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我来写吧:Nowadays,people across the globe are paying more and more attention to their health conditions and what we bring about to the natural environment. 然后写化学品对人类的危害:1.食品中的有害添加剂影响人类健康;2.化学品影响水质和空气质量;3.不当化学品影响药物质量。再写化学品对环境的影响。字数差不多够了。(主要是太晚了。要不然就帮你写完了)

109 评论








































279 评论


In nowadays, chemical products play a more important role in people's everyday life than ever before. As some people enjoy the convinience brought by artificial chemical products, more people begin to concern about the consequence after excessive use of chemical products. Many researches have shown the fact that chemical products are not as perfect as people used to believe; in fact, the harmful consequences of using particular chemical products are rapidly influence our environment and people's health.我认为开头这样就可以了,接下来就是主体,1楼列的几个可当作论点。每个一段。

282 评论


1In the first study to look at what happens over the years to the billions of pounds of plastic waste floating in the world's oceans, scientists are reporting that plastics — reputed to be virtually indestructible — decompose with surprising speed and release potentially toxic substances into the water.2Chemicals are an important aspect in our economy and serves with many uses. However, when chemicals are not properly used they can create a problem with global security. There is the threat of chemical spills and also a possible use by terrorists. Many chemicals are stored and processed at numerous facilities. If terrorists were to attack any chemical plants in the United States it would kill more than 2 million people. There is also a long-term threat of contamination that will affect both people and the environment. These chemicals can contaminate the water and cause many illnesses to people. In 1962, Rachel Carson informed the public about the horrible effects that DDT had on the environment and health problems of humans. But it took 10 years for the United States to ban this compound. But not all chemicals pose a security threat. To reduce the use of chemicals facilities are required to provide the public with annual chemical releases. This has allowed our society to force these facilities to use these chemicals better and safer. The Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants came into effect in May 2004. This treaty would ban or restrict the production and use of 12 hazardous chemicals. There will always be an abundance of chemicals but their use needs to be lowered to make them less of a threat. 3A captain of a ship drunkenly crashes a massive oil tanker along a reef and changes the physical and emotional world forever. Chemical spills are major problems that plague the environment. Strict government regulation is trying to aid with this problem, but governmental leaders face many challenges. Disposal of harmful chemicals is often difficult and costly. Since chemical waste has destroyed the environment, steps are being taken to prevent further pollution. 看看,参考一下吧:

116 评论


原文:4.2. 9-[2-(3-Carboxy-9,10-diphenyl)anthryl]-6-hydroxy-3H-xanthen-3-ones (DPAXs) The most widely used 1O2 trap is 9,10-diphenylanthracene (DPA), which reacts rapidly and specifically with 1O2 to form a thermostable endoperoxide at a rate of k =1.3106 M1 s1. The decrease in absorbance at 355 nm is used as a measure of the formation of the endoperoxide. However, DPA derivatives are not very sensitive probes because the detection is based on the measurement of absorbance [79]. Umezaka et al. [79] fused DPA with a fluorophore (fluorescein) aiming to associate the first’s reactive characteristics with the second’s fluorescent characteristics. Fluorescein was chosen as fluorophore since it has a high fluorescence quantum yield in aqueous solution and is able to be excited at long wavelength. From this fusion resulted 9-[2-(3-carboxy-9,10-diphenyl)anthryl]-6- hydroxy-3H-xanthen-3-ones (DPAXs) (Fig. 11) [79]. Thus, DPAXs were the first chemical traps for 1O2 that permitted fluorescence detection. They react with 1O2 to produce DPAX endoperoxides (DPAX-EPs) (Fig. 11). DPAXs themselves scarcely fluoresce, while DPAXEPs are strongly fluorescent. The mechanism accounting for the diminution of fluorescence in DPAXs and its enhancement in DPAX-EPs remain unclear [79]. The fluorescence intensity of fluorescein derivatives is known to be decreased under acidic conditions as a consequence of the protonation of the phenoxide oxygen atom. In order to stabilize the fluorescence intensity at physiological pH, electron-withdrawing groups wereincorporated at the 2- and 7-positions of the xanthene chromophore, leading to Cl (DPAX-2) and F (DPAX-3) (Fig. 11). This modification lowered the pKa value of the phenolic oxygen atom [79]. DPAX-2 was used to detect the production of 1O2 from two different generation systems: the MoO4 2/H2O2 system and the 3-(4-methyl-1-naphthy)propionic acid endoperoxide (EP-1) system, which act at different pH values (10.5 and 7.4, respectively). In both cases an increase of the probe’s fluorescence was verified when in contact with the generating system. These results confirmed DPAXs’ advantage when detecting 1O2 in neutral or basic aqueous solutions [79]. The behaviour of this probe towards H2O2, !NO and O2 ! was also studied, but no change in the intensity of the fluorescence was observed for any of these reactive species. These facts corroborate the specificity of this probe for 1O2 [79]. The detection of 1O2 in biological samples was also investigated. With this purpose, DPAX-2 diacetate (DPAX-2-DA) was prepared, since it was considered to be more permeable to cells. DPAX-2-DA is hydrolysed by intracellular esterases to generate DPAX-2. Both DPAX-2 and DPAX-2DA were tested and compared in the same assay systems. However, cells were stained similarly in both cases. This observation probably means that DPAX-2 itself is also membranepermeable [79].译文:420. 91-[2-(3-羧基-9,10-二苯)anthryl]-6 羟基3h-xanthen-3-酮 (dpaxs)使用最广泛的1o2阱9,10-diphenylanthracene(政治部) 而迅速的反应,特别是与1o2形成耐热endoperoxide的增长率为k=1.3106米1秒1. 减少24.6%,为355nm,是用来衡量形成的过氧化物. 不过,政治部衍生不是很敏感的探针,因为检测是基于测量吸光度[79]. umezakaetal. [79]fused审批与fluorophore(fluorescein)以准第一功的特点与第二的荧光特性. fluorescein被选为fluorophore,因为它具有较高的荧光量子产率在水溶液中,并能 兴奋长波长. 由此导致的融合 91-[2-(3-羧基-9,10-二苯)anthryl]-6 - 羟基3h-xanthen-3酮(dpaxs)(图11)[79]. 因此,dpaxs被化学第一陷阱1o2允许荧光检测. 他们的反应与1o2出示dpaxendoperoxides(dpax-eps)(图11). dpaxs自己scarcelyfluoresce,而dpaxeps强烈的荧光. 机制的会计核算窄化荧光dpaxs及其增强dpax-办事仍不清楚[79]. 荧光强度的荧光素衍生物已知是减少酸性条件下,随着大量的质子 该phenoxide氧原子. 为了稳定的荧光强度,在生理pH, 电子撤组wereincorporated在2-和7点位置的xanthene生色 通往cl(dpax-2)和F(dpax-3)(图11). 这个修改降低pKa值的酚氧原子〔79〕. dpax-2检测生产1o2从两个不同的发电系统: 该moo42/过氧化氢体系和3-(4-甲基-1-萘基)丙酸endoperoxide(ep-1)系统, 该法在不同pH值(10.5和7.4美元). 在这两种情况下,提高了探头的荧光验证时接触的发电系统. 这些调查结果证实dpaxs的优势,在检测1o2在中性或碱性溶液[79]. 该行为此探针对双氧水,! NO和O2! 还研究, 但不改变强度的荧光染色任何这些活性物种. 这些事实证实特异性这种探针1o2[79]. 检测1o2生物样品中为2.75%. 为了这个目的,dpax-2diacetate(dpax-2-da)制成的,因为它被认为是更容易接受细胞. dpax-2-daishydrolysedbyintracellularesterases产生dpax-2. 双方dpax-2dpax-2da试验,比较在同一实验系统. 但是,细胞染色同样,在这两种情况. 这个观察可能意味着dpax-2本身也是membranepermeable[79].

119 评论


  • 化学英文论文模板

    学校应该都有论文写作指导的吧。 都写了那么多年的实验报告了,范文这个东西真得那么必要么?

    丘比特來來 4人参与回答 2023-12-10
  • 化学实训论文模板

    化学实验报告格式模板如图所示: 化学实验报告是把实验的目的、方法、过程、结果等记录下来,经过整理,写成的书面汇报。 大致书写格式如下: 一、目的与摘要。 二、器

    κiξs飛揚 1人参与回答 2023-12-11
  • 英文论文模板化学

    我来写吧:Nowadays,people across the globe are paying more and more attention to thei

    女儿我爱你 5人参与回答 2023-12-05
  • 化学学报期刊模板

    4区。中科院分区是4区,这个期刊SCI核心收录,是中科院上海所主管的期刊之一,还有化学学报,有机化学。 扩展资料

    冬日恋鬼 2人参与回答 2023-12-07
  • 结构化英语论文摘要模板


    tiaotiao1985 2人参与回答 2023-12-05