参照群体是指个体在心理上所属的群体,是个人认同的为其树立和维持各种标准、提供比较框架的群体。那么你对参照群体了解多少呢?以下是由我整理关于什么是参照群体的内容,希望大家喜欢!参照群体的介绍 参照群体实际上是个体在形成其购买或消费决策时,用以作为参照、比较的个人或群体。如同从行为科学里借用的其他概念一样,参照群体的含义也在随着时代的变化而变化。参照群体最初是指家庭、朋友等个体与之具有直接互动的群体,但现在它不仅包括了这些具有互动基础的群体,而且也涵盖了与个体没有直接面对面接触但对个体行为产生影响的个人和群体。 参照群体的主要功能 参照群体具有规范和比较两大功能。前一功能在于建立一定的行为标准并使个体遵从这一标准,比如受父母的影响,子女在食品的营养标准、如何穿着打扮、到哪些地方购物等方面形成了某些观念和态度。个体在这些方面所受的影响对行为具有规范作用。后一功能,即比较功能,是指个体把参照群体作为评价自己或别人的比较标准和出发点。如个体在布置、装修自己的住宅时,可能以邻居或仰慕的某位熟人的家居布置作为参照和仿效对像。 参照群体的分类 在实际研究中,我们根据不同的标准将社会群体划分成不同的类型。一般而言,社会学 界通常采用以下五组分类: 1、初级群体与次级群体 2、正式群体与非正式群体 3、内群体与外群体 4、所属群体与参照群体(通过成员的身份归属来划分) 5、血缘群体、地缘群体、业缘群体与趣缘群体 参照群体的影响方式 人们总希望自己富有个性和与众不同,然而群体的影响又无处不在。不管是否愿意承认,每个人都有与各种群体保持一致的倾向。看一看班上的同学,你会惊奇地发现,除了男女性别及其在穿着上的差异外,大部分人衣着十分相似。事实上,如果一个同学穿着正规的衣服来上课,大家通常会问他是不是要去应聘工作,因为人们认为这是他穿着正式的原因。请注意,作为个体,我们并未将这种行为视为从众。尽管我们时常要有意识地决定是否遵从群体,通常情况下,我们是无意识地和群体保持一致的。参照群体对消费者的影响,通常表现为3种形式,即行为规范上的影响,信息方面的影响,价值表现上的影响。 (1)规范性影响 规范性影响是指由于群体规范的作用而对消费者的行为产生影响。规范是指在一定社会背景下,群体对其所属成员行为合适性的期待,它是群体为其成员确定的行为标准。无论何时,只要有群体存在,毋需经过任何语言沟通和直接思考,规范就会迅即发挥作用。规范性影响之所以发生和起作用,是由于奖励和惩罚的存在。为了获得赞赏和避免惩罚,个体会按群体的期待行事。 广告 商声称,如果使用某种商品,就能得到社会的接受和赞许,利用的就是群体对个体的规范性影响。同样,宣称不使用某种产品就得不到群体的认可,也是运用规范性影响。 (2)信息性影响 指参照群体成员的行为、观念、意见被个体作为有用的信息予以参考,由此在其行为上产生影响。当消费者对所购产品缺乏了解,凭眼看手摸又难以对产品品质作出判断时,别人的使用和推荐将被视为非常有用的证据。群体在这一方面对个体的影响,取决于被影响者与群体成员的相似性,以及施加影响的群体成员的专长性。例如,某人发现好几位朋友都在使用某种品牌的护肤品,于是她决定试用一下,因为这么多朋友使用它,意味着该品牌一定有其优点和特色。 (3)价值表现上的影响 指个体自觉遵循或内化参照群体所具有的信念和价值观,从而在行为上与之保持一致。例如,某位消费者感到那些有艺术气质和素养的人,通常是留长发、蓄络腮胡、不修边幅,于是他也留起了长发,穿着打扮也不拘一格,以反映他所理解的那种艺术家的形象。此时,该消费者就是在价值表现上受到参照群体的影响。个体之所以在毋需外在奖惩的情况下自觉依群体的规范和信念行事,主要是基于两方面力量的驱动。一方面,个体可能利用参照群体来表现自我,来提升自我形象。另一方面,个体可能特别喜欢该参照群体,或对该群体非常忠诚,并希望与之建立和保持长期的关系,从而视群体价值观为自身的价值观。 参照群体的决定因素 参照群体对其成员的影响程度取决于多方面的因素,下面对它们作一简要分析。 可见性 产品使用时的可见性 一般而言,产品或品牌的使用可见性越高,群体影响力越大,反之则越小。最初的研究发现,商品的“炫耀性” (conspicuousness)是决定群体影响强度的一个重要因素。后来的一些研究探索了不同产品领域参照群体对产品与品牌选择所产生的影响。其中,拜尔顿(Bearden)和埃内尔(Etzel) 的研究从产品可见性和产品的必需程度两个层面将消费情形分类,然后分析在这些具体情形下参照群体所产生的影响。 必需程度 产品的必需程度 对于食品、日常用品等生活必需品,消费者比较熟悉,而且很多情况下已形成了习惯性购买,此时参照群体的影响相对较小。相反,对于奢侈品或非必需品,如高档汽车、时装、游艇等产品,购买时受参照群体的影响较大。 相关性 产品与群体的相关性 某种活动与群体功能的实现关系越密切,个体在该活动中遵守群体规范的压力就越大。例如,对于经常出入豪华餐厅和星级宾馆等高级场所的群体成员来说,着装是非常重要的;而对于只是在一般酒吧喝喝啤酒或在一个星期中的某一天打一场 篮球 的群体成员来说,其重要性就小得多。 生命周期 产品的生命周期 亨顿认为,当产品处于导入期时,消费者的产品购买决策受群体影响很大,但品牌决策受群体影响较小。在产品成长期,参照群体对产品及品牌选择的影响都很大。在产品成熟期,群体影响在品牌选择上大而在产品选择上小。在产品的衰退期,群体影响在产品和品牌选择上都比较小。 忠诚程度 个体对群体的忠诚程度 个人对群体越忠诚,他就越可能遵守群体规范。当参加一个渴望群体的晚宴时,在衣服选择上,我们可能更多地考虑群体的期望,而参加无关紧要的群体晚宴时,这种考虑可能就少得多。最近的一项研究对此提供了佐证,该研究发现,那些强烈认同西班牙 文化 的拉美裔美国人,比那些只微弱地认同该文化的消费者,更多地从规范和价值表现两个层面受到来自西班牙文化的影响。 自信程度 个体在购买中的自信程度 研究表明,个人在购买彩电、汽车、家用空调、 保险 、冰箱、媒体服务、杂志书籍、衣服和家具时,最易受参照群体影响。这些产品,如保险和媒体服务的消费,既非可见又同群体功能没有太大关系,但是它们对于个人很重要,而大多数人对它们又只拥有有限的知识与信息。这样,群体的影响力就由于个人在购买这些产品时信心不足而强大起来。除了购买中的自信心,有证据表明,不同个体受群体影响的程度也是不同的。 自信程度并不一定与产品知识成正比。研究发现,知识丰富的汽车购买者比那些购买新手,更容易在信息层面受到群体的影响,并喜欢和同样有知识的伙伴交换信息和意见。新手则对汽车没有太大兴趣,也不喜欢收集产品信息,他们更容易受到广告和推销人员的影响。
《组织行为杂志》 (英国)发表述评文章,研讨工业中的组织行为及其职业特性的多种问题。国家自然科学基金委员会管理科学部推荐114种管理类外文期刊1 Academy Of Management Journal2 Academy Of Management Review3 Accounting Review4 ACM Transactions on information Systems5 Administrative Science Quarterly6 Annals of Operations Research7 Asia―Pacific Journal of Operational Research 3 Business Histories 9 California Management Review10 Concurrent Engineering―Research and Applications11 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery12 Decision Sciences13 Engineering Optimization14 European Journal of Operational Research15 Finance and Stochastic16 Financial Management .17 Fiscal Studies18 Forbes19 Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory20 Geneva Papers Oil Risk and Insurance―Issues and Practice21 Governance-an International journal Of Policy and Administration22 Harvard Business Review23 Human Factors24 Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing25 Human Relations26 Human Resource Management27 IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management28 IEEE Transactions on information Theory29 IIE Transactions30 Information & Management .31 Information Systems Journal32 Information Technology and Libraries33 International Journals of Finance & Economics34 International Journal of Human―Computer Studies35 International Journal of Product on Research36 International Journal of Technology Management37 1Ssues in Science and TeChn010gY38 Journals of Accounting Economics39 Journal of Accounting Research40 Journal of Business4l Journal of Business and Psychology42 Journals of Business Ethics43 Journal of Consumer Research44 Journals of Engineering and Technology Management45 Journals of Environmental Economics and Management46 Journal of Finance47 Journal of Financial and Quantities Analysis48 Journal of Global Option49 Journal of Information Science50 Journals of International Business Studies5l Journal of Management52 Journals of Management Studies53 Journals of Manufacturing Systems[54 Journal Of marketing[55 Journal of Marketing Research[56 Journal of Money Credit and Banking57 JOurn2l of Operations Management58 journals Of Optimization Theory and Applications59 Journal of Organizational Behavior Management60 Journals of Policy Analysis and Management 61 Journal of Product innovation Management ?62 Journal of Productivity Analysis63 Journal of Quality TechB010gy64 Journals of Real Estate Finance and Economics65 Journals of Risk and Uncertainty66 Journal of Scheduling67 Journal Of SocialP01icy ,68 Journal of the Operational Research Society69 Leadership Quarterly70 Long Range Planning71 Management Science72 Marketing letters 73 Marketing Science74 Mathematical Finance75 Mathematical Programming76 Mathematical Programming77 Mathematics of Operations Research78 MIS Quarterly79 MIT Sloan Management Renew80 National Tax Journals81 Naval Research Logistics82 Networks83 Operation Research84 Operators Research Letters85 Optimal Contr01 Applications & Methods86 Organization Science87 Organization Studies88 Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes89 Organizational Dynamics90 Public Administrations91 Public Administrations Review92 Quality & Quantity 93 Qualities and Reliability Engineering International94 Quantitative Finance95 Queuing Systems96 R&D Management97 Ramiro-Operations Research98 Real Estate Economics99 Real Estate Taxation100 Reliability Engineering L System Safety101 ResearchP01icy102 Research―Techn010gyMariagement103 Review of Financial Studies104 Safety Science105 Scientometrics106 Strategic Management journal107 Systems & Contr01Letters108 Technological Forecasting and Social Changes109 Technimetrics110 Technovation111Transportation Research part B-Methodological112 Transportation Science113 World Bank Economic Review114 Would Economy能在这些期刊上发表文章,那说明作者的水准应该是相当不错的。
Sustainable Development and Institutional Innovation in Privately-owned Small and edium-sized Businesses YANG Da-kai, MIAO Xue-feng ( School of International Investment, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai 200433 , P. R. China) Abstract: Privately-owned small and medium-sized businesses are the main body in private-owned businesses in China and an e-merging group with special characteristics, and its state of development has a direct impact on the overall competitiveness of the Chinese economy in the future. By calculating first-order and second-order derivatives of production function to institution function and analyzing the results, it is indicated that institutional factor has a deep impact on the operation and development of privately-owned small and medium-sized businesses, and that improvement in institutional environment will greatly improve their production and operation. For this reason, the strategic path arrangement for institutional inno-vation in privately-owned small and medium-sized businesses in China is: cultivating entrepreneurship, carrying out property right innovation, perfecting operating mechanism of enterprises, and improving the external institutional envi-ronment for enterprise operation. Key words: privately-owned small and medium-sized business; family system; entrepreneur; governing structure; institutional innovation我国经济体制改革的主线和目标是建立和完善社会主义市场经济体制。市场经济的基本制度是所有制主体和利益主体的多元化,这一基本制度使我国民营经济得到了很大的发展,并日益成为我国国民经济的重要组成部分。民营中小企业是民营企业的主体,它与国有大中型企业、国有中小型企业、民营大企业都有着很大的区别,是一个具有特殊表征的新兴群体。一个已经被普遍认同的观点是,民营中小企业的发展状况将直接影响到我国经济未来的整体竞争力。Our country economic restructuring's master line and the goal are the establishment and the consummation socialist market economic system. Market economy's basic system is the system of ownership main body and the benefit main body multiplication, this basic system enabled our country privately operated economy to obtain the very big development, and became our country national economy day by day the important component. The privately operated small and medium-sized enterprise is Private enterprise's main body, it with the state-owned Large and middle scale Enterprises, the state-owned Small and medium-sized enterprise, the privately operated big enterprise has the very big difference, is one has the special attribute emerging community. One already by general acceptance's viewpoint was, privately operated small and medium-sized enterprise development condition immediate influence to our country economy future overall competitive power. 无论在我国还是在发达的工业化国家,家族式民营中小企业的存在和发展都与一定的历史阶段、社会发展状况、社会文化特征密切相关。家族企业作为现代市场经济中企业生态群体的母体和重要的企业组织形态,其治理结构优劣并存;全盘否定民营中小企业的家族治理模式,就等于推翻了当前我国民营经济的基础,这是不可取的。民营中小企业内部治理结构的演变有一个特定的历史过程,根据其发展阶段采用相应的治理结构,才能使其生命力不断延伸,而现代企业制度并不适合我国大多数民营中小企业的现实状况。Regardless in our country in the developed industrialized country, the family type privately operated small and medium-sized enterprise's existence and the development with certain historical stage, the social development condition, the social culture characteristic closely is related. The Family firm takes in the modern market economy the enterprise ecology community's parent substance and the important enterprise organizes the shape, its management structure fit and unfit quality coexisting; The total repudiation privately operated small and medium-sized enterprise's family governs the pattern, was equal to that has overthrown the current our country privately operated economy foundation, this is cannot take. The privately operated small and medium-sized enterprise interior management structure's evolution has a specific historical process, uses the corresponding management structure according to its development phase, can cause its vitality to extend unceasingly, but the modern enterprise system does not suit our country Majority Privately operated Small and medium-sized enterprises the realistic conditions. 培育企业家精神。由于企业家的素质决定了我国广大中小民营企业的素质和发展,因而民营中小企业制度创新中最重要的就是企业家自身的创新。企业家创新的途径有三个:第一,加强对企业家的人力资本投资。企业家可以通过系统学习先进的管理知识来提升自己的经营、管理能力,如主动参加培训、进修MBA、自我学习等。第二,坚持“干中学”,不断地用科学的方法归纳总结自己的经验和教训,从实践中体会、感悟企业经营管理之道。第三,适时引进职业经理人。民营中小企业家可在时机成熟时引进职业经理人,给予其一定的资本所有权,自己则保留控制权和剩余索取权。cultivates the entrepreneurial spirit. Because entrepreneur's quality has decided our country general small Private enterprise's quality and the development, thus in the privately operated small and medium-sized enterprise institutional innovations most important is entrepreneur own innovation. The entrepreneur innovates the way has three: First, strengthens to entrepreneur's human capital investment. The entrepreneur may promote own management, the managed capacity through the system study advanced management knowledge, like participates in training, to take advanced courses on own initiative MBA, the self-study and so on. Second, insisted that “does the middle school”, summarizes own experience and the lesson unceasingly with the science method induction, from the practice realized that the feeling becomes aware road of the enterprise management and operation. Third, at the right moment introduces the professional manager. The privately operated young entrepreneur may introduce the professional manager when the time is ripe, gives its certain right of capital property ownership, then oneself retention domination and surplus claim power.
我们每天都生活在群体之中,每天都能遇到一个问题,这就是:如何出来个体与群体的关系呢? 曾有人问一位哲学家:“一滴水怎样才能不干?”哲学家回答说:“把它放到大海里
[1] 李东升等.protel 99SE电路设计教程.电子工业出版社,2007.1[2] 藏春华等.电子线路设计与应用.高等教育出版社,2004.7[3] 李学