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毕业论文封面格式要求页面设置:页边距上2.8cm,下2.5cm、左3.0cm(装订线:2.5cm)、右2.5cm、页脚1.5cm;封面格式设置字体:四号宋体、居中、指导师签名必须手写。论文封面格式:题目:姓名:宋体 小三 居中学号:学院:专业:指导老师:协助指导老师:年 月 日 宋体 小三 居中毕业论文封面格式要求页面设置:页边距上2.8cm,下2.5cm、左3.0cm(装订线:2.5cm)、右2.5cm、页脚1.5cm;封面格式设置字体:四号宋体、居中、指导师签名必须手写论文封面说明:1.封面纸张:学校统一要求2.封面内容与格式:xxxxx只能写题目、姓名、学号、班级栏等内容,姓名、学号、内容水平方向需要做一定的调整,使内容在相应的位置居中3.其他要求:毕业论文要拟写规范如和用word编辑封面?一、先建立一张空白的word,双击打开,在里面输入"学样信息、题目、学院、专业、学生姓名、学号、指导师、年月日"等。二、将选中部分文字居左显示,在“视图”选项选择“标尺”按钮,打开当标尺,拖动标尺调整选中部分文字的位置三、下面划横线,一次点击【插入】-【形状】选择直线四、按住shift,根据自己所需要绘制的长度线段,按住crtl复制刚才所绘制完成的直线五、封面就完成了论文的封面是给阅读教师第一眼所看到的,为此这个格式是不能错的。---------------拓展资料毕业论文(graduation study),按一门课程计,是普通中等专业学校、高等专科学校、本科院校、高等教育自学考试本科及研究生学历专业教育学业的最后一个环节,为对本专业学生集中进行科学研究训练而要求学生在毕业前总结性独立作业、撰写的论文。

322 评论


毕业论文格式“封面”样式编号xxxxxx大学毕 业 论 文课题名称学生姓名学 号专 业班 级指导教师2004 年 月“目录”样式Reflection on Chomsky’s Idealization of LanguageI. IntroductionII. DemonstrationA. Language as a concrete system of signs, has its own significance in the context of society.1. Language is a system.2.The conventionalization of language.B. Language as a social institution, is born with society. It develops and interacts with the society.1. Communicative function of language.2. Language evolves hand in hand with the society.a.Influences from the society upon language.1) Macrolinguistic perceptive2) Microlinguistic perceptiveb.Influences from language upon society1) Interaction between language and society2) Social factors and linguistic researchIII. Conclusion“英、中文摘要、关键词”样式AbstractThis paper begins with a brief introduction to Chomsky’s methodology of idealization in linguistic research. Although the idealization in physical research from which Chomsky’s idealization deprives can still keep natural laws’ validity, the author points out Chomsky’s idealization is not accessible. The key point lies in the exclusion of social factors in his research. Then the author demonstrates the reason why Chomsky’s exclusion of social factors is not accessible from two aspects: (1) Language is a concrete system of signs. (2)Language is a social institution. Only in the context of society are these features significant and integrate, can language bear its form and forward its development and keep up the interaction with the society. Therefore instead of “being idealized” out of linguistic research, social factors should be regarded as the base of the research. Otherwise the object of the research will be totally changed and the research itself will be misguided. As for what factors can be temporarily idealized without changing language’s fundamental features? This is a question worth our further study in the future.摘要:本文从Chomsky在语言学研究过程中所采用的理想化模式入手,认为Chomsky为了使研究变得简单,便将与语言关系紧密的社会因素摒除在研究范围之外,这是一种不可取的理想模式。接下来本文从两个主要方面阐述了理想化模式不可取的原因:一是语言作为一种符号系统,只有在社会的环境下才能具有完整的意义。二是语言作为一种社会结构,无论是它的产生还是发展过程,都在不断地和社会发生着相互作用。故而只要是研究语言学,我们就不能将社会因素“理想化”。至于什么因素可以暂时不予考虑,这仍有待进一步的研究。关键词: 理想化,符号系统,社会结构,语言与社会的相互作用

337 评论


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