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自己动手丰衣足食啊! 伙计不要太懒了! 这么做是有很大风险的! 而且他们都是用软件翻译的,效果很差劲的 所以奉劝好事自己解决吧 呵呵

304 评论


水利工程水利工程毕业设计论文[博士]城市区域水土作用分析与土的结构 [博士]中小城市水利可持续发展研究 [博士]中小城市水利可持续发展研究 河口冲刷的理论与数值模拟 [硕士] 吉林西部生态环境需水量与水资源承载力研究 [硕士]航道整治河段流动特性的三维数值模拟 新疆某水电站毕业设计 某混凝土实体重力坝枢纽及发电引水管道设计 [博士]裂隙岩体可灌性及灌浆数值模拟研究 天津市城市水源合理配置研究[硕士] 【学士】某江水利枢纽坝工设计 [学士]水电站毕业设计 【学士】某江水利枢纽重力坝毕业设计 [学士]重力式沉箱码头毕业设计 [硕士]太原城区段汾河蓄水工程对地下水渗流特征影响的研究 [硕士]入库洪水资源化问题的研究与应用 [硕士]波流共同作用下水流垂直结构及污染物 [硕士]从长江三峡库尾(重庆段)淤砂中提钪试验研究 [硕士]洪水资源化利用模式及风险分析 [硕士]河道人工建筑物对复氧及溶解氧扩散影响的研究 [硕士] 市区性河流的水质数学模拟 [硕士] 湿地治污系统在洞庭湖区的应用研究 [硕士]大连市周水子地区海水入侵问题研究 [硕士] 基于模糊数学方法的洞庭湖区水安全评价 [硕士]从长江三峡库尾(重庆段)淤砂中提钪试验研究 [硕士] 长春市主要河流环境容量及其总量控制研究 [硕士]乌梁素海农田面源入湖量的核算研究 [硕士]云南糯扎渡水库水质预测研究 汉河水系上一中型水闸的毕业设计 某泵站的毕业设计 发电机继电保护的研究 毕业设计-某一级水利枢纽工程规划设计书 [硕士]大体积混凝土温度应力分析与反分析 某供水工程毕业设计报告 矩形渡槽设计[本科] 护岸工程课程设计书 某厂净水厂设计[学士] 水工钢筋混凝土课程设计 拱式渡槽设计资料 广西郁江洪水预报与调度系统研究 水利工程水情自动测报系统设计研究 重力式码头施工组织设计课程设计 云南省景洪水电站施工组织设计 拱坝计算书 松涛水利枢纽工程施工(课程、毕业设计) 土石坝毕业设计 某水利工程土石坝枢纽设计说明书 [学士]水利枢纽工程初步设计 [学士]拦河闸设计 [学士]黑河水利枢纽布置及面板堆石坝设计 [学士]土石坝施工组织设计 [学士]函江水利枢纽工程毕业设计 [学士]函江水利枢纽工程毕业设计 [博士]大坝安全管理关键技术研究 [学士]水利灌渠改建工程毕业设计 某闸工程设计图 某排水泵站的初步设计

118 评论


The spring river contains abundant water power resources, among them, ZHANG GU3 DUAN4 suiteds for to fix to set up the water conservancy vital point, the main purpose of the water conservancy vital point is a flood control to generate electricity. This text combines a valley form geology characteristics, the hydrology characteristic, as to it's the water conservancy vital point carried on the first step design.The main contents includes the spring river ZHANG GU3 the basic data, main building design, vital point of the water conservancy vital point arranges the project, the foundation processing and constructions to lead to cut to flow etc. contents. Considered various factor under, the choice B - B conduct and actions originally the dam stalk line of the vital point engineering, choice in the dam type, to various dam type after carrying on the merit and shortcoming comparison, combine the local characteristics of this engineering, choose the concrete entity gravity dam conduct and actions originally the dam type of the water conservancy vital point.Adjust the 洪 calculation adoption more widespread half illustrated manual table method, at compare three adjust the project of 洪 after made sure a fit project, get it designs the flood as 306.3 meters, the flood a 307.1 meters of the school pit, make sure that a high distance of dam is 310.9 meters.Main building of this vital point from block the building of water, leak water the building, generate electricity the building and put the empty building to constitute.Pass machine-readable( the gravity dam stability and should dint calculation procedure) and should to compare with pit, the dint and stabilities are after, getting to overflow the economic section of flow the dam not,12.5 meters of a breadth of dam, high 125.9 meters;Leak water the building adoption watch bore overflows the way for flow, a curve of dam adopts the practical curve of WES, eliminating the ability method to adopt to pick to flow to eliminate the ability;The factory premises dam segment includes a segment of three machines and an installs a segment, the factory premises adoption dam is behind type;Adoption deep bore conduct and actions put the empty building, the bore figure choose and use and did not press the dam inside sluiceway.The end construction leads to flow to choose to use two expect the two pieces to lead to flow the method, on expect from tie the narrow river bed to leak to flow, two expect from lead to flow the bottom bore to leak to flow, to the spring river ZHANG GU3 the water conservancy vital point give a the design project that compares the integrity.

305 评论


Spring the river is containing the rich hydro-electric resources, valley section suits in the construction hydro-junction, the hydro-junction main goal is prevents floods the electricity generation. This article unifies opens the valley terrain geology characteristic, the hydrology characteristic, has carried on the preliminary design to its hydro-junction. The main content opens the valley hydro-junction including the spring river the basic document, the main building design, the key position scheme of arrangement, ground processing as well as the construction leads dams the current and so on the content. In had considered under each kind of factor, the choice second grade - second grade took this key project the dam spool thread, in the dam choice, carries on the good and bad points comparison after each kind of dam, unifies this project the local characteristic, chose the concrete entity gravity dam to take this hydro-junction the dam. Adjusts Hong to calculate uses the quite universal semigraphical method, after has compared three accents Hong plan had determined an appropriate plan, its design flood level is 306.3 meters, the examination flood level 307.1 meters, the definite top of dam elevation is 310.9 meters. This key position main building by keeps off the water building, the drainage building, the electricity generation building, blows off the building to be composed. Passes the charging after to calculate (gravity dam is stable and stress computational procedure) and the stress and stably compares the nucleus, obtains the non- overfall dam the economical section plane, the top of dam width 12.5 meters, the height 125.9 meters; The drainage building uses the table hole overflow the way, the top of dam curve uses the practical WES curve, disappears can the way adopt selects class disappearing energy; The workshop dam section including three flow conditions and installment field sections, after the workshop uses the dam the type; Uses the deep hole achievement to blow off the building, the hole figure selects does not have presses in the dam the sluiceway. Finally constructs the conduction current to select two issues of two section of conduction current methods, an issue by ties the narrow river bed to release the class, two issues release the class by the conduction current bottom hole, opened the valley hydro-junction to the spring river to produce a quite complete design proposal.

355 评论


请参考下面2篇:【题名】:水利工程【摘要】: 水利工程基础学科混流式水轮机转轮动载荷作用下的应力特性;受漩涡作用的水下块石的起动流速;复式河槽流量计算方法比较与分析;二维溃坝洪水波的演进绕流和反射的数值模拟;分部面积超蓄产流法;天然河流被改变条件下的降雨径流预报模型;面向对象方法在河网非恒定流计算中的应用;水工材料土工合成材料加筋土抗剪作用的试验研究;新老混凝土粘结面渗透性能试验研究;水工结构土石坝沉降一填筑灰色监测模型分析;高碾压混凝土拱坝分缝形式及破坏机理研究;碾压混凝土拱坝单向间隔诱导缝等效强度研究。【题名】:水利工程【摘要】:水利工程基础学科 突扩突缩式内流消能工的数值模拟研究;湖底地形对风生流场影响的数值研究;动水环境中有限宽窄缝湍射流的水力特性研究;双局部行进波对流的时空结构;水工材料 钢筋混凝土结构锈蚀损伤的解析解;跳回失稳研究;浇筑式沥青混凝土防渗层配合比优选方法研究;堤基渗流管涌发展的理论分析。

239 评论


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    自己动手丰衣足食啊! 伙计不要太懒了! 这么做是有很大风险的! 而且他们都是用软件翻译的,效果很差劲的 所以奉劝好事自己解决吧 呵呵

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