济发展的大潮下,人们的生活水平不断提高,伴随着西方消费主义文化和其他一些消费文化的入侵,一些人开始追求享乐,事事讲排场讲面子,认为勤俭节约已经过时,甚至有些人把节俭视为见不得人的事,在这样的社会大环境的影响下,不少的大学生也开始随大流,赶新潮,节俭实惠等传统的消费取向在他们的头脑中存留很少。③媒体的不良诱导。大众媒体是现代信息的主要传播途径,以其特有的容易让人理解的方式,对大学生的文化价值观的形成起着导向的作用。现代的广告大多只注重物质文明宣传,不重视精神文明引导,这种金钱化、利益化的消费观对大学生的消费观形成了不良的影响。 (2)家庭原因。在子女的成长过程中,家庭对于孩子的世界观、人生观、价值观的形成起到关键的作用。 (3)学校教育原因。现在的大学高校在消费教育方面也都存在欠缺。另一方面,学校的思想政治理论课教育也有需要改进的地方。 (4)大学生自身存在的原因。在消费的过程中大部分的大学生消费还是比较理性的,消费中之所以出现各种问题还主要归因于大学生所处的特定的年龄阶段。 三、引导大学生树立正确消费观的方法与途径 1.社会教育 (1)积极发挥大众传媒的宣传作用。大学生是现代技术最积极的响应者,受现代传媒技术的影响最为明显。大众媒体应加强对有用的健康的消费信息的宣传,对大学生在消费过程中提出的疑问进行解答,为大学生提供消费参考意见,加强大学生正确消费心理的引导。 (2)发挥网络资源优势。大学生群体是现代因特网最大的使用群体,现在几乎所有的大学生都在使用因特网,因为互联网信息的多样性和快捷性满足了大学生对信息的巨大需求。因此在引导大学生树立正确的消费观的过程中要积极发挥因特网的资源优势。 2.学校教育 (1)增强思想政治理论课的实效性。思想政治理论课是高校思想政治教育工作的重要环节,是高校对大学生进行世界观、人生观、教育的主要方式。加强思想政治理论课教育对于帮助大学生树立正确的价值观有重要作用。 高等学校一定要注意切实加强思想政治理论课的实效性,要丰富思想政治理论课教学的教学形式改变传统的填鸭式学习,通过组织一些关于素质教育的活动来增强学生对于思想政治理论课的学习兴趣。 (2)整改学校周围的消费环境。“近朱者赤,近墨者黑”环境对人的影响不言而喻。大学生的消费环境主要是学校内部和校园的周边,要加强大学生消费的引导,就要对大学生所面对的消费环境进行整改。①加强校风、学风建设,营造良好的校园学习环境。高校加强校风和学风建设,营造良好的学习环境,潜移默化中将会对大学生的消费行为产生影响。②整顿学校风部及学校周围的商业秩序和商品经营范围。校园内外的消费环境主要是满足学生的学习和生活,不需要搞得像商业街那样繁华。 (3)加强对大学生进行消费观教育。整顿校园环境是从客观上给大学生创设了培养正确消费观的环境,那么对大学生从思想上进行改造教育,帮助他们树立正确的消费观就显得更为重要,而且要具有长远意义。 3.家庭教育 (1)家长注意培养孩子的自立精神。现代的中国家长应该从小就注意培养孩子的独立意识,放手让孩子去做一些事情,从小、从小事中锻炼孩子的意志,使孩子在与社会的接触中更快的适应新环境。 (2)家长与孩子合作制定完整的消费计划。家长要适当控制孩子的花销,帮助孩子建立具体合理的消费计划,形成正确的理财思想和理财方法。 4.大学生自我教育 内因是事物发展的根本原因,大学生要树立正确的消费观关键还在于大学生自身。大学生要加强自我教育,树立合理理财的自我意识,平时主要从以下几个方面做起; (1)积累消费经验。在平时的社会生活中,在消费过程中,自己要注意积累消费经验。 (2)学习消费知识,提高理财能力。在学生要积极参加社会和学校举办的各种关于消费方面的活动,从中学习消费知识。 (3)提高法律意识。作为现代大学生,要主动学习消费方面的法律和法规,加强自身的法律基础,提高维权意识,不要让自己成为新时代的法盲。 (4)遵循正确的消费原则。大学生在消费的过程中要实事求是地根据生活、学习、文化和娱乐的实际情况制定明确消费标准,坚持合理的消费原则,做出消费计划,量力而行、量入为出,养成良好的消费习惯。大学生在平时的消费过程中关键的要坚持以下几个原则:消费有度原则、消费计划性原则、消费主导性原则和消费自立性原则,通过这些原则来规范自己的消费行为。 总体来说现代大学生消费群体的发展趋势还是健康的,其主要呈现出以下几个特点:消费来源单一、务实与经验并存、消费多元化的发展趋势、消费的开放性和消费的差异性。同时我们也看到在现代瞬息万变的发展中,在发展社会主义市场经济的过程中由于受到一些外来不良文化因素的诱导和社会媒体炒作等其他多方面的原因的影响,大学生消费群体中也存在许多问题和潜在可能会发生的问题,在实践中不断有针对性地改进工作,宣传勤俭节约的传统美德,提高在校大学生的理财能力,做好大学生的思想政治工作,引导大学生树立正确的消费观,为社会主义的现代化建设培养合格的后备军。

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Shallow view college students(浅析大学生消费观) In the current consumption market, as a special group is receiving more and more attention. Cell phones, Internet, sports, tourism, av equipment are students of consumption. Their younger age, different from other social consumer groups of consumer psychology and behavior. On one hand has strong consumption demand, on the other hand, has obtained the financial independence. Consumer spending power of advanced concepts, the lag and has great influence on them. With this curious, we investigated the students listened, currently the teachers.Results showed that the following reasons for college students have a profound influence on the view.First, family environment for students of consumption "congenital". Family is the basic factors restricting their consumption. Most students from rural areas currently. Rural students would not spend a lot of money to buy a bar of chocolate, biscuit, candy and snacks. A classmate of institute of grammar, told reporters he every month in the consumption of food and supplies, and a small part of life. However, the students from the developed city, in the free allowance is master circumstance, even the remaining money to spend on hair, clothing, accessories, and other items. MP3Second, the consumption of college campus environment. According to the understanding of the ", just past 11 golden weeks, "some travel agency" lovers swims "travel group, a lot of students. Some boys to girls, the pursuit of cosmetics, snacks, flowers as "sociology". In the investigation and discussion, we found that the students love more than 100 - month about spending at least 200 yuan, also has 50 yuan, the highest reach 500 yuan. One of the students of agronomy humorously tells a reporter, dating from the average expenses for the situation had been broken and three kinds, namely, man should take all NanNvFang share and the initiative of all, girls love spending even more than the situation.Internet addiction among is one where money. Some students spend all day in the net cafe, wasting their time and energy, and parents hard-earned money.Third, social environment influence on college students' view. In the interview process, a eppo school students told reporters: "some students fashion and famous, too." compare existing In the seminar, some students, in order to have a phone or a paragraph on the most popular, some classmates to economize, even sacrifice other necessary expenses. Some male classmate to buy a pair of shoes, the female classmate brand in order to buy a set of famous cosmetic or a brand-name clothes at hand to his family, money or borrow money from their classmates, these reflects some students don't know into, and driven them form the vanity of endless themselves. In addition, the male classmate hair, earrings, female students, also make positive modelling teachers and parents worried.College students are the pillars of the construction of the future society, its consumption ideas and directly affected the life character and the influence of the motherland, indirect jiangshan justice. Good training and strengthening consumer habits will get to the school, good shape, and formed the role of school student wind virtuous circle. Therefore, the schools should set students' good consumption psychology and behavior of the cultivation of campus culture construction as an important component. Facing the current as of inviting advertising the snowflake fly to the university campus, teachers and parents have necessary guidance from the side with the correct method, students correct view firmly. College students from his actual consumption of the economic situation, develop simple life style, develop good consumption habits and consumption mentality. 在当前的消费市场中,大学生作为一个特殊的消费群体正受到越来越多的关注。手机、旅游、上网、运动、影音器材都是大学生的消费热点。他们年龄较轻,有着不同于社会其他消费群体的消费心理和行为。一方面有着旺盛的消费需求,另一方面,尚未获得经济上的独立。消费观念的超前和消费实力的滞后,都对他们有很大影响。带着这样的好奇,我们调查了农大的同学,听取了老师们的意见。 调查结果显示,下面几种原因对大学生的消费观有着深刻的影响。 第一,家庭环境对大学生的消费观产生“先天性”的影响。家庭条件是大学生消费的根本制约因素。农大学生大部分来自于农村。农村来的学生不愿花费很多钱去买巧克力、饼干、糖果之类的零食。文法学院的一位同学告诉记者,他每个月的消费大部分用在伙食及学习用品上,还有一小部分是生活用品。但是,来自发达城市的学生,在零用钱掌握比较自由的情况下,甚至会把剩余的钱都花费在发型、服装、饰物和MP3等其它物品上。 第二,校园环境对大学生消费观的影响不可忽略。据了解,刚刚过去的“十一黄金周”,一些旅行社组织的“情侣游”旅行团里,有着不少大学生的身影。一些男生为了追求女生,把化妆品、零食、鲜花当成“攻心”的利器。在调查和讨论会上我们发现,谈恋爱的学生每月大约多支出 100-200 元,最少的也有 50 元左右,最高的达到 500 元。一位农学院的同学幽默地告诉记者,谈恋爱的费用支出一般由男方承担的局面已经完全被打破,而出现三种情况,即男方全部承担、男女方共同承担和女方主动全部承担,女生的恋爱支出甚至有超过男方的情况。 沉迷于网络也是钱财的去向之一。部分学生整日泡在网吧,浪费了自己的时间和精力,还有父母辛苦挣来的血汗钱。 第三,社会环境对大学生消费观的影响。在采访过程中,一位植保学院的同学告诉记者:“部分大学生过分追求时尚和名牌,存在攀比心理。”在讨论会中,一些同学指出,为了拥有一款手机或者换上一款最流行的,有的同学情愿节衣缩食,甚至牺牲其他必要开支。有些男同学为了买一双名牌运动鞋,女同学为了买一套名牌化妆品或者一件名牌衣服,不惜向家人伸手要钱甚至向同学借钱,这些都反映出一些学生不懂得量入而出,虚荣心的驱使使他们形成无休止的攀比心理。除此之外,男同学染发,打耳环,女同学们向明星造型看齐,也令老师和家长们忧心。 大学生是未来社会建设的栋梁,其消费观念的塑造和培养直接地影响其一生品德和行为,间接影响祖国的江山社稷。良好的消费习惯得到培养和加强,会对良好校风的塑造起促进作用,并形成校风助学风的良性循环。因此,学校应该把大学生良好消费心理和行为的培养作为校园文化建设的重要组成部分。面对眼下各种诱人的广告像雪花般飞向大学校园,老师和父母有必要从旁指引,用正确的方法坚定大学生正确的消费观.。在校大学生消费时应从自己实际的经济状况出发,发扬朴素的生活作风,养成好的消费习惯和消费心态。

327 评论


Shallow view college students(浅析大学生消费观) In the current consumption market, as a special group is receiving more and more attention. Cell phones, Internet, sports, tourism, av equipment are students of consumption. Their younger age, different from other social consumer groups of consumer psychology and behavior. On one hand has strong consumption demand, on the other hand, has obtained the financial independence. Consumer spending power of advanced concepts, the lag and has great influence on them. With this curious, we investigated the students listened, currently the teachers.Results showed that the following reasons for college students have a profound influence on the view.First, family environment for students of consumption "congenital". Family is the basic factors restricting their consumption. Most students from rural areas currently. Rural students would not spend a lot of money to buy a bar of chocolate, biscuit, candy and snacks. A classmate of institute of grammar, told reporters he every month in the consumption of food and supplies, and a small part of life. However, the students from the developed city, in the free allowance is master circumstance, even the remaining money to spend on hair, clothing, accessories, and other items. MP3Second, the consumption of college campus environment. According to the understanding of the ", just past 11 golden weeks, "some travel agency" lovers swims "travel group, a lot of students. Some boys to girls, the pursuit of cosmetics, snacks, flowers as "sociology". In the investigation and discussion, we found that the students love more than 100 - month about spending at least 200 yuan, also has 50 yuan, the highest reach 500 yuan. One of the students of agronomy humorously tells a reporter, dating from the average expenses for the situation had been broken and three kinds, namely, man should take all NanNvFang share and the initiative of all, girls love spending even more than the situation.Internet addiction among is one where money. Some students spend all day in the net cafe, wasting their time and energy, and parents hard-earned money.Third, social environment influence on college students' view. In the interview process, a eppo school students told reporters: "some students fashion and famous, too." compare existing In the seminar, some students, in order to have a phone or a paragraph on the most popular, some classmates to economize, even sacrifice other necessary expenses. Some male classmate to buy a pair of shoes, the female classmate brand in order to buy a set of famous cosmetic or a brand-name clothes at hand to his family, money or borrow money from their classmates, these reflects some students don't know into, and driven them form the vanity of endless themselves. In addition, the male classmate hair, earrings, female students, also make positive modelling teachers and parents worried.College students are the pillars of the construction of the future society, its consumption ideas and directly affected the life character and the influence of the motherland, indirect jiangshan justice. Good training and strengthening consumer habits will get to the school, good shape, and formed the role of school student wind virtuous circle. Therefore, the schools should set students' good consumption psychology and behavior of the cultivation of campus culture construction as an important component. Facing the current as of inviting advertising the snowflake fly to the university campus, teachers and parents have necessary guidance from the side with the correct method, students correct view firmly. College students from his actual consumption of the economic situation, develop simple life style, develop good consumption habits and consumption mentality.

269 评论


(1) for the Internet experience. Research shows that the majority of Internet users can enjoy the fun of the network, the majority of respondents feel better on the Internet. 53.7% of that time flies when you feel the Internet, 26.0% of the Internet is very able to enjoy the fun. Another 11.3 percent of people do not think the Internet Time flies, 8.2% of people feel the Internet to bring the fun, when these students belong to those who do not know much of the network or by the network crash victims on the impact of the type . (2) towards the new view of things and willingness to pay for the network services. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, although overall consumption is still in college to meet the "survival needs" phase, namely food and clothing is still the main aspects of spending, of course, and their economic independence have a great relationship, but Students characterized by its own fashion and independent living needs, they need to be respected, interpersonal, and self-realization, so they present a psychologically consumption chase new change of trend. The survey shows that for new things or curiosity or to seek access to new technologies, as well as trying to achieve the requirement to have accounted for 98.7%, more in line with this vibrant college, fashion novel features. Survey results also show that nearly 50 percent of the students do not want to provide services for online extra pay, only 10.4% of the students are willing to pay extra fees for online services, there are 40.3% of the students as the situation to be willing to pay. Such phenomena show that the popularity of the network is also broad enough and deep network of consumer's attitude towards students is not very positive, but also indicates that the network is not in place of civilization propaganda. Another level of regional economic development, people's living standards and also restricting the development of network consumption, network development is still at a preliminary stage. (3) Shopping cause and site selection. Survey shows that a considerable part of the students are active online shopping, personal shopping reasons, price concessions, merchandise styles complete, convenient shopping map, as well as the proportion of amused curiosity fashion each of 22.5%, 10.4%, 12.1%, 7.8%, due to network consumption, low cost, convenient, and it is different from the traditional consumption of new consumption patterns and other features and advantages of attracting highly qualified, innovative and receptive to new ideas of fashion students. Online purchase of goods requires a cognitive process, but also the factors that produce online shopping, which is the online shopping needs, go to determine how the choice of the merchant. This is the will of students as consumers emotional process. The research shows that, when asked the most visited commercial websites this problem, the result is that the top surface Taobao, eBay, Sina Mall, Mall Sohu, Tencent, NetEase Mall ratio was 29.0%, 11.3%, 10.8%, 10.8 %, 10.4%, 7.8%. Select the main reason of such sites is known, by the influence of friends, integrity ratio of 27.7%, 22.5%, 15.6%. I. INTRODUCTION CNNIC statistics, as of the end of 2006, the number of Internet users in China reached 132 million, and the number of online shopping over 30 million. From the composition of Internet users look, about 81.3 percent of the online personal user's age under 35 years old, and college students, is among the typical online consumers. College students are a special group with a higher education culture, their ideological consciousness is higher, for new things, new technologies, new ideas have a stronger ability to accept and comprehend, they are the direct object of the popularity of the network. Theory

Man on the Shijiazhuang Railway Institute, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Normal University East Campus, East Campus, Hebei University of Technology, Hebei Medical University East Campus four campuses humanities, economics and management,


Science, as well as

Engineering and other disciplines, students were investigated and analyzed. Second, the research methods and the research object thesis questionnaire method, Shijiazhuang Railway Institute, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Normal University East Campus, East Campus, Hebei University of Technology, Hebei Medical University East Campus four campuses humanities, economics and management,


Science, as well as

Engineering and other disciplines all grades way to take a sample survey, the actual 250 questionnaires, 231 valid questionnaires, 92.4% recovery efficiency. Description of the contents of the questionnaire included 23 closed questions and two open-ended questions of three parts. Statistics Using SPSS 11.0 For Windows software and the results EXCEL statistical software related statistics, in addition to open-ended questions used for classification and collation of research and analytical methods. Third, the analysis of a questionnaire. Psychological characteristics of students' network consumer survey (1) for the Internet experience. Research shows that the majority of Internet users can enjoy the fun of the network, the majority of respondents feel better on the Internet. 53.7% of that time flies when you feel the Internet, 26.0% of the Internet is very able to enjoy the fun. Another 11.3 percent of people do not think the Internet Time flies, 8.2% of people feel the Internet to bring the fun, when these students belong to those who do not know much of the network or by the network crash victims on the impact of the type . (2) towards the new view of things and willingness to pay for the network services. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, although overall consumption is still in college to meet the "survival needs" phase, namely food and clothing is still the main aspects of spending, of course, and their economic independence have a great relationship, but Students characterized by its own fashion and independent living needs, they need to be respected, interpersonal, and self-realization, so they present a psychologically consumption chase new change of trend. The survey shows that for new things or curiosity or to seek access to new technologies, as well as trying to achieve the requirement to have accounted for 98.7%, more in line with this vibrant college, fashion novel features. Survey results also show that nearly 50 percent of the students do not want to provide services for online extra pay, only 10.4% of the students are willing to pay extra fees for online services, there are 40.3% of the students as the situation to be willing to pay. Such phenomena show that the popularity of the network is also broad enough and deep network of consumer's attitude towards students is not very positive, but also indicates that the network is not in place of civilization propaganda. Another level of regional economic development, people's living standards and also restricting the development of network consumption, network development is still at a preliminary stage. (3) Shopping cause and site selection. Survey shows that a considerable part of the students are active online shopping, personal shopping reasons, price concessions, merchandise styles complete, convenient shopping map, as well as the proportion of amused curiosity fashion each of 22.5%, 10.4%, 12.1%, 7.8%, due to network consumption, low cost, convenient, and it is different from the traditional consumption of new consumption patterns and other features and advantages of attracting highly qualified, innovative and receptive to new ideas of fashion students. Online purchase of goods requires a cognitive process, but also the factors that produce online shopping, which is the online shopping needs, go to determine how the choice of the merchant. This is the will of students as consumers emotional process. The research shows that, when asked the most visited commercial websites this problem, the result is that the top surface Taobao, eBay, Sina Mall, Mall Sohu, Tencent, NetEase Mall ratio was 29.0%, 11.3%, 10.8%, 10.8 %, 10.4%, 7.8%. Select the main reason of such sites is known, by the influence of friends, integrity ratio of 27.7%, 22.5%, 15.6%. (2) Students online shopping attitudes and intentions are directly proportional to its network of consumer impact. Research shows that the online world can enjoy themselves with college students in general can enjoy the fun brought by the network, and the network was close to the goodwill of the students, so they are generally under conditions permitting would be willing to pay for services for the network, and from within understanding of the process of contact networks online shopping, preferences of the network, it will naturally shift to accept this convenient online shopping consumption. (3) networking experience students have in their network consumption is proportional to the impact. College students the importance of the awareness level of the network with the access time will be gradually increased to deepen, different students on the network in their understanding of the importance of university life there is a big difference. In general, the length of the net age students with their level of awareness of the importance of the network is positively correlated; college students network with increasing age, consider buying from a full range of correct decision or not. For very sensible motivation to buy the products in the business on how to select, through this business forum on the network evaluation, consult the advice of friends, search providers

128 评论


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