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《Simulation-based optimization of process control policies for inventory management in supply chains》Jay D. Schwartz等, (2006) 1311 – 1320,Automatica 42 《Inventory management under market size dynamics》Tava Lennon Olsen等,October 2008, pp. 1805–1821,MANAGEMENT SCIENCE发了以上两篇。

335 评论


你好: 请问你的区域分化,货物分类,票示卡,先进先出都做到位了吗?

143 评论


这本来是中文的..很难找,你写没有也好..In the domestic financial liberalization, internationalization and the diversification of such securities under the influence of trends, financial management (Financial Management) has become operational needs of the important part is also a subject of great interest to managers. Very wide scope of financial management, mainly for investment management, finance management, operational management, operations management, including cash management, liquidity management, accounts receivable management and inventory management, inventory management, which (Inventory Management) for the current business the most attention; by the famous Moore's Law (Moore's Law), will focus on electronic computation of the components shrink in the chip, the progress in technology, making computing power will double every 18 months, it led to high-tech product life cycle is too short, a new products sales boom often only 3 to 9 months, so inventory management becomes more important. Inventories are in balance sheet liquidity, however, to inventory management point of view, but the cost of inventory backlog is not the assets, inventory shortage although it may be unable to meet customer demand, the loss of part of the order; However, the backlog of excess inventory of company funds will be the other 35, according to domestic accounting standards, asset impairment assessment bulletin, if the product will be an immediate impact for the sluggish corporate profit or loss.

358 评论


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