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首页 > 学术期刊 > 英国绅士文化研究论文英语

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The term gentleman (from Latin gentilis,belonging to a race or "gens",and "man",cognate with the French word gentilhomme and the Italian gentil uomo or gentiluomo),in its original and strict signification,denoted a man of good family,analogous to the Latin generosus (its invariable translation in English-Latin documents).In this sense the word equates with the French gentilhomme (nobleman),which latter term was in Great Britain long confined to the peerage.The term "gentry" (from the Old French genterise for gentelise) has much of the social class significance of the French noblesse or of the German Adel,but without the strict technical requirements of those traditions (such as quarters of nobility).This was what the rebels under John Ball in the 14th century meant when they repeated: When Adam delved and Eve span, Who was then the Gentleman?[1] John Selden in Titles of Honour,(1614),discussing the title "gentleman",speaks of "our English use of it" as "convertible with nobilis" (an ambiguous word,like 'noble' meaning elevated either by rank or by personal qualities) and describes in connection with it the forms of ennobling in various European countries. To a degree,"gentleman" signified a man who did not need to work,and the term was particularly used of those who could not claim nobility or even the rank of esquire.Widening further,it became a politeness for all men,as in the phrase "Ladies and Gentlemen,..." and this was then used (often with the abbreviation Gents) to indicate where men could find a lavatory,without the need to indicate precisely what was being described. In modern speech,the term is usually democratised so as to include any man of good,courteous conduct,or even to all men (as in indications of gender-separated facilities).

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绅士源于17世纪中叶,由充满侠气与英雄气概的"骑士"发展而来,后在英国盛行并发展到极至,绅士风度即是英国民族文化的外化,又是英国社会掺杂了各阶层某些价值观念融和而成的一种全新的社会文化。一、英国传统的绅士风度绅士风度是西方国家公众,特别是英国男性公众所崇尚的基本礼仪规范。经要求在公众交往中注意自己的仪容举止,风姿优雅,能给人留下彬彬有礼和富有教养的印象。(一)服装穿着上的合适得体。一要符合自己的身份,二要适合所在的场合。(二)性格内向、幽默的社会交方式(三)女士优先的礼仪原则。在英国,女性接受男性的尊重,男性的保护,是天经地义的礼仪传统。为此,英国内政部曾向男子发出十诫公告。一绅士教育源远流长早在17世纪后期,英国就开始实施绅士教育。它由英国哲学家、政治家、教育家洛克提出。 绅士教育的目的在于培养绅士。这种绅士必须是有德行、有用、能干的人。二绅士教育传统至今仍有较大影响根据《英国学校道德教育》一书援引的调查资料,英国学校的品德教育内容主要涉及以下方面:1 关于社会意识和公民意识方面,儿童用一些时间讨论个人与社会的关系,明确社会对个人的要求,知道个人的权利、义务和责任,正确认识自由与纪律的关系。2 关于个人和他人的关系,训练考虑他人,学会正确处理男孩与女孩、穷人与富人、朋友与同事、雇员与工会等之间的关系。3 关于与就业有关的各种关系。4 关于商品社会的有关问题,应该帮助儿童理解社会的性质,正确认识赚钱与花钱、攒钱与用钱的关系,处理好施舍行为中给予与接受的关系。5 关于婚姻家庭方面,在学校品德教育中,应包含这方面的内容。6 学习名人,让儿童有机会了解其道德情操,学习勇敢、诚实、无私奉献等一些优良品质。7 采访各行各业的人们,了解其所做的工作,特别是告诉儿童一些关于社会服务领域的事,也可以请政治家、社会工作者、教师、医生、专家来校讨论其专业和有关的道德问题。8 学习各国的历史和文化的发展。9 参与地方事务,如拯救儿童的募捐活动、访问老人院、医院、残疾儿童学校、社区中心、法院等。10 讨论暴力、吸毒、酗酒、吸烟、赌博、核战争的解决方法等。

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