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1 试论简·爱的宗教观——从弗洛伊德心理学对《简·爱》进行解读 张春晖 绵阳师范学院学报 2008/03 2 论《藻海无边》对《简·爱》的超越——互文性批评理论视角下的文本对比分析 王涛 辽宁教育行政学院学报 2008/05 3 永恒的追求——浅析《简·爱》中的女主人公精神 张佳杨 今日南国(理论创新版) 2008/06 4 现代与传统的较量:女性主义批评PK现实主义标准——《简·爱》在中国的阐释(1986-1994) 刘亚芬 湖南科技学院学报 2008/07 5 试论简·爱的爱 陈晓娴 金华职业技术学院学报 2008/03 6 重获话语权的第二性——《藻海无边》与《简·爱》的比较分析 杨菁菁 科技创新导报 2008/20 7 简单爱的缺陷美——浅析造成《简·爱》缺陷的成因 王颜 科教文汇(中旬刊) 2008/05 8 母亲:缺失与寻找——论《简·爱》中的“母亲”原型 赵芊 今日南国(理论创新版) 2008/03 9 透过《简·爱》与《蝴蝶梦》看女性作家的身份焦虑 杜艳春 吉林师范大学学报(人文社会科学版) 2008/03 10 浅析简·爱和苔丝的叛逆者形象 赵春花 齐齐哈尔师范高等专科学校学报 2008/02 11 从句法修辞角度看《简·爱》的语言美 彭爱民 平原大学学报 2008/01 12 论简·爱的性格特点 秦桃姣 科技信息(学术研究) 2008/14 13 《简·爱》女性哥特式批评视阈下的原型分析:“双性同体”而非“隔绝” 张艺 世界文学评论 2008/01 14 简·爱反抗性格的形成因素 刘玉君 时代文学(下半月) 2008/04 15 试论简·爱的非正常心态 陈小兆 时代文学(下半月) 2008/03 16 从阶级角度解读《简·爱》中的性别颠覆 马峥嵘 时代文学(下半月) 2008/03 17 由《简·爱》与《庭院深深》谈两位女性作家的创作 燕艳 时代文学(下半月) 2008/03 18 一部女性的心理成长史——浅析简爱从感性到理性的心路历程 张贻文 消费导刊 2008/06 19 《简爱》与《呼啸山庄》写作形式的比较分析 田仙枝 湖北大学成人教育学院学报 2008/02 20 简·爱的双重性格 杨爱英 常州信息职业技术学院学报 2008/02 21 《简·爱》中的“女性声音”品评 郑红艳 宿州教育学院学报 2008/01 22 同为“没女”,不同命运——简·爱和苔丝人物形象比较 赵若纯 山东教育学院学报 2008/02 23 从伍尔夫《普通读者》中《〈简爱〉与〈呼啸山庄〉》谈起 杨永芳 吕梁高等专科学校学报 2008/01 24 试述《简爱》与《呼啸山庄》小说写作成功的关键——尽现哥特式小说的魅力 田仙枝 吉林省教育学院学报 2008/02 25 《简·爱》的生态女权主义思想 王文惠 延安大学学报(社会科学版) 2008/02 26 谈《简·爱》的人物形象设计 谭燕保 电影评介 2008/09 27 男权·女性·自然——《简·爱》中的生态女权主义思想解读 王文惠 天津外国语学院学报 2008/03 28 《简·爱》的创作与作者经历及社会环境 孙昕昕 中国西部科技 2008/11 29 抗争还是妥协——论《简·爱》与《呼啸山庄》之殊途同归 张竞 科技信息(科学教研) 2008/13 30 从《简爱》到《吕贝卡》是女性意识的觉醒还是倒退 江梅华 科技创新导报 2008/07 31 《简·爱》的批判性及其局限性 覃承华 商丘职业技术学院学报 2008/01 32 透过文本的缝隙——《简·爱》与《伤逝》之对比解读 吕洁 南昌高专学报 2008/01 33 疯女人与小说的艺术风格——论《简·爱》中疯女人形象 房明远 科技信息(科学教研) 2008/08 34 由简·爱和安娜的命运看女性意识的觉醒 夏彤 湖南科技学院学报 2008/03 35 浅谈《简爱》的女性主义特征 季然 大学英语(学术版) 2008/01 36 浅议《简·爱》两个中译本 王蓓 成都大学学报(教育科学版) 2008/03 37 皈依还是反叛——《简·爱》的《圣经》解构 刘爽 合肥学院学报(社会科学版) 2008/01 38 追求平等爱情的赞歌——电影《简·爱》的女性爱情叙事研究 曾勇 电影评介 2008/06 39 《简爱》——新女性成长的心路历程 许超 电影评介 2008/04 40 从《简·爱》译本看翻译中的女性身份认同 刘勇 四川外语学院学报 2008/01 41 从生态女权主义视角对《简·爱》的重新读解 王文惠 外国文学研究 2008/01 42 个性魅力的讴歌——浅析《简·爱》女主人公性格 王璇 社科纵横 2008/01 43 从宗教的角度浅析《简·爱》 周盛 黑龙江科技信息 2008/02 44 从接受美学看《简·爱》中圣约翰形象在中国的变异 徐菊 名作欣赏 2008/02 45 简·爱:夏洛蒂·勃朗特本人的写照 任伟亚 西南民族大学学报(人文社科版) 2007/S1 46 浅析《简·爱》中伯莎的艺术形象 王菲菲 泰安教育学院学报岱宗学刊 2007/04 47 《简·爱》的历程 刁克利 英美文学研究论丛 2007/02 48 从“女权”到“女性”——谈简·爱与吕蓓卡 吴丽丽 湖北教育学院学报 2007/12 49 从弗洛伊德人格观谈简·爱的心理结构 张磊 潍坊教育学院学报 2007/04 50 简·爱与叶玉菡性格相同点之比较 彭竹 黑龙江教育学院学报 2007/10

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略谈外国文学评论 外国文学和外国文学评论有着密切的关系,没有,何来评论?是评论的依据。没有评论,便难于健康地发展,可能会长期存在"泥沙俱下,鱼龙混杂"的不良局面,因此,评论对外国文学起着一种净化和提高的作用。 我国老一辈作家、家,尤其是作家兼家,不仅给我们留下宝贵的文学遗产,而已在外国文学评论面,也为我们树立了永远值得学习的光辉榜样。首先让我们来看一着郑振铎是怎样实事求是客观公允地评论中国第一个外国文学大师林纾(琴南)的功过: 我们看了这个统计(指林纾所外国文学作品的统计),一面自然是非常的感谢林琴南凭外,因为他介绍了这许多重要的世界名着给我们,但一面却不免可惜他的劳力之大半归于虚耗,因为在他所的一百五十六种作品中,仅有这六七十种是着名的(其中尚杂有哈葛德及科南道尔二人的第二等的小说二十匕种,所以在一百五十六种中,重要的作品尚占不到三分之一),其他的书却都是第二、三流的作品,可以不必的,这大概不能十分归咎于林先生,因为他是个懂得任何外国文字的,选择原本之权全操了与他合作的口者之身上。 还有一件事,也是林先生为他的口者所误的:小说与戏剧,性质本大不同,但林先生却把许多极好的剧本、成了小说--添进了许多叙事,删减了许多对话,简直变成与原本完全不同的一部书了。如莎士比亚的剧本《亨利第四》、《雷差得纪》、《亨利第六》、《凯撒遗事》以及易卜生的《群鬼》(梅孽)都是被他得变成了另外一部书了--原文的美与风格及重要的对话完全消灭不见,这简直是在步武却尔斯·兰在做莎士乐府本事,又何必写上了"原着者莎士比亚"及"原着者易卜生"呢? 林先生的,还有一点不见得好,便是任意删节原文。如法 国雨果的《九三年》,林先生之为《双雄义死录》,拿原文来一对不知减少了多少。我们很惊异,为什么原文是很厚的一本,成了中文却变了一本薄薄的了。 然而无论如何,我们统计林先生的,其可以称得较完善者已有四十余种。在中国,恐怕了四十余种名着的,除了林先生外,到现在还不曾有过一个人呀。所以我们对于林先生这种劳苦的工作是应该十二分的感谢的。 在那些可以称得较完善的四十余种中,如西万提司的《魔侠传》,狄更司的《贼史》,《孝女耐儿传》等,史各德之《撒克奄后英雄略》等,都可以算得很好的本。沈雁冰先生曾对我说,《撒克奄后英雄略》,除了几个小错处外,颇能保存原文的情调,文中的人物也描写得与原文中的人物一模一样,并无什么变更。 离开他的的本身的价值不谈,林先生的工作在当时也有很大的影响与功绩,其最大的是: 中国近二十年作小说者之多,差不多可以说大都受林先生的感化与影响的。即创作小说者也十分的受林先生的影响。小说的旧体裁,由林先生而打破,欧洲作家史各德、狄更司、华盛顿·欧文、大仲马、小仲马诸人的姓名也因林先生而始为中国人所认识。① 其次,再让我们来看一看茅盾又是多么细致地分析、比较、评论《简爱》的两种本的。一本是伍光建的《孤女飘零记》,一本是李霁野的《简爱》。茅盾一开始便摘引了原文第一章的头两段来评比:There was no possibility of taking a walk that day. We had been wandering, indeed, in the leafless shrubbery an hour in the morning; but since dinner(Mrs. Reed,when there was no company, dined early)the cold winter wind had brought with it clouds so sombre,and rain so penetrating,that further outdoor exercise was out of the question。 (伍)那一天是不能出门散步的了。当天的早上,我们在那已经落叶的小丛树堆里溜过有一点钟了;不料饭后(李特太太,没得客人来,吃饭是早的,)刮起各大的寒风,满天都是乌云。又落雨,是绝不能出门运动的了。 (李)那一大是没有散步的可能了。不错,早晨我们已经在无叶的丛林中漫游过一点钟了,但是午饭之后--在没有客人的时候,里德夫人是早早吃饭的--寒冷的冬风刮来这样阴沉的云,和这样侵人的雨,再做户外运动是不可能的了。 茅盾指出,这两段文都是直,但有一同中之异,即李是尽可能地移了原文的句法的。如果细较量起来,我们应当说李更为"字对字";第二句中间的"indeed"一字,两个助词"so"以及"penetrating"一字,在伍是省过了。然而这是小节。如果我们将这两段文读着读着,回过去再读原文,我们就不能不承认李泽更近于原文那种柔美的情调。伍的第二句后半,"刮起冬天的寒风,满天都是乌云,又落雨,是绝不能出门运动了,"诚然明快,可是我们总觉得缺少了委婉。而所以然之故,我以为是和依照原文的句法与否有关。又原文中之"the cold winter wind had brought With it… "一段,李亦比伍更为"字对字",而且更为妥贴。除了'这样阴沉的云,和这样侵人的雨"在字面上也比"满天都是乌云,又落雨"更为切合原文而外,"寒冷的冬风刮来……"云云也比"刮起冬天的寒风"更合原文的意思;而这,也足因为伍要避去欧化句法,所以这半句就不能"组织"的恰好。否则,这半句并不怎样难,以伍先生的才一定能得很妥贴的。② 再来比较原书第一章的第二段:I was glad of it: I never liked long walks, especially on chilly afternoons,dreadful to me was the coming home In the raw twilight,with nipped fingers and toes,and a heart saddened by the chidings of Bessie, the nurse, and humbled by consciousness of my physical inferiority to liza, John, and Georgiana Reed. (伍)这我却很欢喜:我不愿意走远路,尤其是遇着跟冷的下午,薄暮寒光中,散步归来,手脚的冰冷,奶奶贝西的臭骂,已经够我害怕,而我的身体的孱弱,比不上伊里西,左珍纳,约翰他们三个,更使我自惭形秽了。 (李)这是我高兴的:我从来不喜欢长的散步,尤其在冷的下午:手指和足趾都冻坏,怀着被保姆毕西骂得忧伤的心,觉得身体不如以利沙,约翰,和乔治安那里德而受着委曲,在湿冷的黄昏回家,在我看来是可怕的。 这一段一长句,因为原文的句法的关系,颇难得好。原文的"dreadful to me"直贯句尾,李移装在句本,好是好的,但文字稍觉累赘。伍移在句中("已经够我害怕"),我以为比较明快。自然,倘使我们逐字对照起来,伍是省去了若干字的;"我不愿意走远路"中间略去了"从来"(never),"手指和足趾"简略为"手脚","被保姆毕西骂得忧伤的心"简略为"奶妈贝西的臭骂",--这都是。 但是通读全句,我还是喜欢伍。我以为伍此句的神韵很好。"薄暮寒光中散步归来"似乎比"在湿冷的黄昏回家"多些韵味,而"humbled by the consciousness of my physical inferiority to…"伍的比较自由的成语(把humbled by the consciousness of为“自惭形秽”,我亦觉得比李的"觉得身体不如……而受着委曲"似乎更见熨贴。 比较这一段的两种文,颇有意思。第一,此句的伍实在比第一段更为切近直,这证明了直法的不容怀疑;第二,这又证明了直法如果太拘泥于"字对字",便容易流为死板,使文缺少了神韵;太拘泥于"字对字",往往会变成死,--这跟直有相当的距离。久历此句加添了些意义。"已经够我害怕"的一个"够"字,和"更使我自惭形秽"的"更"字,--这两字在文中是互相呼应的,然而把原文的语气太加重了;我以为"更"字可以换为"也"字。 看,茅盾对两种本的评论是多么公.毫无成见,是则是之,非则非之,动机是与人为善,措词是委婉中肯,绝无哗众取宠之意,更无损人利己之心。评论的目的,乃是总结的宝贵经验,从而促进我国事业的个断发展。 前辈在外国文学评论面,早已给我们树立了光辉的榜样。 接受批评,毫无疑问,是更加困难的一个面,前辈中也不难找到永久值得效法的楷模。他就足中国现代文学史上伟人旗手鲁迅,他虚心接受批评意见的事实,大量存在于他同翟秋白关于问题的通讯中。例如鲁秋白先生对于地重的法捷耶夫《毁灭》,根据俄文提出九点商榷,他都欣然同意,回信说:"如来信所举的例,我都可以承认比我得更'达',也可以推定并且更'信',对于读者和者,都有很大的益处"。③ 在外国文学评论面,甚至在接受批评面,都有前辈树立了卓越的榜样和楷模。但统观半个世纪以上的外国文学评论,似乎还同外国文学的发展不相适应,没有做到相辅相成,同步前进。不仅没有形成一个健康发展的为文学事业服务的面军,而且还出现或"左'或右的现象。所谓"左",典型的表现见五十年代出版的《通报》。北京《通报》编辑委员会..一..出版了《通报》第一卷~期;..--..出版了第二卷~期;..--..出版了~期(期为特大号);..出版了一月号;二月号因故休刊。直到此刻为止,《通报吨理论研究和外国文学介绍与评论面做出了自己应有的贡献。经过年月的作刊整顿,三月号便以配合三反运动的严峻面目出现,例如三月号首篇文章,便是题为《展开界的三反运动》的动员报告.紧接着就是检举和斗争,并在批评栏中开始点名批判已经相当有名气的一些家。到了四月号,旗帜就更加鲜明了,大字通栏标题则三反运动中界的批评与自我批评特辑》,接着分《自我批评之部》和《批评之部》。一些名家在《自我》部和《批》部相继被点名批判和作检查。五、六两月号仍为特辑,检讨和批判仍在继续进行,不过其火药味已开始有所减弱,好端端的《通报》他就跟着三反运动的结束而停刊。 不容讳言,当时界少数人确实存在着抢、滥、剽窃,甚至作"中间把头"等等恶劣现象,严重的可作三反对象清查处理。但绝大多数家,虽然工作中存在着这样那样的缺点,仍然见有所不为的,在专辑中所发表的"批判"和"检讨",究竟有多少符合真学术意义上的"批评"与"自我批评",自己信服也让人信服,恐怕需做进一步的研讨和商榷,很难盖棺论定。 所谓"右",表现在前几年对于黄色或接近黄色的书刊的放之任之,无人过问、那几年,学术着作和严肃的文学市场,已被蚕食殆尽,但外国文学批评界则然若寒蝉,无敢挺身而出者致使黄色泛滥,臭气熏天。 如何健康地开展常的外国文学的评论工作呢? 我认为,第一,评论有两个任务:一是奖善,一是罚恶,而前者应为其主要任务。所谓奖善,是向读者介绍推荐善佳,使他们有所欣赏和借鉴。所谓罚恶,是分析批判那些诲淫诲盗或错误百出的品,使读者知所警惕,免得继续受害。 第二,评论法应当是宏观和微观的结合。如是善佳,首先应从宏观的即文学的观点评论~下者是否重现或者切合或者接近了原文的风格,其次应从微观即语言学的观点,研究文是怎样利用语言特点来体现原文的风格的。为了使读者容易理解,自然免不掉要举些实例、同例、句例以及段例,如是劣、坏,亦应宏微结合,首先评论一本原着本身的文学价值如何,社会效益如何,其次应毫不留情地指出者的粗制滥造错误百出的实例。 第三,要想常地开展评论工作,还必须有个调节机构。建议由《中国》编辑部和人民文学出版社编辑部为"外国文学评论联合调节部",一则两部都有强大的编辑力量,二是舆论反应出版信息比较灵通,除掉本身有力量及时撰写发表有分量的评论,还可组约与自己有联系的者动笔撰写。此外,文学出版社还有能力肩负以优代劣的任务,那就是,一发现一部值得的作品被得不堪入目,除及时撰文予以严厉批评外,文学社有义务也有能力马上组织胜任者重出版。只有采取这种双管齐下的补求办法,才能使坏劣逐步退出市场。 第四、批评者应有象郑振铎、茅盾前辈等那种实事求是的科学态度,切忌意气用事,攻其一点,不及其余;而受批评者应有鲁迅那样的虚怀若谷的精神,对的就应该接受,不断地提高自己。如果自以为了不起,"老子天下第一",老虎屁股摸不得,其结果只能是自己受害。 ①参着郑振铎《林琴南先生》,《中国文学研究》下册,作家出版社,年版。 ②参看茅盾《简爱的两个本》,《文》年新卷第期。 ③李季《鲁迅对于工作的贡献人《通报}年月。

120 评论


Aimee HowellMs. PorebaWorld LiteratureMay 25, 2004Is Jane Eyre a role model for young girls? Jane Eyre is thought, to some, to be one of the greatest romance novels of all time. Jane Eyre was published in the mid-1800s, which dampens on the aspect of how sexual the book can get and how raunchy it cannot get. The relationship between Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester is said to be an “unconditional love story”(back cover of book). I believe that this novel makes a young girl, like me, think that everything can turn out like a fairytale. It leads you to believe that if you are in love that everything will work out. Jane Eyre gives the false impression that you don’t have to work hard to be wealthy and you can always count on a rich uncle or marrying a rich man. This book shows that women do not have any good qualities except having rich ties. This leads on to the fact that I have nothing in common with Jane Eyre besides that facts that we are both female and follow Christian teachings. Jane Eyre’s experiences were very unfortunate but not uncommon. Jane Eyre complains that people did not like her, but not everyone is going to like you, that is how life is. Mrs. Reed treated her very poorly like she was not a little girl who had feelings. She always took her own children’s side over Jane’s, in a dispute. I do feel bad for Jane because she is an orphan and the fact that she is living with a woman and her children, who would not have cared less whether she lived or died. Also, Jane's conflict with Mr. Brocklehurst, when he put her on a pedestal and falsely accused her of being a liar, should had made her want to overcome the trap that he set for her. These situations should have given her the leverage to want to show those people that she is more than just an orphan slave child. For instance, when somebody tells me that I am not capable of doing something, it motivates me to prove them that I am more than I seem. In my opinion, life’s struggles give you a ladder to climb on to reach an even higher success. Jane’s relationship with Mr. Rochester is much more complicated. It seems as though Mr. Rochester had some trouble expressing his feelings toward Ms. Jane Eyre. For instance, when Jane asked him for time off to visit Mrs. Reed, he plays a money tug-of-war and says to her “You little niggard! Refusing me a pecuniary request! Give me five pounds, Jane” (228). The fact that Jane refused to give the money back to Mr. Rochester shows one of the only times when Jane actually stands up for herself. As a young woman reading Jane Eyre, situations like this are teaching me to disobey my elders and are giving the impression that I can only stand up for myself when the argument is petty. If I were in that situation and it was my own money, I would have answered just like Jane, instead of being completely rude. But since it is Mr. Rochester’s money (no matter what portion fulfilled her wages), I would have politely told him that I need some form of money for my trip to Gateshead and would have accepted his answer, whatever it was. This is another reason why Jane and I are so different. “I have had more trouble with that child than any one would believe…I wish she had died”(235) Mrs. Reed had said. But instead of speaking what she really felt, Jane Eyre just answered back nonchalantly “A strange wish, Mrs. Reed: why do you hate her so?”(235). I was very disappointed with Jane’s answer. I know that a form of sympathy should be portrayed in this type of predicament, but Jane is facing the same lady, who made her life miserable and continued to tell her that she was inferior to her own kids, deathbed or not. Jane told Mrs. Reed before she left to go to Lowood, that she hated her, so I do not understand why she would give such a cowardly answer, now. Hearing anybody say that they wished you were dead is a very serious request. It is not something that you just hear and let go. I think that Mrs. Reed, delirious or not, is a very selfish woman. She was upset because her husband used to give Jane more attention than his own children. Jane did not have any parents, so I believe that Mr. Reed was trying to fill a gap in her heart that could never really be filled. If I were Jane, I would have spoken my mind. The way Jane reacted portrays to young girls that people can treat them horribly and they are not supposed to do anything about it. In conclusion, I think that should have acted very differently in each one of these situations. I was also dissatisfied and frustrated with the way that the book ended. It seems as though Bronte just needed a way for Jane’s life to turn into the perfect fairytale. I was very upset because the reason she left St. John and his marriage proposal was because she heard Mr. Rochester cry her name in the wind, from so far away. And when she arrived back at Thornfield, there was a fire, which Mr. Rochester’s wife died in and he was left with only partial eyesight. Then they get married, she romantically nurses him back to health, and they live happily ever after. Now back to reality! This is all too unbelievable! After reading Jane Eyre, I don not feel that she can be called “one of the most unforgettable heroines of all time” (back cover of book). She has not proved that she is an independent woman. A heroine should teach young girls that love is something that all should have the chance to experience but not to go searching for it or revolving your life around it.Steven HugginsEnglish Lit.Period 2Miss LoockBo Duke and Ed Rochester: Similar or Different? When taking two completely different people, sometimes it can seem easy to tell their differences. Sometimes, it can also seem hard to tell find their similarities. It can always be easy to see things like appearance or looks, but what about looking deeper into a person when comparing and contrasting them? For example, Bo Duke from The Duke’s of Hazard and Edward Rochester from Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre. These two people can look like they have nothing in common, but when looking deeper, many areas can easily be seen that people can compare in, like their job, or even some thing like their attitude. Although looking at Mr. Rochester’s appearance against the appearance of Bo Duke from “Dukes of Hazard,” immediately, the two people have nothing in common, looking deeper though, they have some similarities.For one thing, Rochester has a numerous amount of money, and he dresses like it. On the other hand, Bo Duke wears a shirt and jeans that he can hood-slide in over his Charger named “The General Lee.” When it comes to their job or occupation, they compare closely because neither of them really do anything. Rochester owns Thornfield hall, while Bo Duke has a job but does not really do it ever or at all. Supposedly he works as a deliveryman for milk with his brother Luke Duke, but they hardly ever deliver their milk. Also, they can compare the two people to each other by looking at their attitude or how they act. For example, Mr. Rochester has a lot of money and he acts like it. Sometimes he can forget about manners and politeness around Jane to accomplish more directness and to the point with her. While Bo Duke can have politeness if he has to but it rarely happens. As Willie Nelson says in his song “Good Old Boys,” he says, “Just the good old boys, never meanin’ no harm.” They do not mean to do harm to people, but they do not want to go to jail either, they try to show politeness and manners sometimes. The appearance of Mr. Rochester and Bo Duke has merely no comparison. Mr. Rochester has no shortage of money and has all he wants, and he wears expensive clothes. Rochester wears the same things that any rich person wears. On the contrary to the appearance of Mr. Rochester, Bo Duke wears a big collard shirt, big belt buckle and a cowboy hat. Looking only at this, the two guys do not seem anything alike, but more comparing and contrasting still needs to happen between the two people.Another example of the difference in appearance between Rochester and Bo Duke is that Mr. Rochester keeps his personal hygiene up to date. Mr. Rochester cleans up and never seems to smell that bad or have the need to clean up. Different from Rochester, Bo Duke seems to need to clean up, and he seems like a scraggly person that seems too busy to keep his personal hygiene clean at all.Other than their job or their occupation, there are many ways to compare them. Mr. Rochester married into a rich family without knowing the person that he was marrying. They call this crazy woman Bertha Mason. Mr. Rochester married her because he was told that she was normal and rich. It turns out that she only has an abundance of money, and he ends up locking her in the attic and keeping the money for himself and using it for the workers and the house because he works as the Master of Thornfield and he takes charge of the house and what goes on in it and what happens to it.While Mr. Rochester has an abundance of money from Bessie, Bo Duke does not have that much money. Bo actually does have a job delivering crates full of milk jugs to people, but him and his brother Luke Duke spend more time doing illegal things, than delivering their milk. Working as the master of a large amount of land is not really a job because Rochester owns it, but does not work it. Bo Duke does have a job though, but he does not do it, therefore, him and his family do not have a large amount of income. He has to live off the support of the rest of his family and he can only take care of General Lee, because he knows a mechanic that works in Hazard County.Finally, Bo Duke and Mr. Rochester have mostly different attitudes. For example, Mr. Rochester has politeness most of the time, but when he speaks with Jane, his attitude suddenly changes. Bo Duke seems to know how to act when it comes to attitude. He shows politeness most of the time but he instantly changes when he runs from the cops’. Mr. Rochester does not fall into trouble with the law until the wedding where he almost marries Jane, until Mr. Mason informs all of the people that Mr. Rochester has already married Bertha Mason. This puts Mr. Rochester into a difficult position because it is against the law to have two wives, even if Bertha has been tagged as legally insane. When Bo Duke causes harms or breaks the law, he does not mean to. They mean for the best when they do things. Mr. Rochester also has a passionate personality. He cares overwhelmingly for the people that he loves and cares for. Bo Duke also acts passionate to people, although not as much. He acts polite when it comes to everyday things, but when he runs from the police, he changes completely. Looking back on the appearance, occupation, and attitude, people can see obviously that in some ways, Bo Duke and Mr. Rochester do have some similarities, but in most ways, they show that they are two completely different people with two very different personalities and lifestyles. Their appearance looks different because Rochester has a bundle of money and keeps his appearance clean, and the other does not have money and does not stay clean cut or dress richly. They have similar jobs because neither of them do anything for their jobs. Bo Duke has a job, but he does not do it. Mr. Rochester works as the Master of Thornfield, but that does not require much work. Their attitudes do not seem all that different though. Although Rochester has a good and polite personality most of the time, he sometimes forgets about his manners with Jane and he can speak directly and get to the point with Jane. Bo Duke acts polite most of the time too, but when he has the cops on his tail, he changes completely. These two guys may look very similar, but they can also be very different.

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