1 low-carbon city quality synthetic evaluation 2 Germany electricity generation pattern reforming prospect goal the 3 Shandong green abundant will sing the loud low-carbon main melody, will promote the green economic development
you all know that China is a great country with a long history .In this developing country ,you could find a serious problem.Its china's population. With this problem china can't develop in its own way .It causes many problems ,such as working and environment problems.
.3创新发展的布局 创新是城市发展的永恒动力,也是城市人文精神的重要体现。随着经济全球化和城市国际化,城市经济和社会发展的核心要素从自然因素让位给智力因
1.浅谈餐饮业营销策略2.某某城市旅游目的地营销策略的研究3.论我国旅游业的发展现状趋势及对策 4.中国旅游市场的发展趋势及营销策略 5.旅游业可持续发展和
Canada don't has many population problems.But china is so...........