不是SCI,是一本美国科学出版社出版的普通期刊ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT FOCUS is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed international research journal consolidating research activities in all experimental and theoretical aspects of energy and environment with an interdisciplinary approach. The research topics include the preparation and characterization of advanced functional materials and their utilization in various energy and environmental applications, to name a few; fuel cells, batteries, solar cells, light emitting diodes, solar cells, optoelectronic devices, thermoelectric, clean energy, bio-fuels and bio-refineries, supercapacitors, hydrogen energy (storage and generation), geothermal energy, nanogenerators, self-powered devices and systems, catalysis, biomass and bioenergy, static and dynamic energy conversion; energy efficiency and management, nuclear energy, fossil fuels, geothermal, wind energy, electrolysis, and photothermal devices, environmental science and technology (environmental chemistry, physics biology and engineering) including climate change, greenhouse gases and global warming, ecology, environmental toxicology, industrial wastewater and sewage treatment, geosciences, atmospheric, terrestrial and aquatic environments, pollution and environmental control, hazardous substances, radioactive contamination, noise pollution, effects of air, water, and soil contaminations on human health, environmental public health policies, soil environmental management and technologies, environmental policies, rules and regulations, conservation of natural resources, and all aspects of theoretical modeling related with energy and environment.
这是关于风力发电的,只是一部分,如果你要可以给我邮箱,我可以把完整的发给你With the advance in wind turbine technologies, the cost of wind energybecomes competitive with other fuel-based generation resources. Due to the price hike of the fossil fuel and the concern of the global warming, the development of wind power has rapidly progressed over the last decade. The annual growth rate of the wind generation installation has exceeded 26% since 1990s. Many countries have set goal for high penetration levels of wind generations. Recently, several large-scale wind generation projects have been implemented all over the world. It is economically beneficial to integrate very large amounts of wind capacity in power systems. Unlike other traditional generation facilities, using wind turbines present technical challenges in producing continuous and controllable electric power. The distinct feature of the wind energy is its nature of “intermittent”. Since it is difficult to predict and control the output of the wind generation, its potential impacts on the electric grid are different from the traditional energy sources. At high penetration level, an extra fast response reserve capacity is needed to cover shortfall of generation when a sudden deficit of wind takes place. However, this requires capital investment and infrastructure improvement. To enable a proper management of the uncertainty, this study presents an approach to make wind power become a more reliable source on both energy and capacity by using energy storage devices. Combining the wind power generation system with energy storage will reduce fluctuation of wind power. Since it requires capital investment for the storage system, it is important to estimate reasonable storage capacities for desired applications. In addition, energy storage application for reducing the output variation and improving the dynamic stability during the gust wind and severe fault are also studied
首先,ASCE(美国土木工程师协会)旗下的期刊一般认可度都比较高。官方网站给出的期刊列表如下当然还有Elsevier, wiley旗下期刊等等下面开始分小类介绍:1.Materials:Cement and Concrete Research(Elsevier):几乎是水泥材料方向最顶级的期刊Cement Concrete Composites(Elsevier)Construction and Building Materials(Elsevier)Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering(ASCE)Journal of Composites for Construction(ASCE)Corrosion Science(Elsevier, 非常出色的专业期刊,也有一些水泥钢筋腐蚀的文章) Composite Science and Technology (Elsevier, 复合材料方向认可度很高的专业杂志)2.Wind EngineeringJournal of Fuild Mechanics(CAMBRIDGE UNIV. PRESS):流体方向顶级。Physical Review Letter(AIP, 偏物理,物理方向顶级)Journal of Fuilds and Structures(Elsevier)Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics(Elsevier)Experiments in Fuilds (Springer)Computers & Fuilds (Elsevier, 偏计算) Wind and Structures(Korea Science)3.Structural EngineeringJounal of Briage Engineering(ASCE)Journal of Structual Engineering(ASCE)Journal of Engineering Mechanics(ASCE)Journal of Construction Steel Research(Elsevier)Structural Engineering and Mechanics(Korea Science)4.Health MonitoringStructural Control and Health Monitoring(Wiley)Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring(Springer)Structural Health Monitoring-An International Journal(SAGE)Journal of Sound and vibration (Elsevier, 做健康监测经常做一些波的工作)IEEE Sensor Journal (IEEE)5.Geotechnical EngineeringGeotechnique(ICE)International Journal of Geomechanics(ASCE)Soil dynamic and Earthquake Engineering(Elsevier)Jounal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering(ASCE)Soils and Foundations(Elsevier)6. 小众方向Journal of cold region engineering(ASCE, 冻土,寒区工程)Cold region science and technology(Elsevier, 冻土,寒区工程)Jounal of intelligent materials and system (SAGE,智能材料与系统)
说好9月的刊期,却迟迟没有收到出刊的消息,作者不禁开始着急,甚至胡思乱想,怀疑自己是不是遇上了。但其实,可能只是因为 刊物延期 了。 可能导致刊物延期的原