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With the development of IT technology, business to the increasingly rapid pace of change to the network, and now we have entered the information age, speed has become our constant pursuit of direction. For each enterprise essential to marketing departments in order to advance the pace of change even more in, people began to network marketing transformation.Some experts said that in the Internet age of today's Internet Marketing will soon replace the traditional marketing methods and become the main theme of the market. Because people can see the advantages of the network marketing, in-house, departments, and between all departments of the Internet to share information, but also shorten the time for the transmission of information. Thus greatly improving the efficiency of the computer above the company can build up a database, there are customers inside the basic information and consumer information records and is conducive to the implementation of one-on-one marketing, for better customer service. At the same time also allow customers to feel he is very business-to-the mind, increase customer loyalty and sales network for the same very attractive, it may omit many brokers, such as wholesalers, distributors, retailers and even And to directly face the customer. Thus greatly reduce the cost, the enterprise's products more competitive to achieve greater sales, and more importantly is able to get the fastest rate of customer feedback to enable enterprises to adapt to market the product more demand due to enterprises Always walk in the forefront of the market.Some experts say that may be. Network marketing is some advantage, but his shortcomings but can not be ignored. Network can get market information faster, but the network sales increase sales but can not agree with. They believe that this network has only the most cutting-edge things. Most people have not accepted this approach. It is also not in the habit of online shopping, the things on these virtual lack of trust, they believe that the reality is quite the thing. Life, if I bought What is the problem with the quality of things you can find manufacturers directly, or find a vendor, and will soon receive a response. I do not know that the Internet can be the Whom do I contact, how to find, when a reply » Some say things simply do not fit in online sales, production companies such as Coca-Cola drinks, I Xianghe when casually into stores or supermarkets which can be bought, it has more convenient, however, how to simplify the sales process? » Everyone knows that there is no need of. If you get the trust of customers, to the extent possible, satisfy the customer, then I think the most effective way is not to reduce costs, as long as you in every corner of the world placed on Coke, so that people no matter what time any place as long as the wish to Drink will be able to see it and that is the biggest customer satisfaction, not only reduce costs but forgot the more important in the market.Network development is fast, according to the computer penetration rate is now to complete the transition to the network also needs a long time, not to mention to our Chinese enterprises. Network marketing is a great potential, but also可要not fully developed, the traditional marketing methods will still dominate, the network marketing soon replace the traditional marketing is not realistic. Perhaps the best marketing is not marketing, not traditional marketing, I think they can complement each other, Gequ director, perhaps the most promising is the best way of marketing it.中文随着IT技术的发展,企业以越来越快的速度向网络化转变,现在我们已经进入了信息时代,速度更成了我们不断追求的方向。而对于每个企业必不可少的市场营销部门在以更超前的速度转变着,人们开始向网络营销转化。有的专家说,在网络时代的今天网络营销会很快的替代传统的营销方式而成为市场的主旋律。因为人们可以看到了网络营销的优势, 在企业内部 ,部门和部门之间都相互联网有利于信息共享 ,也缩短了信息传递的时间。 从而大大提高了工作效率, 可以在公司电脑上面建立数据库,里边存有客户的基本资料和消费信息纪录 ,有利于实施一对一营销,从而更好的为客户服务。同时也能让客户感受到企业对他是相当的在乎, 更提高了客户的忠诚度 ,而对于网络销售同样很有诱惑力,它可以省略许多中间商,象批发商 、经销商、 甚至是零售商, 而直接面对客户。从而大大降低了成本,企业的产品更有竞争力取得更大的销售业绩,而更主要的是能以最快的速度得到客户的反馈信息,使企业的产品更适应市场的需求,而使企业总是走在市场的最前列。可有的专家却认为。网络营销是有一些优势,但他的缺点却不容忽视。网络化是可以更快的得到市场信息, 但网络销售提高销售业绩却不堪赞同。他们认为,网络化今天却只是最前沿的东西。大部分的人还没有接受这种方式。人们还不太习惯在网上购物,他们对这些虚拟的东西缺乏信任,他们还是比较相信现实中存在的东西。生活中,如果我买了东西质量有什么问题直接就可以找厂家, 或者找卖主 ,而且会很快的得到答复。可网上我不知道该找谁,怎么找,什么时候有答复?再说有的东西根本就不适合在网上销售,比如可口可乐公司生产的饮品, 我想喝的时候随便进哪个商店或者超市都能买到,这已经再方便不过了,还要怎么简化销售过程吗?谁都知道没有必要了。你要想得到顾客的信任,想尽可能的满足顾客,那么我想最有效的方法不是去降低成本,只要你在世界的每个角落都摆放上可乐,让人们不论在什么时间什么地点只要想喝就能够看到它那就是对顾客最大的满足,不要只顾着降低成本而却忘了更重要的市场占有率。网络化发展的的确快,可按照现在的电脑普及率要完全的向网络化转变还需要相当长的时间,更何况对我们中国的企业。网络营销确实潜力很大,可要完全开发却也不易,传统的营销方式还是会占主导地位,网络营销很快的取代传统的营销是不现实的。也许最好的营销方式不是网络营销,也不是传统营销,我觉得他们完全可以相互补充,各取所长,也许那才是最好最有前途的营销方式吧。

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市场营销策略 营销组合的四个因素常称作4P,即: 产品(Product) 价格 (Price) 推广 (Promotion) 通路与配销 (Place&Distribution) 这四个因素应用到营销过程中,就形成了四方面的营销策略。加上政治POLITICS和公共关系PUBLIC,是为6P。

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一、 商品销售 研究市场营销职能,经验的做法是从商品销售入手。美国市场营销协会定义委员会1960年曾发表过这样一个定义:“市场营销是引导商品或劳务从生产者流向消费者或其使用者的一种企业活动。”这个定义虽不承认市场营销就是销售,但是认为市场营销包含着销售,也包含着对商品销售过程的改进与完善。许多学者认为这个定义过于狭窄,不能充分展示市场营销的功能。然而,不论其是否恰当,这个定义清楚地揭示了市场营销与商品销售的关系。商品销售对于企业和社会来说,具有两种基本功能,一是将企业生产的商品推向消费领域;一是从消费者那里获得货币,以便对商品生产中的劳动消耗予以补偿。企业是为了提高人们的生活水平而采用先进生产组织方式进行社会化生产的产物。在资源短缺的现实经济中,它通过在一定程度上实现资源集中和生产专业化,能够利用规模经济规律来提高生产效率,创造和传播新的生活标准。商品销售是生产效率提高的最终完成环节,即通过这个环节把企业生产的产品转移到消费者手上,满足其生活需要。在另一方面,社会选择市场和商品交换方式,在企业转让产品给消费者的同时,通过让企业获得货币,是因为社会需要保持企业生产经营的连续,以便更多地获得提高生产效率的好处。通过商品销售,让商品变为货币,社会可以为企业补充和追加投入生产要素,而企业因此也获得了生存和发展的条件。 商品销售十分重要。企业需要尽最大努力来加强这一职能。其具体的活动包括:寻找和识别潜在顾客,接触与传递商品交换意向信息,谈判,签订合同,交货和收款,提供销售服务。然而,进行商品销售是有条件的。要顺利进行商品交换的有关条件包括:(1)至少有两个主体,他们分别拥有在自己看来是价值相对较低、但在对方看来具有更高价值的有价物(商品、服务的货币),并且愿意用自己所拥有之物来换取对方所拥有的有价物;(2)他们彼此了解对方所拥有的商品的质量和生产成本;(3)他们相互之间可以有效地进行意见沟通。例如洽谈买卖条件,达成合同;(4)交易发生后他们都能如意地消费和享受所得之物。但是常常发现,这些条件不是处处成立的,因此企业经常会面临销售困难的局面。为了有效地组织商品销售,将企业生产的商品更多地销售出去,营销部门就不能仅仅只做销售工作,还必须进行市场调查研究、组织整体营销、开发市场需求等活动,而且要等到后面这些工作取得一定效果以后,才进行商品销售。 First, merchandise sales Research marketing functions, experience from the practice of selling goods start. American Marketing Association definition of the Commission in 1960 had published such a definition: "Marketing is to guide producers of goods or services from consumers or users of the flow of a business activity." This definition does not recognize the marketing is marketing, But that marketing includes sales, also includes the sale of goods to improve and perfect the process. Many scholars believe that this definition is too narrow, can not fully demonstrate the functions of marketing. However, regardless of whether they are appropriate, this definition clearly reveals the marketing and merchandising relationship. Sales of goods for business and society, has two basic functions, the first enterprise to the production of consumer goods areas; First, from the consumer to obtain money, goods to the production of labor compensation to be consumed. Enterprises is to improve people's living standards and the use of advanced production organization conducted a product of social production. The reality of the shortage of resources in the economy, it adopted a certain extent, to achieve the concentration of resources and production specialization, to take advantage of economies of scale to improve productivity, create and disseminate new standard of living. Sales of goods is more efficient production of the final links, through this part of the production of products transferred to the hands of consumers to meet their needs. On the other hand, social choice markets and commodity exchange, the transfer of enterprise products to consumers at the same time, through which enterprises will be able currency, because society needs to maintain a continuous enterprise production and management, to improve access to the benefits of improved production efficiency . Through the sale of goods, commodities into money, social enterprises can add and additional input factors of production, and the corporate therefore also has been the survival and development conditions. Sales of goods is very important. Enterprises need to make the greatest efforts to strengthen this function. Their specific activities include: find and identify potential customers, contacts and exchange of goods intention to convey information, negotiations, contracts, delivery and collection, provide marketing services. However, sales of goods is conditional. To smooth the commodity exchange the conditions include: (1) at least two of the main, they were in their possession appears to be relatively low value, but on the other side seems to have a higher value of the price of (goods, services Currency), and is willing to use their own were owned by owned by the other party in exchange for the valuables, (2) by their mutual understanding of each other's product quality and production costs, (3) between them can be effectively conducted an opinion Communication. For example, negotiate terms, a contract, (4) After the transaction can be smug in their consumption and enjoyment of the proceeds. But often found that these conditions are not set up everywhere, and therefore enterprises often face the difficult sales situation. In order to effectively merchandise sales organizations, enterprises will be more production of goods sold, marketing departments can not be only on the sale, must also conduct market research, marketing organization as a whole, the development of market demand and other activities, but we have to wait until after these Achieved a certain effect, the only commodity sales.

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