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从专业论文的角度来看,建议你的论文题目改为:基于亚运商机的广州旅游营销策略研究The Study on the Marketing Strategy of Guangzhou's Tourism: In the View of the Asian Games 供参考。

243 评论


1.Phillip. Kotler: "Marketing Management", Shanghai People's Publishing House 2003 2. Ji: "Marketing Guide", published by Renmin University of China, 1989 3. Michael. Porter: "competitive advantage", Huaxia Publishing House 2001 4. Hoang steel made: "Marketing", the Shanghai Financial Publishing 2003 5. Tai Wang: "Marketing in China", Guangzhou Publishing House, 2001 Edition 6. Lan Ling, editor-in-chief "of Marketing", the Central Radio and Television University Press 7. Wu and: "Marketing", Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Publishing House 2002 8.song xiaomin: "marketing case examples and analysis," Wuhan University Press, 1992 9.qu yunbo: "marketing strategy planning," China Business Press, 1994 10. Mr Chan Kin-ping, such as: "Planning and design planning book" The Chinese People's University Press .2002 11. Li: "planning Wang," Capital University of Economics Press, 199712.kotler ,Armstrong Principles of Marketing (9th ed),prentice-Hall,inc,2001 13. Philip Kotler Marketing Management (10th ed), prentice-Hall,inc,2000 14. Payne,A.chritopher,M.and Peck,H.(1998)Relationship Mketing For Competitive.Oxford,CIM/Butterworth-Heinemaan.15. Perreault,McCarthy.Basic Marketing (12th ed),Richard D Irwin 1996 16. Warren J.Keegan.Global Marketing Management (5th ed) prentice-Hall,inc,1995 17. Valued Prduct Attributes in an Emerging Market-A Comparison Between French and Malaysian Consumers 18. Executive Insights-Global Marketing Management-at the Dawn of the New Millennium 19. Global standardization as a success formula for marketing in central eastern Europe 20. Heterogeneity of regional trading blocs and global marketing strategies 21. IssuesofProductStandardisationintheLeisureIndustry 22. Lessons for pan-European marketing 1.Phillip 。科特勒: “营销管理” ,上海人民出版社2003年 2 。姬: “市场营销指南” ,出版了中国人民大学, 1989年 3 。迈克尔。波特: “竞争优势” ,华夏出版社2001年 4 。黄钢: “市场营销” ,上海财经出版社2003年 5 。邰洼嗯: “市场营销在中国” ,广州出版社, 2001年版 6 。兰陵,主编“市场营销” ,中央广播电视大学出版社 7 。吴: “市场营销” ,上海财经大学出版社2002年 8.song筱敏: “市场营销案例分析” ,武汉大学出版社, 1992 9.qu云波: “营销战略规划, ”中国商务出版社, 1994年 10 。陈建平,如: “规划和设计规划出版的”中国人民大学出版社0.2002 11 。李: “规划王, ”资本经济大学出版社, 1997年 12.kotler ,阿姆斯特朗市场营销原理(第9版) ,普伦蒂斯大厅,公司, 2001年 13 。菲利普科特勒营销管理(第10版) ,普伦蒂斯大厅,公司, 2000年 14 。佩恩, A.chritopher , M.and派克阁下( 1998年)的关系Mketing Competitive.Oxford ,计算机集成制造/布特沃斯- Heinemaan 。 15 。 Perreault , McCarthy.Basic营销(第12版) , 1996年理查德欧文 16 。沃伦J.Keegan.Global营销管理(第5版)普伦蒂斯大厅,公司, 1995年 17 。策划的价值属性的新兴市场,比较法国和马来西亚的消费者 18 。执行Insights的全球市场营销管理,在新千年来临之际 19 。全球标准化是一个成功的公式营销中东欧 20 。异质性的区域贸易集团和全球市场营销战略 21 。 IssuesofProductStandardisationintheLeisureIndustry 22 。教训泛欧市场

272 评论


A Comprehensive Discussion of Marketing Strategy of Guangzhou Tourism Based on the Holding of the Asian Games

350 评论


this thesis sets the famous historical and cultural city Zhou as example, which was also the hometown of mencius. introductions of the current travelling conditions and a comprehensive analysis of the tourism problems in Zhou city are focused in the content. what's more, at the end of this article, the ordinary marketing strategies are given on the the following aspects about tourism of chinese historical and culural city : the image of tourism marketing, the marketing combination of tourism products, the promotion channel of tourism ,the tourism maketing subsection and the tourism promotion activity.(自己翻译的,可能一部份专业名词不是很准确,你看看,我想你应该有参考资料的.) :)

132 评论


Analysis of Marketing Strategies of Heilongjiang Tourism 应该说这个应该是非常好的了 楼上犀利 学到了东西 在此我也感谢

153 评论


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