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endnote style 里面自己编就是了, 注意看你说的杂志对文献顺序的需求,依葫芦画瓢就是了

266 评论



116 评论


Ma Qi [1], ZhangYunFei, thanks to jersey. The occurrence rules of cruciferous vegetables plutella xylostella and prevention strategies [J]. Journal of zhejiang agricultural science, 2009 (5) : 956-956. [2] Wang Xiangping Fang Yuling, zhang Zhong Ning. DBM sex pheromone research and application progress [J]. Journal of plant protection, 2003, 29 (5) : 5-9. [3] Li Mingtao. The biological characteristics of plutella xylostella and prevention technology [J]. Journal of Chinese vegetables, 2013, 26 (2) : 59-60. [5] BiDaoFen. Monitoring DBM resistance, resistance of indene insect resistant breeding and biochemical mechanism research [D]. Huazhong agricultural university, 2010. [6] Yu Na Zou Linlin, Meng Gongying. Excessive pesticide residues on vegetables the harm to human health and prevention [J]. Modern agricultural science and technology, 2010 (4) : 381-381. [10] liu xun Zhang jie Zhong Ning hole etc. DBM close like sex pheromone trap field activity [J]. Acta ecologica sinica, 1985 3 249-255. [11] Deng Jianyu, Jiang Yaopei, wang home, etc. DBM male moth, proportion and dosage of components of different synthetic attractants reaction in the field Journal of zhejiang university (agriculture and life science望采纳!!

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    官方网站有一个各种期刊格式大全的压缩包子可供下载。将里面的.ens文件解压至,比如我的,C:\Program Files (x86)\EndNote X5\St

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    秀之美adahe 6人参与回答 2023-12-05
  • 生态学报英文参考文献

    endnote style 里面自己编就是了, 注意看你说的杂志对文献顺序的需求,依葫芦画瓢就是了

    小川里沙 3人参与回答 2023-12-09