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老师提问论文一般都是从你的毕业论文的主题中提问的:主要从三个方面提问:1、论文中主要概念出现模糊或者没写清楚地地方,一般老师看过一眼都能迅速发现你的弱项,这个时候即使问到了自己不懂得,不要和老师争,自己先诚恳的说明自己论文的失误之处,老师都会理解。2、对论文的整体框架的认知。一般自己写的论文这个都比较清晰,老师也只是看下你的思路是否清晰。3、对你的创新之处的观点或者方法的提问。一般答辩团队是有五个老师组成,并不是所有的老师都熟悉你论文的观点或者认同你的观点。这个时候就需要你的解释。 总之,论文答辩就是一个纠错大会,只要自己态度诚恳,论文没有大的失误,都可以顺利通过。

124 评论



126 评论


1.This is a middle-class young beautiful woman and a rich young men's love story.This is Jane Austen for their vision of an end of what happened.2.Because of Mr.. Bennet are the love of money, she thought as long as the rich can have a good life.3.Have answered, Mrs. Bennet and the love of money.4.Mrs. Bennet is a full-time housewife and not professional.5.IT is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. However little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighbourhood, this truth is so well fixed in the minds ofthe surrounding families, that he is considered as the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters.这是一个举世公认的真理,一个单一的人拥有万贯家财的必定需要个妻子。然而鲜为人知的情感或观点的这样一个人可以在他第一次进入一个社区,这条真理却固定在周围人们的心里根深蒂固,他被认为是应得的财产或其他的一些人他们的女儿。6.He is a wise rational silence and respect other people。7.They together for thirty years or so, Mr. Bennet favorite second daughter, Elizabeth, he think that she is unique in the world.8.This novel through the five bennet daughters treated for different treatment, shown township middle-class family background of girls different attitudes to marriage love problem, and thus reflects the author's marriage: to property, money and position and the marriage is wrong; The marriage does not take into account the above factors also stupid. Therefore, she opposes for money and marriage, also opposes the marriage lightly. She stressed the importance of ideal marriage, and the feelings of both men and women as concluded the cornerstone of ideal marriage.Not five daughters are married and you ask the question obviously haven't read the novel and film95 version of the film is basically in conformity with the novel, beautiful scenery, it is highly recommended., suggest you see discussion later.

148 评论



100 评论


最常见的,会问你为什么选这个题目,对这个题目有什么理解,这个论文你的个人见解是什么,你的写作思路,你知道把论文多看几遍就行了,尤其是每一节的题目。答辩不用紧张,一般不会出现因为答辩难为你的事,毕竟四年都念了,能让你答辩不过吗?甚至有时候你英语解释不出来,可以跟老师说Can I speak in Chinese?因为对于本科生来说,学术的东西不可能那么懂,文学也是。一般的老师都会理解的。尤其答辩时候的老师大多都是教授,人家会难为你一个学生吗。放心吧,不会的。我们答辩时候有个同学口语特不好,遇到了院长,哈哈大家都以为他死定了,结果院长都让过了。没事的,放心。

233 评论



249 评论


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